The U.S. Senate approved Gina was Haspel as Director of the CIA

The U.S. Senate approved Gina was Haspel as Director of the CIA Us senators by a majority vote approved the nomination of Gina has Haspel for the post of Director of the Central intelligence Agency, news agencies, citing the results of the vote. MS Haspel will become the first woman at the head of the CIA. Still she held the position of Deputy Director when the office was headed by Mike Pompeo prior to its approval for the position of Secretary of state. On 16 may, the Senate Committee on intelligence approved the appointment of Mrs. was Haspel for the post of CIA Director. Despite the suspicions of her involvement in the torture of prisoners in Thai jail in 2002, it was voted not only the Republicans, but two Democrats. MS has Haspel remained only to pass a General vote in the Senate.

The Ghost of Gaddafi over Pyongyang

The Ghost of Gaddafi over Pyongyang The first ever meeting of the heads of the U.S. and North Korea Donald trump and Kim Jong-UN was under threat: Pyongyang strongly dissatisfied with the statement of the adviser to the head of the White house national security John Bolton. Adviser to the head of the White house national security John Bolton recently said that he wanted nuclear disarmament of the DPRK, “the Libyan scenario”, that is, unconditional surrender nuclear weapons without concessions from the other side. The foreign Ministry of the DPRK saw this as a threat “to compel our worthy the Republic to the bitter fate of Libya and Iraq.” It is not excluded that John Bolton deliberately working for the failure of the incipient negotiation process: his personal conflict with the DPRK lasts for more than 15 years, during which the parties have already repeatedly call each other “tyrannical dictatorship”

Medvedev suggested Putin to retain some Ministers of their posts

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS SOCHI, may 18. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has proposed to President Vladimir Putin that Sergei Lavrov retained his post as Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia. Medvedev also proposed to re-appoint Veronika Skvortsova Minister of health, to reassign Maxim Topilin Minister of labor and social protection, save for the Maxim Oreshkin presidency of the MAYOR, Alexander Novak – the post of energy Minister, Vladimir Medinsky – Minister of culture, Alexander Konovalov – the post of justice Minister, Denis Manturov – post of the Minister of industry and trade, Paul Koloboks – a post of the head of the sports Ministry, Anton Siluanov – post of the Finance Minister, Sergei Shoigu, defence Minister, Vladimir Kolokoltsev – head the interior Ministry. Putin announced that he would sign on Friday a decree on the appointment of members of the new government.

USA summed up the “Russian intervention” in elections

USA summed up the “Russian intervention” in elections A year later, the involvement of Moscow to elect Donald trump President remains unproven. 17 may marks a year since spectracolor USA Robert Mueller started an investigation about alleged Russian intervention in the US presidential election in 2016. On this occasion, Mr. Muller and other departments began to draw some preliminary conclusions. The Senate and House of representatives of the U.S. Congress have completed their investigation came to the conclusion that Russia should interfere in the electoral processes. However, lawmakers disagree on whether there was collusion between the President of the United States Donald trump and the Kremlin and could Moscow to influence the outcome of the vote. In this regard, spectracolor intends to continue to seek the truth, to prove the effect of “hand of Moscow” on the election of Mr. trump. Difficult year In 2013, Robert Mueller resigned as Director

The chamber has identified the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, illegal use of more than 544 billion

The chamber has identified the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, illegal use of more than 544 billion MOSCOW, may 17. /TASS/. Check of audit chamber has revealed in 2017 the illegal use of security agencies of the Russian Federation more than 544 billion. This is stated in the report on the work of the chamber over the past year. The document notes that the “national defence, national security and law enforcement” “in the implementation of external state audit (control) in 2017, revealed violations, including ineffective use of Federal and other resources totaling 544,5 billion rubles.” According to the results of the control measures in the Federal budget was returned funds in the amount of 712 million roubles, is informed in the report. In the section “national defence, national security and law enforcement” takes into account the budgetary costs of such law enforcement agencies and agencies of Russia as

Trump called data about spy FBI in his campaign headquarters with a big scandal than Watergate

Trump called data about spy FBI in his campaign headquarters with a big scandal than Watergate TASS, may 17. The President of the United States Donald trump believes that information about the informant, allegedly introduced by the FBI in his campaign headquarters, can lead to scandal, transcending the scale of Watergate, which led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. About this politician wrote on Thursday on his page in Twitter. The American leader said that the proposed introduction of an FBI informant at the headquarters of his election campaign occurred in the period when the US presidency was held by Democrat Barack Obama campaigned for the candidate of his party, Hillary Clinton, who was a rival of the Republican. “Wow, there’s talk that Obama’s FBI “spied on electoral headquarters of the trump with the assistance of an embedded agent,” wrote the President of the United States. Next, trump quoted

Deputy head of Mosoblispolkom Zemskova will temporarily perform the duties of the head

Temporarily fulfilling duties of the head of Mosoblispolkom Natalia Zemskova © Electoral Commission of the Moscow region MOSCOW, may 18. /TASS/. Deputy head of the Moscow regional election Commission Natalia Zemskova will temporarily perform the duties of the head until will be appointed the new Chairman. TASS on Friday reported the press service of the Moscow regional election Commission. “Until we appointed a new Chairman of the Commission, acting will be the Deputy head of the Moscow regional election Commission Natalia Zemskova,” – said the Agency interlocutor.

The meeting of Putin and Medvedev on the names of the members of the Cabinet will take place around 13:00

Acting press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI, may 18. /TASS/. The meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, devoted to the names of the members of the Cabinet, will be held in Sochi at around 13:00 GMT. This was reported to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “Today, the area in the afternoon is scheduled to meet Putin and Medvedev, he said. – Wait and see the proposals that brought Medvedev”. A Kremlin spokesman recalled that at the previous meeting on may 15, discussed the structure of government, Medvedev promised that on Friday will present to the President in Sochi on their nominations for the posts of Ministers and Vice-premiers.

In the United States said it was ready to confront the “Gauges” in the Mediterranean

In the United States said it was ready to confront the “Gauges” in the Mediterranean WASHINGTON, may 17 — RIA Novosti. US Navy ready to defend from Russian ships with cruise missiles “Caliber” in the Mediterranean, but do not seek conflict, said Thursday RIA Novosti, the commander of the U.S. Navy in Europe and Africa and head of the joint command of allied forces in Naples, Admiral James Foggo. Earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that the ships with cruise missiles “Caliber” will bear a constant combat watch in the Mediterranean in connection with the threat of terrorist attacks in Syria. “Our naval forces are ready and prepared to defend. However, we do not seek conflict with other forces operating in the region,” said Admiral Foggo, answering the question whether the stationing of Russian warships on a permanent basis in the Mediterranean sea to the American Navy, and