In Kiev called the three “the return of Donbass”

In Kiev called the three “the return of Donbass” The Deputy Minister of Ukraine on the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons Yury Grymchak in an interview with “Obozrevatel” has presented its plan to “return occupied territories”. “There are several options,” he said. “The first is to quickly achieve peace, you can give up. Quickly disband the army — and there will be peace and quiet, but not for long,” — said Mr. Hrymchak. “There is the military way, which seems unlikely for many reasons. And the path proposed by the President, introduction of peacekeepers and international administration, then the transfer of the territories under the control of Ukraine — the best option,” added the Deputy Minister. “If anyone sees any other options, I would love to see, but do not see”, — he said. Earlier in the East of Ukraine officially ended an anti-terrorist operation of the armed

Bulk party will be called “future of Russia”

Bulk party will be called “future of Russia” Moscow. May 19. INTERFAX.RU — the Party of opposition leader Alexei Navalny called “the future of Russia”, the decision was taken at the founding Congress, which takes place in Moscow on Saturday. The bulk of the Congress was not present, as the Tver court of Moscow on 15 may appointed him to 30 days of administrative arrest for repeated violations of the established procedure of organization of public events after the unauthorized rally on may 5 in the capital center. Chairman of the party Congress to elect did not. Speaking about the objectives of the party, the lawyer of FBK Love Sable stated the need to achieve “real change, real reform”, which will result in the courts and investigation, which will objectively lead to cases of private property, and the fight against corruption, “the budget money is gone into offshore accounts and

Source: rockets “Satan” want to resume without the Ukrainian side

Source: rockets “Satan” want to resume without the Ukrainian side MOSCOW, may 20 — RIA Novosti. Russia may return to the use of Intercontinental ballistic missiles “Satan” for space launch vehicles, reviving the project “Dnepr” without the Ukrainian side, told RIA Novosti source in the space industry. 6фотографий6фотографий The defense Ministry will soon begin utilization of Intercontinental ballistic missiles “Governor” (NATO classification – “Satan”), on change which will come ICBMs “Sarmat”, said the Deputy Russian defense Minister Yuri Borisov. “Discusses the use of removed from combat duty missiles RS-20 To po conversion program starts,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, it is about modernization under space flight which is the version of the RS-20 and RS-20B, which was used earlier on the project “Dnepr”. When the project is not expected to attract the Ukrainian party which is responsible for the control system of missiles.

Tehran has threatened to resume the enrichment of uranium to 20%

Tehran has threatened to resume the enrichment of uranium to 20% Moscow. May 19. INTERFAX.RU — the Government of Iran could return to uranium enrichment to the 20% level in the case that the European mediators will not be able to maintain a Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) after the US withdrawal from the deal, said Saturday the head of the atomic energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi. “If the other party is committed to honour its obligations, we will also be committed to them. Our policy is to wait for a few weeks and see what happens next (after reaching Washington from the agreement — if). We have a selection of the many possibilities — we can resume enriching uranium to 20 percent,” said Salehi at a joint press conference with European Commissioner for climate and energy Miguel arias Cañete in Tehran. Earlier, Iranian foreign Minister Javad

CBS: the United States stopped aid programmes in North-West Syria

CBS: the United States stopped aid programmes in North-West Syria The United States has suspended aid programmes in the North-Western regions of Syria, including the provinces of Afrin and Idlib. It is reported by CBS, citing sources. According to TV channel, the fight against extremism, “stabilization of society” and support the independent media the United States annually allocated “tens of millions of dollars”. It is noted that the program was stopped within the framework of targets to reduce spending in Syria, which before agencies set by the President Donald trump. In this part of the funds will be sent to other Syrian provinces. Earlier, the United States froze funding for the humanitarian organization “Syrian civil defense” (CDF), more commonly known as “White helmets”. However, the organization was not officially informed about the suspension. See also: More than half of Russians are afraid of a global conflict on the basis of

USA imposed new sanctions against Venezuela

USA imposed new sanctions against Venezuela The United States expanded sanctions against Venezuela. In the sanctions lists were four citizens of Venezuela and the three companies. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the USA. Restrictive measures were imposed against Jose David and Diosdado Cabello-Andonov, Marlene-Josephine Contreras-Hernandez, Rafael-Alfredo Sarria Diaz, and in respect of related companies N27−0746046, Noor Plantation Investment, SAI Advisors Inc. Previously, the U.S. added to the sanctions list of three people and 20 companies of Venezuela for his involvement in drug trafficking. Recall that after the death of President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela has worsened the economic crisis. On the verge of collapse, the economy became a major campaign theme for the elections of the President of Venezuela. Presbyacusis for a second term, Nicolas Maduro, in his speeches laid the blame on the participants of “the economic war unleashed by the United

Poroshenko told Ukraine intends to use the Crimean bridge

Poroshenko told Ukraine intends to use the Crimean bridge MOSCOW, may 19 — RIA Novosti. Petro Poroshenko at the event dedicated to the Crimean Tatar people, stated that the bridge across the Kerch Strait Ukraine intends to use for relations with the Kuban, adding that this will happen after Kiev will regain control over Crimea. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Poroshenko expressed confidence that “the aggressor”, which in Kiev Russia mean “will be responsible for the illegal construction of the Kerch bridge, and other crimes.” “The Russians this bridge will be useful as an evacuation route,” said the President. “And Ukraine after the restoration of its sovereignty in the Crimea uses it to relations with the Kuban, where, incidentally, there are also a large number of Ukrainians. And on the other Russia is not the aggressor,” — said Poroshenko. He also once again accused the Russian authorities of “persecution” of the Crimean Tatars on

Poroshenko announced a change in the status of Crimea

Poroshenko announced a change in the status of Crimea MOSCOW, may 19 — RIA Novosti. The working group of the Constitutional Commission of Ukraine will soon finalize amendments to the basic law of the country relating to the status of the Crimea, said the head of state Petro Poroshenko. “During the year the working group set up by the constitutional Commission drafted proposals for changes in section ten of the Constitution of Ukraine. They should fix the inalienable right of the Crimean Tatar people as an indigenous people of Ukraine to self-determination within an independent Ukrainian state. It is this the right group proposes to recognize the source of the special status of the Crimean autonomy as an integral part of a unified Ukraine”, — said the President. In the case of Crimea, a situation that poses a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the head of

Erdogan described the status of Jerusalem “red line” for Muslims

Erdogan described the status of Jerusalem “red line” for Muslims ANKARA, may 19 — RIA Novosti. The status of Jerusalem is a “red line” for the Islamic world, said President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the results of the extraordinary summit of the organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The protest began in Gaza on Monday amid the 70th anniversary of the founding of Israel and moving the U.S. Embassy from tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers were shooting to kill protesters. The clashes killed dozens of Palestinians. Earlier, Erdogan called Israel’s actions in Gaza genocide. He announced in Turkey three days of mourning for those killed in the Gaza strip and the decision to withdraw for consultations, Turkish ambassadors in the United States and Israel. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Turkey invited the Israeli Ambassador to leave the country. “Today we held a highly significant meeting, in

The EU notified the WTO of its intention to respond to US tariffs

The EU notified the WTO of its intention to respond to US tariffs The European Union has notified the world trade organization (WTO) on the intention to adopt reciprocal measures in response to the increase of import duties from the US. In the list of goods that may fall under the duties were, in particular, strawberries and peanut butter produced in the territory of the United States. Earlier, the President of the United States Donald trump signed a Memorandum allowing to raise tariffs on steel and aluminium from China, Japan, Russia, the EU, Turkey and several other countries by 25%. It can cost around $2.8 billion to European companies that are now supplying the American market for these metals is approximately $4 billion. Informed about its intention to retaliate against us duties stated China published a list of more than a hundred positions, which can be increased import duties. Also