Spring responded to the article about the “offensive” bouquet Merkel Putin

Spring responded to the article about the “offensive” bouquet Merkel Putin Moscow. May 21. INTERFAX.RU — Interpretation is beautifully presented as a sign of respect for the bouquet as insults — is evidence of loss of aesthetics and beauty of human relations, said the Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Spring, commenting on the publication of the German newspaper Bild about the colors, presented by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin arrived in Sochi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “Giving a woman flowers is a wonderful tradition and a woman’s prerogative, which cannot be anything else, even if a woman politician or a statesman… So you can agree to that treatment, “Ms.” or “Mrs.” is an insult — wrote Spring “Vkontakte”. On Friday, may 18, Vladimir Putin, who met Merkel in the residence “Bocharov stream”, gave the German Chancellor a bouquet of flowers. The German newspaper Bild found the

Berlusconi called the Crimea the most beautiful part of Russia

Berlusconi called the Crimea the most beautiful part of Russia MOSCOW, may 21 — RIA Novosti. Former Prime Minister and leader of the party “Forward, Italy” Silvio Berlusconi, speaking to his supporters, he remembered his trip to the Crimea. Video speech posted on YouTube. “I drove the car to the Crimea with Vladimir Putin on the coastal road of the Black sea. On the left, I saw an amazingly beautiful parks with lovely plants,” said Berlusconi. He admitted that he was amazed by the beauty of the parks and asked about their history. The Russian President answered that they appeared seventy years ago under Joseph Stalin. “This makes the region, and specifically this part of the Crimea, the most beautiful part of the territory of Russia”, — said the former Prime Minister of Italy. Berlusconi did not elaborate on what kind of trip it is. Italian politician has called for

In the Syrian HOMS found warehouses of insurgents with weapons of NATO countries

In the Syrian HOMS found warehouses of insurgents with weapons of NATO countries In the liberated from the militants areas of the Syrian province of HOMS, found weapons caches and underground plant for the manufacture of explosive devices. This was reported in the Russian Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties. “We are in the village of WEA-Paran province of HOMS on control and observation point of the terrorist group “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (banned in Russia. — iz.ru). You can see here a large number of gas masks, weapons of foreign manufacture, in particular anti-tank Tow-2, — said the representative of the Centre Colonel Andrey Nekipelov, noting the high oborudovanoe premises. It is noted that the found weapons is marked, indicating that the ammunition produced in the countries — members of NATO. In the underground tunnel, there are medical systems, and camera-prisons for the detention of civilians as hostages. The clearance

In Britain called for tougher sanctions against persons associated with the Kremlin

In Britain called for tougher sanctions against persons associated with the Kremlin MOSCOW, may 21 — RIA Novosti. The international Committee of the house of Commons of the British Parliament released a report on “Russian corruption in the UK”, in which he urged the UK government to include in the sanctions list more individuals associated with the Russian authorities, and to toughen themselves limitations. In the report called “Moscow gold: Russian corruption in the UK”, published on 21 may, the Committee notes that “using London as a base for corrupt assets of individuals associated with the Kremlin, clearly refers to the large-scale Russian strategy and has implications for national security” of the UK. In this regard, the report says, the struggle with the placement of assets of persons associated with authorities in Russia and tougher sanctions must be a priority of the British authorities. “We urge the government to impose

Nicolas Maduro wins presidential elections in Venezuela

Nicolas Maduro wins presidential elections in Venezuela Acting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is leading in the presidential election. The figures were released by the National electoral Council after the counting for 92.5% of the ballots. For Mr Maduro voted more than 5.8 million (67.7 per cent). Behind him, from 1.8 million (21.1 per cent) of the votes goes ENRI Falcon from the party of the “Progressive vanguard”. The turnout was 46.1 per cent. Previously, Mr. Falcon stated that he did not recognize the election results. “This process is not legitimate. We categorically refuse to recognize this electoral process, and I take responsibility for those words,” he said.

“You can’t win, join them”: Clinton wore a hat with earflaps

“You can’t win, join them”: Clinton wore a hat with earflaps MOSCOW, may 21 — RIA Novosti. Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a speech before the students of Yale University took out and tried on a fur hat, reports The Hill. “Russian hat. If you can’t beat them, join them, — commented on the gesture Clinton. It is noted that she gave a speech at the graduation event at the University, which is traditionally taken to wear unusual hats. In his speech, Clinton admitted that he still analyzes his defeat in the presidential race of 2016. “I see, looking out at you, that you are following the tradition of over the top hats,” says Hillary Clinton at Yale University’s Class Day. “So I brought a hat, too: A Russian hat” #tictocnews https://t.co/HIl2thcly7 pic.twitter.com/ezhiQE4C1U — TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) may 20, 2018 “I still regret the mistakes I made. However,

The government did not support the introduction of the limit for registration in the apartments

The government did not support the introduction of the limit for registration in the apartments The Cabinet of Ministers did not support the ban on the registration of the flats without compliance with accounting norms of living space per person. This is stated in the opinion (“News”), signed by Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko. It is noted that the registration of the apartment reflects only the fact of being a citizen of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and should not become the basis for the change of use of premises. The bill, introduced by a group of state Duma deputies, mainly concerns changes of the possibility of obtaining rights of use of living space, and a paper on the Desk is just one of his points. The bill says that the right of occupancy in the apartment must give a share, which complies with the accounting norm

The United States described the consequences of failure of the DPRK from the summit of Washington

The United States described the consequences of failure of the DPRK from the summit of Washington Possible failure of Pyongyang from the summit, the US-DPRK will mean the end of diplomacy. This is the opinion of Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. “They’re making a mistake. If they do not appear [at the summit], it would mean the end of diplomacy. If they appear and try to trick [US President] Donald trump, then the only solution will be rassasyvanie military conflict. And in this case they lose, not us,” said Graham in the TV channel Fox News. However, he noted that the President of the United States Donald trump is not going to “play with North Korea”, but unlike the former head of the USA Barack Obama will not tolerate a nuclear policy of North Korea. “We’re not trying to topple the [North Korean leader] Kim Jong-UN. We are not trying to

Zakharov has called the situation surrounding the arrest of Wyszynski part of the propaganda of the West against Russia

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, may 20. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova believes that the situation with searches of the apartments of journalists of the Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine” in Kiev and the arrest of its editor-in-chief Kirill Vyshinsky is part of the information and propaganda of the West against Russia. This opinion was expressed on air of the program “Sunday night with Vladimir Solovyov” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

Poroshenko told what his “mission”

Poroshenko told what his “mission” MOSCOW, may 20 — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko told about his “mission” in ceremony of memory of victims of political repression. As noted by the head of state, Ukraine has consistently pursued a policy of “restoration and preservation of the national memory” and “respect for the ideals of humanism and democracy.” Poroshenko said he will continue working in this direction “as much as give strength Lord God, how much time it will take the Ukrainian people.” According to the President, Ukraine “coming” from the sphere of Russian influence. Previously Poroshenko has said it is combating “cultural imperialism” of Moscow and the intention to cleanse the country from “dangerous vestiges of the Soviet-Russian ideology”. As an example, the Ukrainian “fight” he called changes in the national calendar, a renaming of geographic features and the demolition of monuments to Lenin.