Aksenov: Ukraine benefit from destabilization of situation in Crimea

Chapter Republic Of Crimea Sergey Aksenov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS SIMFEROPOL, may 21. /TASS/. Destabilization of the situation in the Republic of Crimea is beneficial only to Ukraine, and she makes these attempts since the reunification of the Peninsula with Russia, said the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov on Monday, commenting on the suppression on the Peninsula activities of groups of extremists, created the assistant to the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. Earlier it was reported that the FSB stopped the activities of extremist groups in the Crimea, created by Erol Valiyev – the assistant to the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Mustafa Jemilev at the direction of the wanted leader of the banned in Russia, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov with the support of the SBU. “There is no need to have the skills of Sherlock Holmes to know where the legs grow

The Kremlin has responded to the British report on “dirty money” from Russia

The Kremlin has responded to the British report on “dirty money” from Russia British report on illicit financial flows from Russia is a manifestation of the “unprecedented Russophobic mania” and unfriendly competition, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “We are witnessing unprecedented Russophobic mania in the UK, which manifests itself in many ways, including such”, — said the representative of the Kremlin, commenting on the report of the international Committee of the house of Commons of the British Parliament calling for new sanctions against Russian business. In the last decades of Russian big business grew, developed and implemented the “peaceful business expansion abroad”, said Peskov. “However, in recent years, we began to record the unfriendly competition, unjust and illegal. Of course, such acts harm the interests of our companies”, — he stressed. Prepared by British parliamentarians of the document — “not that other, as another step towards

Skvortsova has predicted extension of the period of childhood up to 30 years

Skvortsova has predicted extension of the period of childhood up to 30 years MOSCOW, may 21 — RIA Novosti. The period of childhood in the future will be the age of 30 and not before 21 years, said the Minister of health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova. According to her, this figure gradually increased: at the beginning of the great Patriotic war, he was 14 years old, 60 years — 16 years, now around the world is 21. “It is clear that time goes in one direction. To active longevity took place, you need to take care of people, starting from the moment of birth,” — said the Minister. She stressed that the main direction of development is the lengthening of the period of childhood and active adulthood. As the Minister said, now all countries regardless of their level of development, there are concepts of healthy life and life expectancy. “That

Bloomberg: China may cancel restrictions on the number of children in the family

Bloomberg: China may cancel restrictions on the number of children in the family Thus, the PRC authorities want to deal with the problem of rapid aging of the population and to put an end to international criticism, the Agency said. TASS, may 21. China plans to lift all restrictions on the number of children per family. On Monday Bloomberg reported, citing sources. According to the Agency, the decision can be made before the end of this year. Thus, says Bloomberg, the Chinese authorities want to deal with the problem of rapid aging of the population and to put an end to international criticism. The policy of restricting the birth rate of “one family — one child” was introduced in China in 1979, when the state faced the threat of a population explosion. In October 2015 at the fifth Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist party of China the

Britain wants to abandon the “Russian gold”

Britain wants to abandon the “Russian gold” British MPs in a new report require tougher policies against Moscow. The UK needs to close the loopholes in their own legislation to thwart Moscow to use the country’s financial system to launder the proceeds of corruption, says the international relations Committee of the British Parliament. He released a report “Moscow gold: Russian corruption in the UK”, which outlined his view on the future strategy of confrontation with Russia. The main instruments of this struggle should be the adoption of additional anti-corruption laws and the disclosure of registers of beneficiaries of companies registered in the British offshore jurisdictions. Report of parliamentarians (.pdf) calls on the UK government “to impose sanctions on a greater number of Kremlin-connected individuals and those who are responsible for gross violations of human rights… to close opportunities for Russia to issue sovereign debt with the help of which is

Peskov: Russia to give flowers is a sign of good taste

Peskov: Russia to give flowers is a sign of good taste SOCHI, may 21. /TASS/. The actions of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, who presented a bouquet of flowers to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, were motivated by the traditional Russian attitude to this gift, as sign of good taste. This was stated to journalists the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. Earlier, the head of Protocol of the first President of Russia Vladimir Shevchenko told TASS that the bouquet of flowers given to Putin, Angela Merkel fully consistent with the traditions of Protocol of the Russian President. Merkel has visited Russia with official visit on may 18. Putin met her on the porch of the residence “Bocharov stream” and handed her bouquet of cream roses, freesia and other flowers in pastel colours. The Chancellor in response greeted the Russian leader accepted the bouquet and a few times looked at

“No sanctions are not eternal”

“No sanctions are not eternal” On the eve of visit to Russia the President of Bulgaria rumen Radev answered the questions of Kommersant. Today begins a two-day visit to Russia of the President of Bulgaria rumen Radeva. On Monday he will meet in Moscow with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Tuesday in Sochi with his counterpart Vladimir Putin. On the eve of the visit, the President Radev in writing, answered questions of the correspondent of “Kommersant” Galina Dudina and Yuri Barsukov, assuring that sanctions are not the reason for freezing of relations, but just in case warned Moscow against interfering in Bulgarian domestic politics. — What are you expecting from your visit to Russia? — This is the first meeting of the presidents of Bulgaria and Russia for ten years. The long absence of dialogue at the highest level is not in the interests of our peoples, United by centuries-old

HRC appealed to the Commissioner for human rights in connection with the arrest of Kirill Vyshinsky

Kirill Vyshinsky © AP Photo/Victor Platov MOSCOW, may 21. /TASS/. The presidential Council of the Russian Federation on development of civil society and human rights (HRC) has appealed to the Council of Europe Commissioner for human rights, Dunya Mijatovic in connection with the detention of the security Service of Ukraine chief editor of the Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky. “The Council expresses its extreme concern about the situation related to the arrest of K. Wyszynski, pressure on his colleagues. Please, dear Ms. Mijatovic, to take the situation under personal control. It is necessary, in our opinion, to put before the Ukrainian authorities the issue of immediate release of K. Wyszynski, objective investigation into the incident and bringing to justice those who have violated the rights of the journalist and his colleagues,” – said in the appeal signed by the head of the HRC.

VTSIOM told about the attitude of Russians to the Deputy Prime Ministers

VTSIOM told about the attitude of Russians to the Deputy Prime Ministers MOSCOW, may 21 — RIA Novosti. Deputy Prime Minister in charge docblock, Tatyana Golikova and the Deputy Prime Minister responsible for construction, Vitaly Mutko became the leader and antilinear in popularity among Russians from the newly appointed Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Prime Ministers, told the General Director of the Russian center for public opinion studies (VTSIOM) Valery Fedorov, referring to the conducted research. The composition of the new Russian Cabinet of Ministers became known on Friday Medvedev announced the proposals at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, later the head of state signed the relevant decrees. Deputy Prime Minister, who will oversee docblock appointed the former head of the audit chamber Tatyana Golikova. Mutko, a former Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers on issues of sports, was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, in