Merkel told Poroshenko meeting with Putin in Sochi

Merkel told Poroshenko meeting with Putin in Sochi BERLIN, may 21 — RIA Novosti. German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko about his meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Sochi on may 18. A telephone conversation took place on Monday, according to the Cabinet of Germany. “The Chancellor informed President of Ukraine about her conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which she held in Sochi on may 18” — reads the press service of the Cabinet. “The Central topics of a telephone conversation began efforts to implement the Minsk agreements and gas transit through Ukraine. Both parties agreed to remain in close contact on these issues and to continue cooperation”, — stated in the message. Putin on Friday held talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Sochi. According to the Russian President, the conversation with Merkel was substantial and timely.

Kudrin said the unknown details of his work in the Yeltsin administration

Kudrin said the unknown details of his work in the Yeltsin administration The candidate for the Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin said that his contacts among officials and the business will not prevent him to perform the duties of the head of the control Department. At the meeting of the rules Committee of the state Duma, Kudrin spoke about his work in the control and management of the head of state when the President was Boris Yeltsin. “Of course, movies. You have to be quite strict in the implementation of its requirements”, — Kudrin said (quoted by TASS). “When I came in 1996 from St. Petersburg and became the chief of the control Directorate of the President, the transparency — that was not very accepted in our country. Was untouchable on the checks, — said Kudrin. — Then we opened the opportunity, conducted inspections of the Ministry of

The center for conciliation: the Syrian army completes the liberation of the district of Yarmouk in Damascus

© EPA-EFE/YOUSSEF BADAWI DAMASCUS, may 22. /TASS/. The Syrian government army completes the liberation of the region, Mukhayam al-Yarmouk in Damascus from militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia). This was reported to journalists on Tuesday at the Russian Centre for reconciliation the warring parties in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Patrushev said that the U.S. is increasing pressure on new power centres in the world

The Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS BEIJING, may 22. /TASS/. The United States and its allies intensify military and political pressure on the new centers of power in the world, which has seen an unprecedented growth of conflict potential in international relations. This was stated on Tuesday by the Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev at a meeting of security Council secretaries of the Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO).

Trump encouraged China to maintain a strong approach on the issue of the border with North Korea

Trump encouraged China to maintain a strong approach on the issue of the border with North Korea MOSCOW, may 21 — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump urged the Chinese authorities to maintain a firm approach on the question of the security of the border with North Korea prior to the conclusion of the agreement on the nuclear issue. “China should continue to maintain a strong approach on the issue of the border with North Korea prior to the conclusion of the transaction. They say that in recent years the border has become more porous and more and more penetrates her. Want that to happen and that North Korea has become very successful, but only after the signing (of the deal)!” — wrote the American leader in his Twitter account. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, intend to meet on June 12 in Singapore. They

The Syrian army regained control over the whole territory of Damascus

The Syrian army regained control over the whole territory of Damascus Moscow. May 21. INTERFAX.RU — Syrian government troops on Monday for the first time since 2011 established control over the whole territory of the capital of the country, reports Arab portal “al-Masdar”. According to him, this became possible, after remaining in the South of the city, the militants grouping “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), in accordance with the agreement with Damascus, have been evacuated from the city. While the Syrian authorities, for their part, argue that such an agreement was not. The military took up positions in the neighbourhoods of Hajar al-Aswad, Al-Tadmor, as well as in the Palestinian refugee camp “Yarmuk”. The offensive aimed at the liberation of this part of Damascus, began about a month ago — after the liberation of Eastern ghouta.

Pompeo has threatened Iran with unprecedented sanctions

Pompeo has threatened Iran with unprecedented sanctions Moscow. May 21. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo said Monday that the US administration will impose against Iran the most serious sanctions than ever before. “We will provide unprecedented financial pressure on the Iranian regime. The leaders in Tehran don’t doubt their seriousness,” said Pompeo, speaking at the Heritage Foundation. Pompeo also said that Washington will provide the conditions under which Tehran could have a nuclear weapon. We will also ensure that Iran did not have a path to nuclear weapons, not only now but never.Mike Papulonecrotic USA “Iran will never be unlimited powers to once again dominate the middle East,” said U.S. Secretary of state. However, Pompeo said that the United States is prepared to lift all sanctions, to reestablish trade and diplomatic relations with Iran and to open the access to advanced technology in exchange for Tehran’s compliance

In the “United Russia” can introduce a system of performance evaluation of deputies

In the “United Russia” can introduce a system of performance evaluation of deputies At the conference of “United Russia” “the Direction of 2026” discussed the implementation of the evaluation system of the activities of the members of the party. Member of the Supreme Council, political scientist Dmitry Orlov has formulated seven principles, of which, in his opinion, it is necessary to proceed with the renovation of the party. As one of these principles he called each member of the party “to assess any MP or party leader”. “When this project is necessary to ensure that the voices of each member of the party, the position of the Deputy, all the deputies and standardization of assessments” — leads TASS words of Mr. Orlov. Also during the conference it was proposed to introduce a system of electronic party ticket. “For members of the party proposed to introduce a system of electronic party

The BBC reported on the new format of “straight line” Putin

The BBC reported on the new format of “straight line” Putin “Direct line” with President Vladimir Putin this year will change its format, reported the BBC Russian service. According to the Agency, another television Putin will be held without spectators in the Studio. According to the source, the BBC, the rejection of live audiences is in the interests of viewers and focus it on their issues. He also drew attention to the increased secrecy of the preparation of this ether and did not rule out other surprises from the organizers. Venue direct lines will remain the same — Seating yard. According to the BBC, “direct line” with Putin this year will be held on June 7, however, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov today has not confirmed this date. “We will make timely communication in a “straight line” when it comes time,” he told reporters. During the “straight

The Cabinet plans to annually increase life expectancy by six months

The Cabinet plans to annually increase life expectancy by six months MOSCOW, may 21 — RIA Novosti. Labor Minister of Russia Maxim Topilin said that for the execution of “may” presidential decree on the increase in the average life expectancy in Russia up to 80 years by 2030 this figure is expected to increase annually by six months. “We need to move on average for six months from the current lifetime. Counting both men and women, little more than six months a year,” — said Topilin at the all-Russian conference of the party “United Russia” “the Direction of 2026”. The Minister reminded about the record figures for life expectancy growth in recent times. “Of course, achievable (the goal). We have the last 10-12 years that we studied demographics we have such pace was. It is clear that it is real. It is clear that more and more difficult, but given