The resignation Roizman found confirmation of the effectiveness of Institute of city-the Manager

The resignation Roizman found confirmation of the effectiveness of Institute of city-the Manager The situation with the resignation of the mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman confirmed the effectiveness of the Institute of the so-called city Manager, stated Director of information policy Department of Sverdlovsk region Alexander Ivanov. His words Tuesday, 22 may, radio station “Moscow Says”. “The city administration continues to work fully and to take the necessary for the life of the capital of the Urals decisions,” he said. Ivanov stressed that the procedure for the resignation of mayor will be held in accordance with the Charter of the city. “Legally, the head of Yekaterinburg your post did not leave. Now you can only talk about statements. The Charter of Ekaterinburg, the legal regulations quite fully describe the procedure. Let’s wait for the decision of the Duma, which she accepts on the basis of official statements,” he added. Earlier

In the state Duma a draft law on “criminal misconduct”

In the state Duma a draft law on “criminal misconduct” Moscow. May 22. INTERFAX.RU the Supreme court of the Russian Federation submitted to the state Duma a bill on the introduction in the criminal code of the Russian Federation the concept of “criminal offence”, said Tuesday the head of the Supreme court Vyacheslav Lebedev. “This initiative will reduce the number of offenses for which provided imprisonment. Annually this measure can be applied in relation to 40 thousand persons”, — said Lebedev, speaking at a Council of judges. He recalled that in April 2018, the state Duma adopted in the first reading the Federal law, the General thrust of which relates to the protection of the rights of the persons participating in business. “Over the past 10 years, the Supreme court of the Russian Federation, in addition to the realization of the right of legislative initiative, adopted 12 resolutions of Plenum

Volodin about the proposal to give the names of the laws: the people should know their heroes

Volodin about the proposal to give the names of the laws: the people should know their heroes MOSCOW, may 22 — RIA Novosti. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has asked the state Duma Committee for the control and regulation to study the proposal of the LDPR faction to give the laws names. In the plenary session on Tuesday, the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has declared that “the law is necessary to give names” because “it makes it more interesting legislative activity”. “We really need to consider the proposal of Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Zhirinovsky) LDPR faction, given that there are legislative initiatives do more, and a lot of work deputies that they are resonant, if you find a solution to these issues, they are new for us, but interesting, right. People should know their heroes. If, moreover, it is with the consent of the author,” — said Volodin during

The state Duma adopted the law on counter

The state Duma adopted the law on counter MOSCOW, may 22 — RIA Novosti. The state Duma adopted the law “On measures of exposure to (counter) the unfriendly actions of the United States and other foreign countries.” It will come into force from the day of its official publication. The document, initiated by a group of deputies led by speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, allows for the possibility of imposing counter-sanctions in response to the unfriendly in relation to Russia’s actions the US and other countries that supported anti-Russian sanctions. The government by the President is entitled to impose various measures, but they should not be applied to essential goods, if their analogues are not produced in Russia and other countries, as well as in respect of imported goods by citizens for personal use. Appropriate decisions can also be taken by the President based on the proposals of the security Council of

“United Russia” has declared basic values

“United Russia” has declared basic values The party summed up the discussions about his upgrades. Monday “United Russia” at the joint meeting of the Supreme and General councils of the party (USGS) adopted the draft resolution, which expressed their core values. Discussing the ideology of “United Russia”, many experts agree that it remains the party of Putin’s majority. According to political analyst Evgeny Minchenko, “the ideological vagueness of the wording makes it easy to explain the zigzags of the political course”. The draft resolution, which on Monday was adopted at a meeting wsgs, was the result of discussions in the regions on the upgrade and rebranding of the party. Also, the members discussed how to ensure accelerated socio-economic development, which the President said in a message on March 1 and new the may decrees. The project was quite large — 13 sheets. In this ideology, dedicated only one tenth of

Mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman resigned

Mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman resigned Yevgeny Roizman, who since September 2013 has served as mayor of Yekaterinburg, has resigned. He linked this decision with the abolition of direct elections of Yekaterinburg mayor. “The amendments to the Charter of Ekaterinburg in connection with the abolition of the direct election of the mayor is a direct deception of the citizens and the betrayal of the interests of the city. I will not participate in it. Resigned”, — the politician wrote in his Twitter. First, about the decision of Mr. Roizman learned the deputies of the city Duma of Ekaterinburg during the consideration of amendments to abolish the direct election of the mayor. “I resign, — said the politician.— To take part in it do not want. The decision was made final, I told you everything, what will happen next I don’t know.” Yevgeny Roizman gained fame as the head of Fund

Moskalkova was going to personally visit serving sentences in the United States of Russians

Moskalkova was going to personally visit serving sentences in the United States of Russians MOSCOW, may 22 — RIA Novosti. The Commissioner for human rights in Russia Tatyana Moskalkova said the possibility of a personal visit to the Russians who are in American prisons. “It is very important to raise the issue of prisoners of Russian citizens in the United States… Important a constructive dialogue with USA, but unfortunately, they have no Ombudsman. In addition, in terms of changing the format of our Consulate need to think about the possibility of a trip to the US and a personal visit of the Russians,” — said Moskalkova in interview to the newspaper “Izvestia”. She also said that earlier went about the Russians in Ukraine, who were not allowed to vote, and also regarding athletes who were banned from performing at the Olympics under the national flag. “At the same time I

Special carrier aircraft created for the missile complex “Dagger”

Special carrier aircraft created for the missile complex “Dagger” For aircraft missile complex “Dagger” was created a special modification of the fighter-interceptor MiG-31, told “Izvestia” in the defense Ministry. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий It is noted that in connection with the “retraining” of the interceptor in the shock the car took new avionics. In addition, since the plane was off radar, increased fuel capacity and redid the cockpit, where he established a system to control new weapons. At the same time was developed the method of combat application of the aircraft, which had to retrain pilots. The complex “Dagger” aircraft actually performs the role of “first steps”. It accelerates and gains altitude, and only then executes the start-up. “Dagger” is capable of hitting aircraft carriers and destroyers of the potential enemy. The combat part of the complex aeroballistic rocket series “Iskander”.

Ukrainian security officials decided to “tighten the noose” around Donetsk

Ukrainian security officials decided to “tighten the noose” around Donetsk The armed forces of Ukraine (APU) was given the task to “tighten the noose” around Donetsk — the capital of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic. On this edition of “Stranja” I reported a source in the ranks of the APU. The evening of 20 may, Ukrainian security forces attempted to attack the positions of DPR fighters in the outskirts of the settlement Gorlovka. In the press center of operations of the combined forces (OOS — replaced the anti-terrorist operation (ATO)) to Facebook appeared information that the Ukrainian military had three fighters DND captured, one was killed. In Donetsk, information about the capture of its soldiers confirmed, but stressed that in the battle killed several Ukrainian military. In the press center of OOS argue that losses among Ukrainian law enforcers no. Senior staff officer at HSE said that Gorlovka is considered

The head of municipal electoral Committee: the resignation Roizman will accelerate the abolition of direct elections of the mayor of Yekaterinburg

Chairman of the electoral Commission of Ekaterinburg Ilya Zakharov © Anton butsenko/TASS MOSCOW, may 22. /TASS/. The resignation of Yevgeny Roizman as mayor of Yekaterinburg and Chairman of Yekaterinburg city Duma will contribute to the rapid adoption of amendments to abolish the direct election of the mayor of the capital of the Sverdlovsk region. This was reported on Tuesday TASS the Chairman of the electoral Commission of Ekaterinburg Ilya Zakharov. Earlier, the mayor of Yekaterinburg, Chairman of the city Duma Yevgeny Roizman said that resigns, refusing to participate in the procedure of abolition of direct elections of the mayor. His statement he made at a meeting of the city Council, which considered the amendments to the Charter of Yekaterinburg on the abolition of direct elections. After the resignation Roizman, who is expected to be adopted by the city Duma on may 25, acting mayor and Chairman of the city Duma