In Georgia, called estimated date of entry into NATO

In Georgia, called estimated date of entry into NATO TBILISI, may 26 — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili said on Saturday that he hoped the country’s accession to NATO by 2021. Earlier expected date of Georgia’s joining the Alliance was not called. According to him, the Georgian side expresses hope that the international community, in particular the North Atlantic Alliance, “will find the strength to pursue the consolidation of this important decision.” The Prime Minister said that NATO membership represents the importance based on the need to strengthen the security of the country. “Georgia is working hard every day to become a member of European and Euro-Atlantic community”, he added. Earlier, Russia expressed concern about the deepening of cooperation of Georgia with NATO. As noted in the foreign Ministry, Moscow has the right to take adequate measures to strengthen security of the country. In the middle of

Japan decided to “put an end” in the peace Treaty with Russia

Japan decided to “put an end” in the peace Treaty with Russia Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expects to resolve the issue of concluding a peace Treaty with Russia during the life of the current generation. He said this after talks with Vladimir Putin, reports RIA Novosti. “The question of a peace Treaty is not signed for more than 70 years, is not easy to solve, but in our generation we want to put an end to this problem. This is the main objective of our plan,” said Abe. Putin proposed to patiently look for a solution that meets the interests of Russia and Japan. Earlier, the Russian leader said that the peace agreement may be concluded through the conduct of joint economic activities on the Islands of the South Kuril Islands and with the development of bilateral relations. The peace Treaty between Russia and Japan have not signed in for

The son of the Prime Minister of Armenia will leave to serve in the Karabakh army

The son of the Prime Minister of Armenia will leave to serve in the Karabakh army Moscow. May 26. INTERFAX.RU — the son of the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinian Ashot Pashinyan will go to serve in the army during the summer draft. Live on his page on Facebook Nikol Pashinyan said that in March his son was 18 years old, and he, in accordance with the law, is sent to the service. In turn, Ashot Pashinyan said that he wrote the statement and intends to serve in the defense Army of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Meanwhile, Nikol Pashinian, urged his countrymen, has left the country to avoid serving in the army, to return to the country within 20 days and to go service.

“Gazprom” has signed the documents to extend the “Turkish stream” to the EU

“Gazprom” has signed the documents to extend the “Turkish stream” to the EU Moscow. May 26. INTERFAX.RU — PJSC “Gazprom” and the government of the Turkish Republic signed the Protocol on the land section of the transit gas pipeline “Turkish stream” Russian gas supplies to European consumers. According to the report of information Department “Gazprom” in the development of the Protocol, Gazprom and Botas signed an agreement on the basic conditions and parameters of the construction of this site. “The signing of the documents allows to take practical steps for the implementation of the project. The construction of the onshore section will deal with the joint project company Gaz TurkAkim Tasima A. S., which will be established on a parity basis,” — said “Gazprom”. In addition, between OOO “Gazprom export” and Botas signed documents for extra-judicial settlement of arbitration of the current dispute over the terms of contracts for the

Russia has granted Turkey a discount on gas, said Erdogan

Russia has granted Turkey a discount on gas, said Erdogan MOSCOW, may 26 — RIA Novosti. Moscow and Ankara have reached an agreement on discounts for delivered in 2015 and 2016 gas, said the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to the head of state, represented the Russian side the discount was slightly more than ten percent. “The pay gap over these two years, namely a billion dollars, will be returned to Turkey,” Erdogan said, quoted by the Anadolu news Agency. In 2016, Gazprom abolished the discount for Turkish companies to provide gas via Blue stream and Western branch. The Russian side refused to satisfy the request for renewal discounts after which Ankara appealed to international arbitration. “Blue stream” gas pipeline between Russia and Turkey, laid under the Black sea. Its total length is more than a thousand kilometers, the pipeline was put into operation in 2002. In late

The Ukrainian authorities do not exclude growth of prices for gas for the population to 70%

The Ukrainian authorities do not exclude growth of prices for gas for the population to 70% The price of gas for Ukrainian citizens can grow more than doubled, said the Chairman of the Ukrainian National Commission of regulation of energy and utilities Dmitry Vovk. According to him, due to the revision of the tariff the price of gas will increase by 65-70%, the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. As said Mr. wolf, “if the question of tariff revision would be solved at once, when it was initiated by the international monetary Fund (IMF)”, prices would rise by no more than 15%. The increase of internal gas prices is one of the main demands in the negotiations between the IMF and Kiev. Prime Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Groisman promised that in the current heating season gas prices will not rise. However, he noted that the government has a formula according to which

Sands joked that wakes up in a cold sweat after dreams with Putin

Sands joked that wakes up in a cold sweat after dreams with Putin VLADIVOSTOK, may 26 — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov joked that wakes up in a cold sweat after dreaming with a strict Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The dream is always very scary,” Peskov said on the question, how often does he dream of Putin, in a humorous program “the international Pilorama” with Tigran keosayanom on NTV, recorded on the sidelines of the SPIEF. “He told me a dream, he is very strict. I know it delirium tremens: “Oh my God, I forgot to do something”. Because of this, you’re all wet Wake up: “Lord.” In these moments, sometimes,” — said the press Secretary of the head of state.

Putin said about the need for public monitoring of government

Putin said about the need for public monitoring of government MOSCOW, may 26 — RIA Novosti. The practice of public and civil control over the work of government must continue, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with members of the new Cabinet. “You should also set an example of constructive cooperation with civil society, with political parties, including with the Russian popular front as one of the most mass public organizations”, — said Putin. He noted that the activists of the popular front have gained extensive experience of monitoring the implementation of the may decrees of 2012. “I am confident that such a practice, the practice of civil society monitoring and control must continue,” — said Putin. “Government ministries should be set to maximum openness, ongoing dialogue with people to explain all their actions, in large degree the success of the government’s actions. Need to involve citizens in

Putin said the new government that it faces daunting task

Putin said the new government that it faces daunting task MOSCOW, may 26. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said the new Cabinet of Ministers that the government faces an extremely challenging task. He stated this at a meeting with Cabinet members. “You became part of the Russian government, which is facing not just a difficult and very responsible tasks, — said the head of state. Is the goal of a fundamentally new level, their achievement is dependent on the vitality of our country, the energy of its development, its future, without exaggeration”. The head of state demanded from the government to study the mechanisms and sources of financing the implementation of the may decree “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the country development till 2024”. “The government needs to quickly develop and approve the main directions of its activities and key projects in line with the may decree

The DNR said the increase in the number of vehicles of the security forces

The DNR said the increase in the number of vehicles of the security forces LUGANSK, may 26 — RIA Novosti. The concentration of arms and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed forces at the contact line increased 2.5 times after the start of a new military operation in the Donbas April 30, said at a briefing the official representative of the defense Ministry of the breakaway LNR Andrey Marochko. In the Donbass 30 April ended “anti-terrorist” operation in Ukraine, it was replaced by operation joint forces (OOS). Now the leadership of the military operation moved from security Service of Ukraine directly to the military. After the format change operation in Kiev did not rule out point “anti-terrorist operations”. “After the “OOS” concentration of technology increased approximately 2.5 times (at the contact line in the Donbass),” said Marochko. He said that the contact line of appliances is supplied on the orders