Canada decided to revoke the citizenship of one born in Toronto the son of Russian spies

Canada decided to revoke the citizenship of one born in Toronto the son of Russian spies Moscow. May 28. INTERFAX.RU — the government of Canada initiated a lawsuit that aims to revoke a canadian passport is the son of Russian spies Alex Vavilov, transfers on Monday Agency Associated Press. “The government of Canada stated that (Vavilov — ed) has no right to be a citizen (Canada — red), and filed an appeal to the Supreme court to revoke a passport previously issued to him by a lower court”, — is spoken in the message. In turn, Vavilov said that he knew nothing of the intelligence activities of their parents. In a recent interview with canadian TV channel CBC, he said: “I pose no threat. I am a canadian citizen and want to live here with his life.” According to the Associated Press, “those who support Vavilov, say the son should

The Austrian Chancellor called the US “increasingly unreliable”

The Austrian Chancellor called the US “increasingly unreliable” Sebastian Kurz offers to establish good relations with Russia. The United States is becoming an increasingly unreliable partner for the European Union. This was stated by the Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz in an interview with the Financial Times. According to him, for Europe the most important thing is to remain United. Commented politician and Britain’s decision on withdrawal from the EU. “The U.S. is becoming more and more unreliable for us. The most important thing is that Europe must stay United,” said Kurtz in an interview. The Chancellor believes that the European Union will not be able to resolve the crises in Ukraine and Syria without establishing ties with Russia and the United States. However, he advocated the establishment of contacts with Moscow, declaring that Austria “has good relations with Russia.” We will not be able alone to resolve the situation

The delegation of the DPRK headed to Singapore to discuss the preparations for negotiations

The delegation of the DPRK headed to Singapore to discuss the preparations for negotiations Moscow. May 28. INTERFAX.RU — the Delegation from the DPRK on Monday arrived in Beijing to go to Singapore, reported the Agency “Renhap” with reference to diplomatic sources. According to their information, headed by a senior North Korean official delegation sent to Singapore is likely to discuss issues related to the preparation of a possible meeting between US President Donald trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN. According to informed sources, members of the delegation from the DPRK will discuss with U.S. representatives the issues related to logistics and security summit. Earlier it was reported that on Saturday in the Beijing airport was also noted by a number of officials of the DPRK, returned home. However, accurate information about the purpose of the trip is not given. According to one version, the representatives of

Expert: resignation of heads of Yakutia and the Magadan region is connected with the necessity of alternation of generations

MOSCOW, may 28. /TASS/. Abandoned their posts, the head of Yakutia Egor Borisov and the Governor of Magadan oblast Vladimir Baked are experienced managers, and their retirement caused by the update query in power. This opinion was expressed on Monday by TASS, the Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for civil society development (Fargo) Konstantin Kostin.

The Polish President has described Russia as the main threat to NATO

The Polish President has described Russia as the main threat to NATO Andrzej Duda said that Moscow “undermines the elements of the international system.” WARSAW, may 28. /TASS/. Russia poses a major threat to NATO. This was stated on Monday, the President of Poland Andrzej Duda in the plenary spring session of the NATO parliamentary Assembly. “We must be mindful of the importance of the transatlantic link especially now, when our security is challenged different players, posing a threat to peace and security,” he said. “The most important of these is Russia, which undermine the elements of the international order,” says Duda. The head of the Polish state made for the strengthening of the transatlantic link as the main guarantor of security in Europe and called for the strengthening of defense capabilities of member countries and increase defence budgets. “A stable and secure Europe — best American investment,” he said.

Putin congratulated border guards with their professional holiday

Putin congratulated border guards with their professional holiday MOSCOW, may 28. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated servicemen, civilian personnel and veterans of the Border service of FSB of Russia on the Day of border guard. The text of the message posted on the Kremlin website. The border guard was established by decree of people’s Commissars of the RSFSR of may 28, 1918. According to the President, noting this historic date, “we proudly recall the glorious, indivisible, filled with courage traditions, going back centuries”. “Today, the Border service of FSB of Russia decides highly responsible, multi-task, demonstrates the high efficiency and clarity of action to ensure the border regime, protection of interests of Russia”, — the telegram says. The President noted that the government will continue comprehensive border management, providing border guards with the most modern weapons systems, communications and control. “Thank you for your honest and conscientious

Acting Prime Minister of Italy refused to head the government

Acting Prime Minister of Italy refused to head the government Professor of law, Giuseppe Conte, who is the President of Italy Sergio Mattarella was offered the post of Prime Minister, failed to form a government and refused to lead. On this may 27 to write a newspaper Corierre della Sera. Conte told reporters that he had done everything possible in order to form a “government of change”, but it did not work. So Conte has resigned, which has already been received by the President. The conflict in the government arose from the nomination of economy Minister in the new Cabinet. The coalition of the party “Northern League” and “five star Movement” won the elections the majority in Parliament, was proposed for the post eurosceptic Paolo Savona, but Mattarella it is not approved. According to the President, this appointment will scare away investors, cause alarm among Italians and in the stock

Kosachev said that he could not participate in the meeting of the UN General Assembly because of the sanctions

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, may 28. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev said that he could not participate in the UN General Assembly after its inclusion in the sanctions lists of the United States. “After I was included in the sanctions lists of the USA in early April, two weeks later, the U.S. state Department annulled the ruling and had my passport the annual visa to attend UN events in the U.S.,” said Kosachev at the Committee meeting on Monday.