Peskov called the situation surrounding the staging of the murder Babchenko “branchy cranberry”

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, June 1. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called the “branchy cranberry” the situation surrounding the staging of the murder of journalist Arkady Babchenko and accusations of Russia’s alleged involvement in this story. “I don’t know how the language of Shakespeare will compete with the great and mighty, but all this history, all these readings are no more than a branchy cranberry. Don’t know how it will translate, but Russian speakers will understand me”, – said Peskov told reporters.

Kim Jong-UN invited Putin to meet

Kim Jong-UN invited Putin to meet At the meeting the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN, Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, an agreement was reached on the summit. This is stated in the message of the state news Agency of North Korea KCNA, reports RIA Novosti. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “In the development of strategic and traditional Korean-Russian relations in accordance with interests of both parties and the requirement of a new era this year, which marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the sides agreed to intensify high-level contacts, exchanges and cooperation in various fields, in particular to meet the top leaders of DPRK and Russia”, — said in Pyongyang. 31 may it was reported that Lavrov invited Kim Jong UN to Russia. He thanked for the invitation and asked to convey his greetings to Vladimir Putin and the Russian people. North

Poroshenko ruled out the possibility of surrender in the Donbass

Poroshenko ruled out the possibility of surrender in the Donbass MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko promised to do everything to avoid surrender in the Donbass. He told the children on the line on the last call, reported on the website of the Ukrainian President’s administration. Poroshenko emphasized that “as President and commander in chief will do everything to Ukraine was peace,” adding that the world does not mean “surrender to the Russian enemy and the aggressor.” He also said that in addition to surrender, there is another extreme, which Poroshenko rules out military operation in the South-East of the country. “I reject the two extremes on the path to peace. Any other suggestions are acceptable. Extreme with the idea of adventurous military offensive that will claim the lives of millions of lives of Ukrainian heroes. Another idea — surrender. Peace on Russian terms,

The Malaysian Minister called unproven guilt of Russia in the crash of the “Boeing” over the Donbas

The Malaysian Minister called unproven guilt of Russia in the crash of the “Boeing” over the Donbas Moscow. May 31. INTERFAX.RU — there is No convincing evidence that “Boeing” of Malaysia Airlines in 2014 over the Donbass was hit by a Russian, said Minister of transport of Malaysia Anthony Locke (Anthony Loke) edition ChannelNews Asia. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий He was commenting on published in the Netherlands last week a report in which blame for the tragedy laid on Russia. Who is to blame… you can’t just point to Russia.Anthony Rockminster of transport of Malaysia Released 24 may report the Joint investigation group (CIG) (the group included experts from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, Netherlands and Ukraine) stated that the rocket of a class “earth-air”, shot down in 2014 of the liner Malaysia Airlines MH17, was in service with the 53rd antiaircraft missile brigade of the Russian Armed forces stationed in the district of Kursk.

Putin on June 7 in the online will be able to receive the report of the officials on the complaints of citizens

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 1. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will be able directly during a “Straight line” on June 7 to demand that officials report on the solution of the problems of which he complains citizens. This was reported to journalists the press-Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, when asked to comment on reports RBC that Putin will be going online to chat during the “Straight line” with the governors and members of the government.

Mutko will be in charge of Crimea

Mutko will be in charge of Crimea Crimea and Sevastopol will no longer be under the auspices of a separate Deputy Prime Minister and will be included in the General system for regional policy, curated by the new government is Deputy Prime Minister, Vitaly Mutko. “Overall, integration in the socio-economic system of the country of the Crimea and Sevastopol was completed, and they don’t need a separate curator for the Deputy Prime Minister. Judging by the distribution of powers Deputy Prime Ministers, the Crimea and Sevastopol will be included within the scope of the Deputy Prime Minister Vitaliy Mutko” — said “RIA Novosti” the press Secretary Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak Ilya juice. Mutko in the past the government was Deputy Prime Minister for sports, and before that a Minister of sport. Now Deputy Prime Minister Mutko is responsible for the construction, housing policy, urban environment, regional development, national policy

The decree added economic weight

The decree added economic weight Senators are not against the expansion of presidential powers in terms of sanctions. The Federation Council (FC) approved a law significantly expands the powers of the President of Russia. Vladimir Putin will be able to regulate the activities of economic entities in the conditions of Western sanctions. This provision appeared for the second reading in the state Duma, after the adjustment of the concept of the bill. The initiative was submitted by the White house “in connection with the adoption of the law “on the Commissioner for the rights of consumers of financial services”” in may 2014, but four years later, on Okhotny Ryad significantly changed the text of the bill at its second reading. The document was adopted by the state Duma on may 24 and discussed in SF on Wednesday. The approved law now allows the President “in exceptional cases” install “features of

The European Union will answer US tariff all available measures

The European Union will answer US tariff all available measures BRUSSELS, may 31 — RIA Novosti. The decision of the U.S. duties on steel and aluminum leaves the EU no choice but to begin to enter a response, said the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker. He noted that in recent months the European Commission is continuously working with US to resolve the problem of overcapacity in the steel sector. According to Juncker, the EU is not the source of these difficulties, but, on the contrary, equally suffer from them. “Now the United States leaves us no choice but to begin to resolve the dispute in the WTO and the imposition of additional duties on some imports from the States. We will defend the interests of the Union in full compliance with international trade law”, — said the head of the European Commission. The head of the European Parliament

The Danish Parliament has banned the wearing of face-covering clothing

The Danish Parliament has banned the wearing of face-covering clothing MOSCOW, may 31 — RAPSI. The Danish Parliament passed a law banning the wearing of face-covering clothing items, including niqabs, and burqa, in public places, said on Thursday The Guardian. The law was passed 75 votes to 30, with 74 abstentions. According to the Danish authorities, the new rules are not directed against persons professing any religion, and forbids the wearing of headscarves, turbans, etc. For violation of the provisions of the new law entering into force on August 1, a penalty in the amount of one thousand crowns (about 10 thousand). The first country of the European Union, which banned the wearing of Islamic dress that completely covers the face, was France, where this ban came into force on 11 April 2011. In 2014, this provision was recognized as legitimate by the Grand chamber of the European court of