The UN security Council adopted the US-proposed draft resolution on Israel

The UN security Council adopted the US-proposed draft resolution on Israel Moscow. June 1. INTERFAX.RU — the United States in response to the initiative of Kuwait proposed a draft resolution condemning attacks on Israel, but the document was not adopted, as it received the required number of votes. “The results of the voting is as follows: one vote for, three against and 11 abstained. The project is not accepted because it was not filed the required number of votes,” — said the President of the security Council in June, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia. “For” the draft document voted only the United States voted against Russia, Kuwait and Bolivia. Before voting on two projects, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley took the floor and urged Council members “to vote against the resolution of Kuwait (on the protection of the Palestinians — if) and recognize

The number of enquiries to Direct line with Putin amounted to nearly 690 thousand

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 2. /TASS/. About 690 thousand questions entered the address of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “Direct line” with the head of state, which will take place on 7 June. Such data as of 12:00 GMT on Saturday, said organizers of the program. Most of the questions come from the phone calls – 081 404 thousand. On the second place by popularity sms – 168 738 thousand. Via mms to the head of state asked 14 thousand 991 people through videotelephone app – 3 thousand 116, via video – 2 470.

Trump said he will meet with Kim Jong-UN on June 12 in Singapore

Trump said he will meet with Kim Jong-UN on June 12 in Singapore The US President announced this after a meeting with the delegation of the DPRK in the White house. The US President Donald trump said he will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN on June 12 in Singapore. It was announced after a meeting with a delegation from the DPRK in the White house. Speaking to reporters, trump said that they would “have to travel” and visit on June 12 in Singapore. “We’ll meet [Kim Jong UN] on June 12 in Singapore. [Meeting with the North Korean delegation] went really well, we met each other. [Secretary of state] Mike [Pompeo] spent two days with representatives of the delegation from the DPRK. We got to know them [the delegates of the DPRK] better,” posted a video of the US President’s speech on Twitter ABC News. On a question

Mei expressed deep disappointment with the US decision to impose tariffs on steel

Mei expressed deep disappointment with the US decision to impose tariffs on steel The UK Prime Minister also announced the joint readiness London and Brussels to fight for the protection of affected by industry sectors. LONDON, June 1. /TASS/. The Prime Minister, Theresa may, expressed deep disappointment at the unjustified decision of the US to impose duties on products from countries of the EU, stating the joint readiness London and Brussels to fight for the protection of affected by industry sectors. This is stated in a statement released Friday by the office of the head of the British government. “I am deeply disappointed at the unjustified decision of the US to impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminium from the EU — said Mei. — US, EU and UK are close allies and have always stood for the values of open and fair trade worldwide.” For the UK steel and

Belarus threatens to close border with Russia

Belarus threatens to close border with Russia President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has invited Russia to define the format of the border control between the countries, according to Sputnik Belarus. MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. “They (Russia. — Approx. ed.) do not know what they want and what they are doing on the Belarusian-Russian border. Even if defined, will define us not a problem to answer, we are ready at any time to adequately answer. If they want to close the border — please,” he said. The head of state stressed that Belarus is ready to retaliate. Lukashenka also said the border is a relic of the past. He urged Moscow to independently weigh the need for revision of the monitoring regime between the two States. Belarus is not on the border with Russia permanently stationed units of the border control bodies. At the beginning of last year, Minsk

Kim Jong UN is said to Trump the interest in the summit, the DPRK-U.S.

Kim Jong UN is said to Trump the interest in the summit, the DPRK-U.S. North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN told the US President Donald Trump expressing interest in a bilateral summit at the highest level. This is stated in the letter head of the DPRK, which he sent to the American leader. According to The Wall Street Journal, the message the White house needs to deliver to the Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the workers ‘ party of Korea, General Kim Yong Chol, who is visiting the United States. Officials familiar with the contents of the letter, told the publication that it is “any significant concessions or threats.” Before the letter will give the Trump, it will investigate the national security of the United States. While in the us administration with “cautious optimism” are the upcoming meeting between the two leaders. There do not exclude that “negotiations can

TASS: the US gave Russia the data about a Soviet pilot who disappeared in Afghanistan 30 years ago

TASS: the US gave Russia the data about a Soviet pilot who disappeared in Afghanistan 30 years ago Information about a Soviet pilot, went missing during the war in Afghanistan and found alive, was transferred to Russia from the USA, said the source TASS in the International charitable Fund of veterans “Combat brotherhood”. “All the data about the pilot was transferred to Russia by the American side with the representatives of the Embassy of Afghanistan in Russia in the framework of the Russian-American Commission on POWs and missing persons”, — he said. Deputy Chairman of the Russian part of the Russian-American Commission on prisoners of war, Alexander Kirilin said that Moscow had not received from Washington any information about the downed Soviet pilot. However, if additional data about the identity of the downed pilot, we are ready to turn to our colleagues from the USA asking for assistance in resolving

Putin has promised to pay constant attention to support large families

Putin has promised to pay constant attention to support large families MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the growth capacity of the state continued attention will be given to supporting a large family. “We really are doing something to support families with children in General, and large families in particular. But I know, you can be sure that we are doing is not enough. We will try our best to support you and your family, and such family as you. The growth potential of the state, the country, we will pay constant attention, I want to assure you of that. Once again, know that not enough has been done that we could do, will work on this. Want to return the good wishes that were in my address, I again wish you mental strength and physical health, and wish you every success in the

Poroshenko announced plans to build a bridge over the Danube

Poroshenko announced plans to build a bridge over the Danube MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko announced the intention to build a bridge over the Danube, informs Agency UNN. Earlier, the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov reminded Poroshenko that the Ukrainians more than twenty years of waiting for the completion of the bridge across the Dnieper river, the draft of which was approved by the Kyiv city Council in 1993. So Feldman has responded to criticism by Kiev, the opening of the Crimean bridge. In may, after construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait, the Ukrainian leader said that Kiev plans to use it to link Kuban ‘ after the “return” of the Peninsula. In the Crimea, called such statements “clowning”. See also: Poroshenko told Ukraine intends to use the Crimean bridge