Donald trump explained the introduction of fees

Donald trump explained the introduction of fees The US President Donald trump said the reason for the introduction of trading fees. “To US, ultimately, should be applied the principle of fairness in trade issues,” wrote the President on Twitter. “If we allow any country to sell their products, not by charging fees, but for us impose a 25 percent, 50 percent or even 100 percent, it’s unfair. Patience is impossible”, — said Mr. trump. “This is not free or fair trade, that’s a stupid trade!” he said. We will remind, on March 23, the U.S. President signed a decree on the introduction of trading fees in respect of the supply of steel and aluminum from other countries, including European. Subsequently, the EU was temporarily withdrawn from the scope of the duties, but a permanent de-list failed to agree. On 31 may, the U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced that from

Israel fired missiles at two bases of Palestinian militants

Israel fired missiles at two bases of Palestinian militants Air force Israel fired missiles at two bases of Palestinian militants in the towns of Rafah and Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza strip, informs “RIA Novosti” with reference to the source. One database belongs to the armed wing of Hamas brigade “Qassam”, and the second voenizirovannaya wing “Islamic Jihad” brigade “Shed al-Quds”. Recall, may 29, Israel announced the massive rocket attacks from Gaza, which is controlled by Palestinian group Hamas. In response, the Israeli army attacked 65 infrastructure of this group. The next day, Hamas took the initiative to declare a truce if Israel will do the same. In response, Israeli officials said that the truce will depend on further actions of Hamas.

Lukashenko said about the attempts to “privatize Victory” in Russia

Lukashenko said about the attempts to “privatize Victory” in Russia President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during the visit to the Brest fortress expressed dissatisfaction with the criticism of Minsk about the traditions of the celebration of Victory in the great Patriotic war. This was reported on the website of the President. MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. Lukashenko has criticized attempts to “privatize” the Victory, mentioning the speaker of Russia’s views on this matter. “As if there were in the war of others — Belarusians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Armenians, Tajiks, Turkmens… the Entire Soviet Union fought,” he said. The President added that the Brest fortress — a common Shrine for many people. “We share the Victory is to pour water on the hands of our rivals and adversaries. They are happy that we started the carve. And you know how the sharing went. So I negatively perceive such statements that someone

Cannon and McFaul argue on Twitter

Cannon and McFaul argue on Twitter Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov has responded to the post former U.S. Ambassador in Moscow Michael McFaul on Twitter. The American diplomat in his message said that the President of the United States Donald trump is not concerned about the situation of human rights in China, Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and other countries. “I’m not even sure he cares about American democracy. Why do people think he’s sincerely committed to democratic change in Iran?” asked McFaul. In turn, Pushkov said that actions of the former authorities in the US say that they are also little concern for democratic values. Do you think that Obama (Barack Obama former U.S. President. — Ed.) and Hillary Clinton (former Secretary of state) was concerned about democracy in Libya? I will say. The only thing they cared about is the murder of Gaddafi. Remember the phrase Hillary: “We came,

Six of the G7 countries expressed concern duties of States

Six of the G7 countries expressed concern duties of States MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Six countries following the meeting of Finance Ministers of the countries “big seven” (G7) in Canada expressed concern in connection with the duties on imports to the U.S. from Europe, Canada and other countries steel and aluminum. The summit of Finance Ministers of the countries of the “sevens” was held from 31 may to 2 June in the canadian city of Whistler. “We are concerned that these actions are adverse for our economy, they’re actually destructive. It systematically recorded the six countries that have expressed their point of view to the Secretary (the head of the U.S. Treasury Stephen) Mocino. I expect that these sentiments will be passed round of talks between the leaders, and they will hold such a discussion,” said canadian Finance Minister bill Morneau at a joint press conference on the

In Ukraine, the correspondent of RIA Novosti has tried to recruit SBU

In Ukraine, the correspondent of RIA Novosti has tried to recruit SBU The journalist was forced to sign a paper about the readiness to cooperate with the secret service. Who came to Ukraine for coverage of the trial of the case of editor-in-chief of Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky correspondent “RIA Novosti news Agency in Lithuania” Irina Vysokovich tried to recruit the security Service of Ukraine (SBU). It is reported by RIA Novosti. The Agency urged journalists and the international community to support Vysokovich. The journalist said that she was pressured and forced to sign a paper agreeing to talk about the magazine’s staff. According to Vysokovich, June 1, at the entrance to the courtroom one of those present began to accuse her of working on the First Baltic channel, the broadcasting of which is prohibited on the territory of Ukraine. Almost immediately to Vysokovich approached by young men

The Israeli military said about running from Gaza rockets

The Israeli military said about running from Gaza rockets The IDF said that from the Gaza strip into Israeli territory was launched two missiles. A message posted on Twitter by the Israeli army. “One rocket was intercepted by the system “Iron dome”, the second probably fell on the territory of the Gaza strip,” — said the military. Prior to that, located near the Gaza strip the Eshkol regional Council was activated sirens. Recall, may 29, Israel announced the massive rocket attacks from Gaza, which is controlled by Palestinian group Hamas. In response, the Israeli army attacked 65 infrastructure of this group. The next day, Hamas issued iniciativas to declare a truce if Israel will do the same. In response, Israeli officials said that the truce will depend on further actions of Hamas. See also: the UN security Council adopted the US-proposed draft resolution on Israel

The new Prime Minister of Spain, refused the oath on the Bible

The new Prime Minister of Spain, refused the oath on the Bible The leader of the Spanish socialist party Pedro Sanchez on Saturday was sworn in the Royal Zarzuela Palace and officially took office as Prime Minister of Spain. Sanchez, being an atheist, refused to swear on the Bible, so the oath was received by the king, Philip VI, the newspaper El Mundo. During the download an error has occurred. The previous Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy was retired June 1 after he received a vote of confidence from Parliament over a corruption scandal. For his dismissal voted by 180 MPs out of 350. The initiator of the vote became the party of Sanchez. In addition to Sanchez on Saturday in Spain has sworn in new Ministers of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Oath taking of the new head of the Catalan government Kim Torr. Speaking at the ceremony, he

Direct rule of Madrid in Catalonia discontinued

Direct rule of Madrid in Catalonia discontinued Barcelona hosted the inauguration of 13 new members of the Catalan government. It automatically cancels the direct rule of Madrid in Catalonia, introduced at the end of October 2017. New members of the government in turn took the oath of office, promising to perform their duties according to the law and to “be faithful to the Chairman of the government of Catalonia”. The oath was taken by the head of the Generalitat Kim Torr. He also invited the new Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez to start negotiations. “We need to sit down, take a risk and will negotiate how the government and the government” — leads TASS words of Mr. Torry. Madrid imposed in the autonomy of direct control from the capital in response to the attempt of Catalonia to secede from Spain. The then head of the Catalan government, Carles Pujdeme

Stoltenberg: NATO will not help Israel in case of Iranian attack

Stoltenberg: NATO will not help Israel in case of Iranian attack The Alliance will not help Israel if attacked by Iran. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. As told the NATO Secretary General in an interview with Der Spiegel, NATO cannot give Israel security guarantees, since Israel is not part of the Alliance, though is his partner. We will remind, on may 9, Israel and the Iranian military in Syria exchanged missile strikes. The Israeli side fired at the locations of forces of Iran in Syria. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov has urged Iran and Israel to achieve a diplomatic resolution of the conflict. He noted that the growing tensions between the two countries is causing Moscow’s concerns.