Trade wars: why the United States decided not to put up with China

Trade wars: why the United States decided not to put up with China Trump has violated the recent ceasefire and again threatens China trade war. That directs the actions of the White House, why the idea of truce was unsuccessful and how it could lead to a new great Depression? The actions of Donald trump subordinated to a quite specific logic, that he expressed even in the pre-election stage: “America first” (America First). He announced his purpose then the potential of the presidency to return to the United States the status of world industrial power. To do this, trump promised to return to the jobs that have been lost due to the transfer of production capacity by US corporations to countries of the Asia-Pacific region and, in particular, to China. But the lack of jobs and migration in the U.S. — history of long-term, and trump have a specific problem

Kiselev explained the appearance of a smile on the face of Kim Jong UN

Kiselev explained the appearance of a smile on the face of Kim Jong UN Leading the program “Vesti Nedeli” Dmitry Kiselev, said that no one had added the smile to the North Korean leader Kim Jong Ynu pictured with Minister for foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. He told radio station “Moscow speaking” on Monday, June 4. In the issue of June 3, on TV channel “Russia 1” showed a photograph of a smiling North Korean leader shook hands with Lavrov. However, in the original photo, published online earlier, Kim Jong UN stood with a completely serious face. Dmitry Kiselev explained how suddenly a smile appeared on the face of Kim Jong UN at a joint photo with Laurel: — Rain channel (@tvrain) 4 Jun 2018 According to Kiselyov, the editors did not use any tools to edit the image. The host of “Vesti Nedeli,” said that during

The CEC has estimated the cost of presidential elections

The CEC has estimated the cost of presidential elections Almost 3.5 billion roubles returned to the budget. 45фотографий45фотографий45фотографий The CEC approved the report on budget expenses on the presidential election. From that moment the electoral campaign is officially completed. In total, the budget for the presidential elections was laid 17,698 billion rubles, said the Chairman of the Central electoral Commission Nikolay Bulaev. They had spent 14,259 billion. The remaining funds, the CEC will return to the budget. Mostly (3,113 bn) of this money rezervirovaniya in case you will need a second round of voting. Another 325 million rubles of the election commissions were able to save. “We think that’s very decent money, which managed to save,” says Bulaev. According to him, some part of these funds can be directed to the development of electoral systems, as happened after the parliamentary elections (then the money saved went into the making of

Kim Jong-UN invited to the Eastern economic forum

Kim Jong-UN invited to the Eastern economic forum Moscow. June 4. INTERFAX.RU — North Korean Leader Kim Jong-UN invited to visit Russia in September this year, he faces East economic forum in Vladivostok, said the Vice-speaker of the state Duma Ivan Melnikov. “We know that he (Lavrov — Interfax) delivered a message from President Putin to Kim Jong Ynu, including the invitation to visit Kazakhstan with an official visit within the framework of the fourth Eastern economic forum in Vladivostok, which will be held in September this year”, — said Melnikov during a meeting with a delegation of the DPRK on Monday. Visit of Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov in the DPRK took place on may 31. During the visit the Russian foreign Minister met with the Chairman of the state Council of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN and North Korean foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho. According

Peskov said that Kim Jong-UN invited to Russia

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, June 4. /TASS/. DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN received an invitation to visit Russia, the site of the Eastern economic forum (WEF) in Vladivostok in September is proposed as one of the options, but the exact parameters of a possible visit yet. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. According to him, during the meeting with the DPRK leader, in Pyongyang on 31 may, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, “gave Kim Jong Ynu invitation to visit Russia and, in particular, as one of the possible reasons for such a visit, figured, really, the East economic forum”. “As far as it will be convenient and adequate for the North Korean side, show time and work through diplomatic channels. While some of the exact parameters of the [possible visit] is not” – said the representative of

Putin signed the law of contracti

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, June 4 /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the law “About measures of exposure to (counter) the unfriendly actions of the United States of America and other foreign countries.” The document adopted by the state Duma on may 22 and approved by Federation Council on 30 may, published on the official portal of legal information.

Sources named the possible meeting of Putin and Kim Jong UN

Sources named the possible meeting of Putin and Kim Jong UN MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Discusses the different date and place of the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, the variant of the talks in September in Vladivostok on the sidelines of the Eastern economic forum, RIA Novosti informed diplomatic sources. Last week, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited Pyongyang, where he met with the leader of North Korea. The Russian Minister invited Kim Jong UN to visit Russia. The Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA) previously reported that at this meeting an agreement was reached on holding talks at the highest level. One of the interlocutors of the Agency explained that the meeting “discussed various options are under consideration”. Another source said that the option of negotiations vefe “possible”. “Waiting for a response to a letter Putin (Kim Jong Ynu —