Ukrainian border guards have confessed helplessly on the sea of Azov

Ukrainian border guards have confessed helplessly on the sea of Azov Ukrainian border guards do not have enough equipment and resources to confront Russia on the Azov sea. The journalists said the press Secretary of the State border service of Ukraine Oleg Slobodyan. “Let’s not make a mystery of our boats that are designed more for patrol, also obsolete, and inferior in its power and capabilities the marine guard of the Border service of the Russian Federation”, — he told on air of TV channel “NTU”, reports “RIA Novosti”. Slobodyan added that the Russian military did not cease to “show strength”. According to him, in spite of this, Ukraine is ready to respond if Moscow decides to “aggressive and inappropriate actions”. On 4 June, the Ukrainian Navy announced the closure of three districts of the Azov sea until September to conduct military exercises. Deputy Minister of defense of Ukraine stock

Diplomats are no data on shot down in 1987, in Afghanistan the Soviet pilot

Diplomats are no data on shot down in 1987, in Afghanistan the Soviet pilot NEW DELHI, June 6 — RIA Novosti. The Russian Embassy in Pakistan has no data residing on the territory of the Russian veterans of the Afghan war, including shot down in 1987, the pilot, who, presumably, was recently found alive, said in a statement the Embassy of the Russian Federation. On Friday, the head of the Union of paratroopers of Russia, hero of the Soviet Union Colonel-General Valery Vostrotin told RIA Novosti that the Soviet military pilot, was shot down in Afghanistan in 1987 and who was still missing, alive. According to Deputy head of the veteran organization “Battle brotherhood” Vyacheslav Kalinin, the pilot wants to go home. Source RIA Novosti suggested that he may be in Pakistan where all the camps for Soviet prisoners of war. “The Embassy has no data about how many Russian

The American media talked about “deadly” Russian machine

The American media talked about “deadly” Russian machine Functional and ballistic characteristics of the Kalashnikov assault rifle make it a truly “deadly”. To such conclusion the American journalists. Edition of the National Interest compared the technical performance of AKM and AK-74, adopted into service in 1959 and 1974. Reporters learned that the Russian machines, the ballistic characteristics are not inferior to modern American rifles. The authors also note that a modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle (AKM) is much more speed of a bullet compared to the AK-47. In addition, a newer better machine saves energy of rotation. “At a distance of 100 meters, the average accuracy of the first shot, the average shooter AK-74 had vertical and horizontal dispersion is four inches. With AKM, this figure rises to six centimeters,” the publication adds.

NI spoke about the revival of the Russian “curse” of the US Navy

NI spoke about the revival of the Russian “curse” of the US Navy MOSCOW, June 6 — RIA Novosti. Modernization of the Russian supersonic missile-bomber Tu-22M3 means the return of the “curse” of the U.S. Navy, the article says The National Interest. The author notes that during the cold war, the Tu-22M3 ships of the U.S. Navy covered multi-purpose jet fighter Grumman F-14 Tomcat, armed with guided missiles AIM-54 Phoenix. “The Russian fleet of Tu-22M3 is a small part of that power which was once possessed by the Soviet Union. However, the current Tu-22M3 with upgraded weapons and sensors is the same threat, albeit on a smaller scale”, — stated in the material. The article emphasizes that the problem is compounded by the fact that the F-14 Tomcat was removed from service in the early nineties. “Thus, even a modest Russian attack potential may present a real danger to the

Macron compared the talks with trump to the contents of sausage

Macron compared the talks with trump to the contents of sausage The President of France Emmanuel macron, commenting on the talks with the US President Donald trump answered a free quote about the contents of sausages, which was attributed to the first Chancellor of the German Empire Otto von Bismarck. Earlier, CNN, citing a source said that a phone conversation of Him and trump was awful. During a press conference with the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of France asked about the material and asked to comment, reports Reuters. Macron said that people hardly would eat sausage if they knew what they are made remembering the phrase of Bismarck. However, his words touched not only trump but also conversations with other world leaders. “That’s why I like when people see the food is ready. I’m not sure that kitchen comments would increase orders to it, or improved

Putin: if I was not involved in politics, it could work as a lawyer

Putin: if I was not involved in politics, it could work as a lawyer BEIJING, June 6 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that if it was not involved in politics, it could work as a lawyer. “I worked in intelligence of the Soviet Union, the foreign intelligence service of the Soviet Union. I already have a profession. But I graduated from St Petersburg state University, faculty of law, therefore, in principle, could work the lawyer”, — Putin said in an interview with the Media companies of China, the text of which is published on its website. Putin gave the interview ahead of the trip to the summit of the SCO in China.

Putin: Russia even under the pressure of sanctions will not give up sovereign path of development

© Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS MOSCOW, June 6. /TASS/. Sanctions from the Western countries will force Russia to change its development path. This was stated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin published on the website of the China Media interview on the eve of his visit to China. “The presence of some restrictions and sanctions we are not surprised, we are not afraid and will never force us to abandon the independent and sovereign path of development,” he said in an interview.

Putin said XI Jinping sincere man

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of the people’s Republic of China XI Jinping © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 6. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin described the Chinese President as a sincere person with whom it is interesting not only to discuss the problems of the world, but we can do private parties and drink a glass of vodka. Impressions from years of communication with the Chinese leaders, the Russian President said in an interview to the Media of China, which he gave on the eve of his visit to China.

Putin told how drinking vodka with XI Jinping

Putin told how drinking vodka with XI Jinping BEIJING, June 6 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin told how he drank vodka with sausage in his birthday with Chinese President XI Jinping. “Probably, the President XI Jinping is the only leader of all the world leaders with whom I had to celebrate one of their birthdays. I have not developed anyone relationship, and working hours, so I celebrated my birthday with someone from their foreign colleagues. But with President XI Jinping we made it”, — Putin said in an interview with Media of China ahead of his visit to China, 8-10 June. The interview was published on the website of the Corporation. “I will not hide, drank a glass of vodka, just cut some sausage,” he added, speaking on the birthday celebration.

In the US, considered a fake and propaganda rocket launch, su-57 in Syria

In the US, considered a fake and propaganda rocket launch, su-57 in Syria Prospective Russian fifth generation fighter, the su-57 was not able to launch cruise missiles at Syria, says The Daily Beast. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий The American edition has asked military and expert comment appeared in the may 2018 video of the missile launch from su-57, which, according to the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu took place in February of 2018. The Central command of the Armed forces of the United States stated that he could not confirm this fact. The defense Ministry promptly on request by The Daily Beast did not respond. Military expert Tom Cooper told the publication that skeptical about the statement by Shoigu. “It would be too risky to test new cruise missile in Syria — said the expert. — What if the rocket gets lost? If she landed in Turkey? Or in Lebanon? Or