Ukraine gave Russia a list of prisoners to exchange

Ukraine gave Russia a list of prisoners to exchange KYIV, June 6 — RIA Novosti. Kiev gave Moscow a list of prisoners of the Russians, which the authorities are willing to exchange for the arrested Ukrainians, said the first Vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Iryna Gerashchenko on his page in Facebook. According to her, a letter sent to representatives of Russia in the Minsk group. The list included 23 people. Today the Russian foreign Ministry said that until not received such formal treatment. The Kremlin noted that such issues are handled by a special working group. The talk about the exchange About the readiness to exchange prisoners the Russians have previously said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. He stated that he was instructed to renew negotiations for the exchange of Oleg Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko, Stanislaus Cliche and Nicholas Karpuk. In the Kremlin, commenting on the initiative, recalled that sentenced

The state Duma put up against the football team of the Bundestag deputies-women

The state Duma put up against the football team of the Bundestag deputies-women The national team of the Russian Parliament included Svetlana Zhurova, Olga Timofeeva, Inga Yumasheva and Alain Arshinova. The state Duma will play football with colleagues from the German Bundestag. The match will take place on 8 June at 19:00 at Moscow stadium “Krasnaya Presnya”. As the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the Russian team will be the inclusion in its composition of women parliamentarians. In the Bundestag, he said, “to the question of equality not so good: no woman no team”. Volodin said that are now trained and ready to go out on the football field deputies Svetlana Zhurova (honored master of sports of Russia in speed skating), Inga Yumasheva, Alena Arshinova and Vice-speaker of the lower house of Olga Timofeyeva, said “Interfax”. “Under the leadership of our colleagues Alexander Zhukov and Valery Gazzaev, we

Putin will open the 16th “Straight line” with Russians

© Alexander Ryumin/TASS MOSCOW, 7 June. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday in a live broadcast will answer questions of Russians. For Putin, this will be the first “Straight line” in a new six-year term on the main state office and the 16th since 2001. Putin 11 times answered questions of inhabitants of the country as President and four as Prime Minister. Calling the President As previously reported the press service of the Kremlin, the transfer will begin on June 7 at 12:00 Moscow time on air of TV channels “the First” “Russia 1” “Russia 24”, “OTR”, radio stations “Mayak”, “Vesti FM” and “Radio of Russia”. Ask questions by calling, sending an sms or mms message or via the program website or dedicated mobile app. References to “Straight line” is also taken from user social networks “Vkontakte” and “Odnoklassniki”, where you can send a text question or request to

The speed and hype above common sense and journalistic ethics

The speed and hype above common sense and journalistic ethics It’s funny that in the pursuit of speed HYIP journalists working in the domestic policy really stopped to think about what they write. The speed and hype above common sense and journalistic ethics, as in the story “the death and resurrection Babchenko”. In recent days, social networks and number Telegram-channels, known for their extremely kind of “political” expertise, send mass stuffing about the notorious investigation of “Novaya Gazeta”, which claimed that the presidential elections in Russia alleged was full of irregularities, and turnout was significantly overstated. It should be noted that all material is “New” is based on very loose assumptions and a very strange sample of polling stations, the observation of which was then extrapolated to the whole country. And it’s not even that it is not clear the methodology and statistical model that would explain why you selected

During the direct line with Putin in the hall of the volunteers will work

During the direct line with Putin in the hall of the volunteers will work MOSCOW, June 6 — RIA Novosti. Volunteers will first be present in the room during the direct line with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said the TV channel “Russia 24” from Gostiny Dvor, where there is a training Studio for the event. “This year’s innovation is the sector for volunteers. For the first time volunteers were involved in all stages of preparation of the straight line. They will be tomorrow in the Studio program”, — said on the air. In the direct line operators call center will continue to accept calls. “In the Studio installed interactive screens that can simultaneously accommodate up to 45 video. The screens will display SMS, MMS, video calls. To call in live will be using the app “Moscow-Putin.of the Russian Federation” and the image of the caller also appears on these screens,”

Sentosa — the pirate island where you will meet trump and Kim Jong-UN

Sentosa — the pirate island where you will meet trump and Kim Jong-UN The first ever meeting between the current US President with the leader of the DPRK will be held in a luxury hotel on Singapore’s Sentosa island, confirmed by the White house. It is an island with a rich and sometimes dark history. The first ever meeting between the current US President with the leader of the DPRK will be held in a luxury hotel on Singapore’s Sentosa island, confirmed by the White house. The summit is scheduled for June 12, but many of the details of this diplomatic event of the century is not clear. Himself Donald trump said Tuesday that everything goes smoothly. “We are establishing many relationships, there is a lot of negotiations before you go” — said the President of the United States reporters. Press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders confirmed via

The Russian foreign Ministry has urged Poland to stop the practice of “war of monuments”

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, June 6. /TASS/. Russia is outraged by the demolition of the monument to red army soldiers and Polish soldiers in the city, Bows and calls on Warsaw to stop such shameful practice. This is stated in a statement on Wednesday the comments of the Russian foreign Ministry.

The CEC said that no one demanded records from sites which wrote “the New newspaper”

The CEC said that no one demanded records from sites which wrote “the New newspaper” The Deputy Chairman of the Central electoral Commission Nikolay Bulaev has also promised to help the observers, “if it will be the objective of charges against specific people.” MOSCOW, June 6. /TASS/. None of the observers, told “Novaya Gazeta” on violations in the presidential elections on 18 March in some regions, is not addressed in the CEC archive for videos from the polling stations. This was announced on Wednesday the Deputy Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Nikolay Bulaev. “Novaya Gazeta” published earlier material, which claims that in 50 polling stations in Tatarstan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, the election results were rigged. This conclusion the authors made on the basis of observers-volunteers, who were watching the security footage from the areas, believed people opustevshij the ballot boxes, and compared their number with

Netherlands found no reason to punish Ukraine for the deaths of MH17 in the Donbas

Netherlands found no reason to punish Ukraine for the deaths of MH17 in the Donbas The government of the Netherlands sees no reason for the responsibility for the fact that Ukraine has not closed its airspace. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Moscow. June 6. INTERFAX.RU — the Netherlands Government sees no grounds to hold Ukraine responsible for the crash in 2014, flight MH17 in the sky over the Donbas for non-private air space, what was officially informed the deputies of the lower house of Parliament (house of representatives) the Netherlands. “On the basis of the report of the Dutch Advisory Board on security issues, the results of a criminal investigation JIT, information from public sources and private studies, including legal, according to the government, currently there are no legal grounds to hold Ukraine accountable,” — said in a letter to the Dutch foreign Minister Stef Blok MPs of the lower house of Parliament (chamber