Putin: Russia out of G8

Putin: Russia out of G8 Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia never left the “big eight”, the correspondent of “Газеты.Ru”. The head of state said during a press conference at the summit of the Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO) in China’s Qingdao. “As for a return to the “seven” or “eight”, we of it did not come out. My colleagues at the time refused to come to Russia for known reasons. Please we will be happy to see you all here in Moscow”, — said Putin. He noted that, according to the IMF, on a purchasing power parity of the country, the SCO has surpassed the country’s “big seven”. Earlier, Putin said that Russia and China have confirmed the high level of relations.

Chinese residence: Russian brands captured market of China

Chinese residence: Russian brands captured market of China RIA Novosti, Alexander Forest. Income growth of the population of China increases the purchasing power of citizens and opens new market niches. This is used by Russian food producers, establishing a supply of sweets, dairy products, honey, beer and other goods. How to change the range of shopping China — in the material RIA Novosti. Bottoms up The Chinese market is very attractive: it is nearly half a billion people who need something to eat, to drink, to get dressed. Moreover, the level of poverty in the country — less than two percent and is steadily declining. The increased purchasing power has allowed the population to expand the usual range due to imported food, which until recently for most was an unaffordable luxury. However, now the terms “premium” and “imported” in China are perceived as synonyms. Shipping the most basic of goods

The plane with Kim Jong-UN in flight changed course and flight number

The plane with Kim Jong-UN in flight changed course and flight number The plane of airline Air China, on Board of which is presumed to be North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, during the flight changed course and the flight number. About it reports South Korean Agency “renkhap”. The Boeing-747 flew out of Pyongyang on the route CA122 in Beijing, but when approaching the capital of China changed the flight number on CA61 to Singapore. It is not known whether the leader of North Korea on Board, but it is likely that Kim Jong-UN so went to the summit with the US President Donald trump. Earlier, on 10 June, the President of the United States after a brief return to the summit of the group of seven in Canada again got on a plane and went to Singapore. The summit of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN and U.S. President Donald trump

Trump has decided not to endorse the final communiqué of the G7 summit

Trump has decided not to endorse the final communiqué of the G7 summit He explained his step by the statements of the Prime Minister of Canada. Moscow. June 10. INTERFAX. EN — President of the United States Donald trump on Sunday said that given the latest statements by Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, decided to abandon the approval of the text of the final communiqué of the G7 summit. “Given untrue statements of Justin at his press conference and the fact that Canada had set huge duties on products of our farmers, workers and companies, I told the representatives of the United States not to sign the communique, while we consider the possibility of duties on cars, which have flooded the American market”, — he wrote on Twitter. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau during our meetings at the G7 summit was as meek as a lamb, but then at a

The G7 countries are ready to strengthen sanctions against Russia

The G7 countries are ready to strengthen sanctions against Russia The leaders of the group of seven issued a communiqué following the summit, which mentions and Russia. As reports Reuters with reference to the text documents included in the G7 Nations are ready “to take further restrictive measures to Russia felt a greater impact”. Moscow’s actions are “undermining democracy”. In addition, the G7 statement indicated the intention of the “group of seven” to establish a mechanism for coordinated response to the actions of hostile States. The G7 countries are going to “take concrete actions to protect our democratic systems against foreign threats.” British Prime Minister Theresa may said she welcomed the “understanding “of the seven” the need to maintain sanctions against Russia in light of the fact that Russia has not complied fully with obligations under the Minsk agreements in Ukraine”. We agreed to be ready if necessary to adopt

Macron called the condition for the return of Russia in the “Big eight”

Macron called the condition for the return of Russia in the “Big eight” QC, 10 Jun — RIA Novosti. To return Russia to the “big eight” it is necessary to observe the Minsk agreements on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine, said the President of France Emmanuel macron at the end of the G7 summit in Quebec. According to the French President, he would like the next summit in Biarritz in the summer of 2019 was held with the participation of Russia in the G8 format, but it needs the implementation of the “Minsk-2”. Macron also said he wants to work with Vladimir Putin. According to him, it is possible to correct the mistakes of history, to achieve results in the economy, the sphere of security. In turn, Prime Minister Theresa may said that the return of Russia in the “big eight,” she needs to change their behavior. “Russia has

“No tolls, no barriers — that’s how it should be”

“No tolls, no barriers — that’s how it should be” Donald trump is extremely sharply reacted to the plans of the EU, Canada and Mexico to apply protective measures in response to the imposition of U.S. duties on imports of aluminum and steel. The American President firmly called for the abolition of all barriers in trade relations of the United States, making it clear that, ideally, would like to create a free trade zone in the framework of relations with the leading countries of the world. On Saturday held talks at the summit of the G7 (UK, Germany, Italy, Canada, USA, France and Japan) between the President of the United States Donald trump and the leaders of the member countries of “seven”. One of their key themes was the conflict that arose after the introduction from 1 June, the U.S. duties on imports from EU countries, Canada and Mexico steel

The G7 countries agreed to counter the “hostile States”

The G7 countries agreed to counter the “hostile States” Moscow. June 9. INTERFAX.RU the G7 Leaders at the summit in Canada have agreed to establish a new joint mechanism to respond to malicious acts “hostile States”, said Saturday in a press release the UK government. “The Prime Minister Theresa may (UK — IFS) said that the new agreement makes it clear: the malicious actions of Russia or other States will not remain without response,” the report said. “I welcome today’s agreement between the leaders of the G7 on exchange of information, coordination of actions and to develop strategies to protect our democracy… to confront this growing threat” — presented in the statement of the word may. According to these data, the agreement implies a new mechanism for rapid response of G7 countries to various international threats such as cyber attacks, such as virus NotPetya, or incidents such as the poisoning