Donald trump and Kim Jong UN ended the talks in expanded format

Donald trump and Kim Jong UN ended the talks in expanded format SINGAPORE, June 12. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong UN completed a meeting in an expanded format. It was held in the Capella hotel on Sentosa island in Singapore, the correspondent of TASS from the media center. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The meeting lasted about one and a half hours. Now the two leaders together with a wide range of representatives of both parties will participate in a working lunch. On the American side it will be attended by U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo, chief of staff of the White house staff, John Kelly, assistant head of the Washington administration’s national security John Bolton, press Secretary of the President Sarah Sanders, the American Ambassador to the Philippines, a former special envoy for DPRK Seong Kim and senior Director national security Council

Kim Jong UN congratulated Putin and the Russians on national holiday

Kim Jong UN congratulated Putin and the Russians on national holiday TOKYO, June 12 — RIA Novosti. The leader of the DPRK addressed the President of Russia Vladimir Putin’s message of congratulations on the occasion of the Day of Russia, is spoken in the message of the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA). “The message contains heartfelt congratulations to the President and the friendly people of Russia on the occasion of the national holiday. It says that the Russian people have achieved success in creating a powerful Russia under the leadership of (President Vladimir Putin — ed.), bravely meeting all challenges and difficulties,” — said the KCNA. The letter also expressed “confidence that the strategic and diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Russia will be strengthened, and require the new time and the interests of the two peoples.” “The message contains wishes of the Russian people well-being and prosperity, and

In the U.S. Senate said about living in Russia the “Soviet evil”

In the U.S. Senate said about living in Russia the “Soviet evil” The return of Russia in the G8 would be a mistake, as the country continues to live the “Soviet evil.” This statement was made by us Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. So the MP responded to the proposal of the President of the United States Donald trump to negotiate with Russia in the format of “big eight”. It would be a mistake. The Soviet Union may have collapsed, but the evil he embodies, is alive and well in Putin’s Russia. He (the President of Russia. — Ed.) not a friend of the United States. It destroys democracy everywhere and trying to do it in our backyard.Lindsay Grammaticheskiy Republican Senator The Senator said the need for dialogue with Moscow. June 8, trump said that Russia should return to the negotiating table of the “big eight”, noting that the G7 format

Tokyo hopes that the summit, the US and the DPRK will be a step towards peace and stability in the region

Tokyo hopes that the summit, the US and the DPRK will be a step towards peace and stability in the region TOKYO, June 12. /TASS/ — As stated by the Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga, Japan believes that the meeting will contribute to progress in addressing the nuclear and missile issues and the issue of abducted Japanese citizens. The government of Japan hopes that the meeting of U.S. President Donald trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN will be a big step towards peace and stability in northeast Asia. This was stated on Tuesday on a press-conferences in Tokyo the Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga. “We hope that this meeting will contribute to progress in addressing the nuclear and missile problems, as well as the most important for Japan of the issue of abducted Japanese citizens. In addition, we

Ministry of foreign Affairs of the DPRK. Online

Ministry of foreign Affairs of the DPRK. Online Singapore will host the first ever meeting of the leaders of the United States and the DPRK. Donald trump and Kim Jong UN are to discuss prospects of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. During the download an error has occurred. In hotel Capella Singapore, located on Sentosa island, will hold talks with US President Donald trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN. This is the first meeting at the highest level in the history of U.S.-North Korea relations. It will last 45 minutes followed by a ninety-minute talks in expanded format. As expected, the policy will discuss the prospects for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of new relations between the DPRK and the United States.

The historic summit, the US and the DPRK will be held in Singapore

The historic summit, the US and the DPRK will be held in Singapore SINGAPORE, June 12. /TASS/ — As noted by the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong, on the preparation and conduct of the meeting was spent about $15 million. The historic summit between U.S. President Donald trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN will be held on Tuesday in Singapore. For the first time the two leaders sit down at the negotiating table, which ultimately can be an important step toward reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula and its denuclearization. But they can fail in a few minutes after the start. Trump has said on several occasions that he is already on the first minute of the negotiations it will become clear if they’ll lead to the desired result and that he will interrupt the meeting if they decide that Kim Jong-UN is not configured to negotiate seriously.

Mei: for the return of Russia in the G8 is necessary that it has changed its stance on Crimea

Mei: for the return of Russia in the G8 is necessary that it has changed its stance on Crimea LONDON, June 11. /TASS/ — the British Prime Minister confirmed that the President of the United States Donald trump raised at the summit the question about the return of enterprises to the G8 format. Confirming that the President of the United States Donald trump raised at the summit the question about the return of enterprises to the G8 format, may said, “There’s a good reason why the Group of eight turned into “seven” — it was the result of the illegal annexation of the Crimea by Russia. And the answer that I gave both privately and publicly on the question of whether Russia can return for a round table, is that any talk of that can not be conducted until Russia will not change its position”. After the coup in Kiev

Lavrov commented on the results of the meeting of foreign Ministers “channel four”

Lavrov commented on the results of the meeting of foreign Ministers “channel four” BERLIN, June 12 — RIA Novosti. The participants of the Ministerial meeting of the “Normandy format” discussed political reform and economic issues, told reporters the head of Russian foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov after talks in Berlin. At the same time Russia, according to Lavrov, there are questions to how Kiev treats the implementation of the Minsk agreements. The themes of the meeting Lavrov said that the meeting “once again looked at the whole situation in the security sphere and in the sphere of political reform in the economic sphere, the humanitarian problems”. “And our hosts, our German colleagues will announce the understanding that they have emerged as a result of our negotiations,” — said the Minister. According to him, the sides also discussed the release of prisoners. The ombudsmen of Russia and Ukraine will be a road

In Berlin ended meeting of foreign Ministers “channel four”

In Berlin ended meeting of foreign Ministers “channel four” BERLIN, June 12 — RIA Novosti. The meeting of foreign Ministers “channel four” (Germany, Russia, Ukraine, France) in Berlin concluded in the near future are expected to statements by Ministers, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. The negotiations lasted over 4.5 hours. As reported by RIA Novosti source in the negotiations, “the discussion was difficult.” After the official part, the Ministers discussed a number of issues in the format of working dinner.