US sanctions against Russia

US sanctions against Russia File. Dec 14, 2012 year President Barack Obama signed a law that imposed sanctions against a number of employees of power departments of the Russian Federation, involved, according to Washington, to the death in 2009 of auditor Sergei Magnitsky. Now in the “Magnitsky list” are 49 Russians, who are denied entry into the United States, accounts in U.S. banks are subject to freezing. The last time the list was expanded to 20 December 2017 — the U.S. Treasury has made it five Russians, including the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. March 17, 2014, after the referendum in Crimea, the United States first imposed personal sanctions against 11 Russian officials. They were denied entry to the US, us assets and property frozen. The list was repeatedly extended, most recently on 6 April 2018, when it included seven businessmen and top managers, 17 officials, 12 private companies and

The US and Russia are studying the possibility of meeting trump and Putin

The US and Russia are studying the possibility of meeting trump and Putin The White house said that the parties consider Austria as one of the venues of the negotiations. WASHINGTON, June 14. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. Washington and Moscow are discussing the possibility of organizing a meeting of US presidents and Russia’s Donald trump, and Vladimir Putin, among the probable venues for the summit is considered Austria. About this said on Wednesday, TASS senior Director Europe and Russia at the national security Council (NSC) at the White house Richard hooker. “Both sides are studying the possibility of a meeting. I don’t think that’s already taken, any decisions or details are worked out, but both sides are looking to try to do it,” he said, answering the question of whether the American side is preparing for a possible meeting between the two leaders. The question examines whether the us administration

Ryabkov: Russia considers it premature to begin the process of global nuclear disarmament

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. Moscow considers it premature to begin the process of global nuclear disarmament, to approach this question it is necessary to take a sober and realistic. This was stated on Thursday by Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov at the conference “50 years since the opening for signature of the Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons: progress, challenges and prospects”. “We believe that such initiatives are at least premature, – the diplomat said. – We urge to approach the problem of nuclear disarmament is sober and realistic. The movement towards nuclear disarmament should be balanced and phased”. He noted that it was “too serious, very complex and vitally important process to allow here to bring emotions”. “The cessation of production of nuclear weapons, the destruction of all existing stockpiles, and the elimination of

In the Parliament spoke about the attempts of Ukraine to deceive the IMF

In the Parliament spoke about the attempts of Ukraine to deceive the IMF The law on the anti-corruption court, which shall enter into force for Ukraine on Thursday, June 14, is the attempt of Kiev to deceive the international monetary Fund (IMF). This opinion was expressed by Verkhovna Rada deputies from the party “people’s front” and “Samopomich”. According to the representative of the “popular front” Yegor Sobolev, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has falsified one of the articles of the new law. Thus, the document specifies that the review of current National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), initiated in General courts, to be completed, and not before the appellate chamber of the anti-corruption court. “Parliament did not vote for this”, — said the Deputy. According to him, the document is signed by the Chairman of the Board legal Committee by Poroshenko. “Already discussed this issue with the Director of

Erdogan invited Russia joint production of s-500

Erdogan invited Russia joint production of s-500 MOSCOW, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a proposal on joint production of the Russian s-500. The head of state said in an interview with TV 24, reports the Anadolu news Agency. “Russia has provided us with credit for the C-400 on very reasonable terms. On the second and third stages we will start joint production. I have also offered Russia a joint production of s-500” — said the Turkish leader. In addition, erdoğan responded to the criticism by the US and NATO agreements between Moscow and Ankara about the delivery of s-400. “Why are they silent about the s-300, which does Greece have? Such a policy in relation to Turkey it is impossible to understand. Our defense industry has its own needs and we will strive to satisfy them,” — said Erdogan. Earlier, the Turkish leader said

The government will consider on Thursday the bill on pensions

The government will consider on Thursday the bill on pensions The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation submitted for consideration of the bill about changing the appointment and payment of pensions to plan your meeting, which will be held on Thursday, June 14. This is the website of the government. After the Cabinet meeting the draft law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of assignment and payment of pensions,” may be submitted to the State Duma. In the lower house of the Russian Parliament are awaiting the project of the Russian government about raising the retirement age. The speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin urged to wait for the introduction of a bill on retirement age and only then to engage in an extensive discussion of the proposal of the Russian Cabinet of Ministers. Now women retire at 55 and men

The acting head of the Novosibirsk region won the primaries “United Russia” for elections of the Governor

Acting Governor of the Novosibirsk region Andrey Travnikov © Peter Kovalev/TASS NOVOSIBIRSK, June 14. /TASS/. The regional party conference “an United Russia” on Thursday chose acting head of the Novosibirsk region Andrei Travnikova the candidate of the party for participation in elections of the Governor. Voted 159 out of the 184 participants of the conference, told TASS in the press service of the regional office. “For Travnikova voted 159 out of the 184 participants of the conference” – said the press service.

Trump explained the necessity of the return of Russia to the G7

Trump explained the necessity of the return of Russia to the G7 The “big seven” it is necessary to return to the previous format with the participation of Russia, as a quarter of the time at the last summit in Canada, the G7 countries spent on discussion of the Russian Federation. This was stated by the President of the United States Donald trump. In an interview with Fox News, the American leader noted that it would be more productive to conduct the debate in the presence of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. “You know, we spent approximately 25% of our time talking about Russia. And I thought, wouldn’t it be better if they were here. I’m not for Russia. I am for US. Here is an example. If Vladimir Putin was sitting with me at the table along with all the other at dinner in Canada if he was

A straight line with Putin looked on the Internet for more than 12 million people

A straight line with Putin looked on the Internet for more than 12 million people Last June 7, a straight line with Russian President Vladimir Putin was seen by more than 12 million viewers in the Internet. Almost 3.5 million people watched the live broadcast in the official group “Vkontakte”, and another 9.2 million in community social network “Odnoklassniki”. For a straight line of the same group also scored more than 300 thousand subscribers each. In addition, a video question to Putin from blogger Huseyn Hasanov gathered 9.6 million hits on his page in Instagram, and the question of the blogger Natalia Krasnova looked at 1.6 million. June 7, Vladimir Putin 16th time answered questions of Russians in real time. Direct line was held in modified format: no guests in the Studio, but with calls to governors and Ministers and officials. Them in advance recommended to be connected to the

Syria will not report on the supply of Russian missile systems s-300

Syria will not report on the supply of Russian missile systems s-300 TASS, June 13. Syria will not announce the supply of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems s-300. About this, as reported by news Agency SANA, said Wednesday in an interview with the Iranian TV channel Al Alam, the President of the Republic Bashar al-Assad. According to him, Damascus “does not consider it necessary to announce the supply of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems s-300”. “These complexes will be delivered or not, we will not inform you, — he said. — The weapon and know when it will be applied.” Relations with Russia Assad said that Russia “does not interfere in the internal Affairs of Damascus” and interacts with Syria “as a friendly state”. “Russia’s unusual to build temporary alliances depending on the benefits, therefore, the Syrian-Russian relations are of strategic nature”, — he stressed. “The Russian side has ideas, and she