The government will consider on Thursday the bill on pensions

The government will consider on Thursday the bill on pensions

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation submitted for consideration of the bill about changing the appointment and payment of pensions to plan your meeting, which will be held on Thursday, June 14. This is the website of the government.

After the Cabinet meeting the draft law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of assignment and payment of pensions,” may be submitted to the State Duma.

In the lower house of the Russian Parliament are awaiting the project of the Russian government about raising the retirement age. The speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin urged to wait for the introduction of a bill on retirement age and only then to engage in an extensive discussion of the proposal of the Russian Cabinet of Ministers.

Now women retire at 55 and men at 60. Workers of harmful and heavy production and some privileged categories of citizens have the right to early retirement.

Earlier, the Chairman of the upper house of the Russian Parliament Valentina Matviyenko said that the process of raising the retirement age needs to go smoothly for 10 years.

