DPA: Merkel agreed to the conditions of the interior Minister of Germany and CSU for migration

DPA: Merkel agreed to the conditions of the interior Minister of Germany and CSU for migration BERLIN, June 18. /TASS/. German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed, with the condition of the interior Minister of Germany, Horst Seehofer headed by the Christian social Union (CSU) in a dispute on the issue of combating illegal migration. This was announced on Monday, the DPA news Agency, citing its own sources. According to him, Merkel endorsed the actions of his Minister. After the EU summit, which will take place in late June, 1 July, the Chancellor intends to inform the governing bodies of the party — the Christian democratic Union about results of negotiations with European partners who are suffering from the influx of migrants such as Austria, Greece and Italy.

Putin offered to appoint Me auditor of the accounts chamber

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Men © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 18. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on budget and financial markets Sergey riabukhin said that the upper house received the submission of the appointment of the former Minister of construction and housing and utilities Mikhail men to the post of auditor of the accounts chamber. “Received a submission from the President about the vacant posts of auditor of the accounts chamber. He nominate Me, Mikhail Alexandrovich for the position of auditor of the accounts chamber,” said Ryabukhin at the Committee meeting on Monday.

The Kremlin commented on the data on the “intervention” of the Russian elections in the United States

The Kremlin commented on the data on the “intervention” of the Russian elections in the United States MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Kremlin is not aware of the meetings of the associate of Donald trump, Roger stone, with a native of Russia, Henry Greenberg, told reporters on Monday, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Earlier, the Washington Post reported that two Advisor Donald trump said his campaign headquarters in 2016, has denied a certain native of Russia named Henry Greenberg to pay 2 million dollars for dirt on rival trump’s Hillary Clinton. The newspaper confirms that Greenberg was an informant for the FBI until 2013, but found no evidence that he continued these activities after 2013. Former adviser to the headquarters of the trump Roger stone told the publication that another member of staff, Michael Caputo, has arranged for him to meet a “Russian” who offered

Military hackers in the United States were allowed to attack

Military hackers in the United States were allowed to attack The Pentagon has given the cyber command of the US armed forces the authority to proactively conduct a hacker attack. This writes The New York Times, citing a new strategy for the Department. According to the newspaper, it provides a permanent destructive activities on the brink of war in foreign networks. It is noted that this will help to identify weaknesses of opponents, to learn their intentions and capabilities, and to counterattack. The purpose of the program, “born from more than 10 years of anti-terrorist operations”, stated opposition to the dangerous actions of the enemy before they inflict damage to the United States, the newspaper writes. NewsForeign Policy: the US is preparing for a possible cyberwar on the DPRK The article States that previously, the division took a defensive position and were trying to stop cyber attacks, when criminals had

The U.S. resumed funding for the White helmets

The U.S. resumed funding for the White helmets The US state Department and the U.S. Agency for international development has allocated $6.6 million for financing activities associated with the Syrian opposition organization “White helmets”, and also on the UN to investigate crimes in Syria. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий This was announced by state Department spokesman Heather Nauert, whose word brings the press service of the Ministry. As said the lady Nauert, the decision on the allocation of money was made by US President Donald trump. The state Department said it “strongly supports” the “White helmets”, which from the beginning of the Syrian conflict “has saved more than 100 thousand lives.” “They are the first to arrive on the scene of an emergency and become targets of the Syrian regime and Russian air strikes. Since 2013, more than 230 of these brave volunteers died saving innocent Syrian civilians,” according to the U.S. office. The

The FSB has proposed to clarify the term of special technical means

The FSB has proposed to clarify the term of special technical means The Federal security service (FSB) of Russia proposed to clarify the meaning of the term “special technical means intended for secret information”. Notice about the early development of the bill placed on the portal of projects of normative-legal acts. The secret service notes that the meaning of this term in the Federal legislation is not disclosed. “The purpose of fixing the values of the specified term due to the need of prevention of crimes connected with illicit trafficking of such funds”, — stated in the rationale of the draft law. The implementation of the bill will contribute to the unintended exclusion of participation of individuals in illegal trafficking of special technical means intended for secret obtaining of information that specifies the FSB. The text of the bill has not been published. The planned date for its entry into

The Ministry promised “serious boost” to pension after the reform

The Ministry promised “serious boost” to pension after the reform Moscow. June 18. INTERFAX.RU — Pensions in real terms for five or six years will grow at an average 8-10% after the increase in the retirement age, said labor Minister Maxim Topilin. “That is a serious gain, this growth we have real pensions did not exist never, especially in recent years,” the Minister added. He noted that “all the gains here, of course, will get those people who are on pensions.” “Otherwise, we just will not be able to balance the system or to leave this improvement for pensioners”, — said Topilin. The Minister recalled that the government, offering a pension reform poses a challenge for those pensioners who retired today, to add 1 thousand roubles taking into account the current inflation rate to the pension each year. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova said that after raising the retirement

In Russia on a reconnaissance mission

In Russia on a reconnaissance mission Kommersant became known the date of visit of the American senators in Moscow. As it became known””, the visit of a group of U.S. senators to Moscow scheduled for June 30 — July 5. That such a visit is being prepared, informed the newspaper reported The Washington Post. Trip actively lobbied the U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman. At the end of last year a similar trip was cancelled because one of the American women were in the Russian black list. According to “Kommersant”, the visit of a group of U.S. senators to Moscow scheduled for June 30 — July 5. This information “Kommersant” informed sources in Moscow and Washington. Previously, the Washington Post reported that U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman is organizing the visit to Moscow of U.S. senators-Republicans. The publication notes that Jon huntsman is one of the few in the

State Duma Deputy from the Crimea compared to Western sanctions with a car with broken brakes

Ruslan Balbec © Nikolay Galkin/TASS SIMFEROPOL, June 18. /TASS/. Western sanctions have United the inhabitants of the Crimea and Sevastopol, false illusions about their cancellation no building, told TASS state Duma Deputy from Sevastopol Dmitry Belik. Earlier on Monday it was reported that the European Union has extended for one year unilateral restrictive measures in respect of Crimea and Sevastopol. The restrictions were adopted in the framework of the EU strategy to recognise the reunification of Crimea with Russia.