The United States and South Korea announced the suspension of joint military exercises

The United States and South Korea announced the suspension of joint military exercises MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. South Korea and the U.S. agreed to suspend joint military exercise Ulchi Freedom Guardian, according to Yonhap news Agency, citing the defense Ministry of Seoul. “After the close cooperation of South Korea and the United States decided to suspend all planning for the Ulchi Freedom Guardian, a defensive doctrine was planned to be held in August”, — stated in the message of the Ministry of defense. The Minister also said that Seoul and Washington “plan to continue consultations about the additional measures”. After the first-ever U.S.-North Korea summit held on 12 June in Singapore, the US President Donald trump said at a press conference that Washington will stop conducting us-South Korean military exercises, while negotiations with Pyongyang will go in the “right” direction. Formally, the Korean Peninsula remains a war after

Trump has ordered the Pentagon to begin creating the military space forces

Trump has ordered the Pentagon to begin creating the military space forces Moscow. June 18. INTERFAX.RU the President of the United States Donald trump said Monday that he gave the order to begin the formation of the military space forces of the United States as a new kind of troops. “It is extremely important that I’m here in order to instruct the defence Ministry to immediately begin the process required to create a military space forces as the sixth branch of the armed forces. This is a significant statement,” the President said Monday, speaking at the National space Council. When it comes to protecting America, it is not just about presence in space, and the dominance of America in space.Donald Trump In addition, the President pointed to the need to preserve U.S. leadership in space and to prevent the supremacy there of Russia and China. “We don’t want China, Russia

Trump said that illegal immigrants use children to get into USA

Trump said that illegal immigrants use children to get into USA MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that illegal immigrants use children as a pretext to enter the territory of the United States. Earlier, trump criticized the practice of separating families of undocumented migrants on the southern border States and said that the country is long overdue immigration reform. It happened after OHCHR, the UN accused the US of serious violations of children’s rights on the southern border of the country, noting that the practice of separation of families is regarded as extrajudicial and illegal intrusion into family life and is a serious violation of the rights of the child. “Children are among the worst criminals on Earth as a way to infiltrate our country. Did anyone see what crime is happening on the southern border (U.S. — ed.)?” — trump wrote in his

Melania trump urged to protect migrant children

Melania trump urged to protect migrant children US first lady Melania trump has criticized immigration policies of the administration of her husband, President Donald trump. About it reports NBC News with reference to the press-Secretary of the first lady. Melania trump urged Democrats and Republicans to cooperate to put an end to the separation of migrant children and their parents. “Ms. trump believes that we should not only be a country that follows the laws but also a country that rules with the heart,” said her representative. The statement of first lady is completely contrary to the policy of “zero tolerance” to irregular migrants U.S. attorney General Jeff and Roman sessions. According to NBC News, because of this thousands of children separated from their parents at the border with Mexico. According to official data of the Ministry of internal security of the United States, from April 19 to may 31,

Erdogan: Kurdish leave Manbij

Erdogan: Kurdish leave Manbij ANKARA, June 18. /TASS/. Kurdish “Forces of the people’s samooborna” (SNA) leave the city of Manbij. This was stated on Monday the Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan during a rally in Ordu, a stream of his speech is channel Haber Turk. “We step by step implement the agreement with the United States. Now “the forces of national self-defense” and party “Democratic Union” leave Manbij. We made it through our diplomacy,” he said. Earlier on Monday, the NTV channel, citing local sources said that a contingent of Turkish armed forces entered the suburbs of the Syrian city of Manbij. The channel showed the air photo with a column of military vehicles with flags of Turkey, standing on one of the roads on flat terrain. It is noted that Turkish soldiers “came to the outskirts of the city.”

Turkish troops with the consent of the United States entered the outskirts of the Syrian Manuja

Turkish troops with the consent of the United States entered the outskirts of the Syrian Manuja Moscow. June 18. INTERFAX.RU — Turkish troops have entered areas on the outskirts of the town of Manbij, located in the North of Syria, reports on Monday, the newspaper Daily Sabah. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий The Turkish military reportedly accompanied by an American helicopter. On 4 June, the foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu and US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo agreed in the Washington action plan from the city Manuja in the North of Syria the Kurds of the democratic Union Party (DUP), which Ankara considers a terrorist organization. Movement of Turkish military conducted in accordance with this plan. Washington and Ankara have been arguing about the fate of Kurdish militias in Syria. For Washington, they were valuable allies in the fight against the terrorist group ISIS (banned in Russia). In turn, Ankara believes the Kurdish

The political scientist called the pension maneuver stress test for the government

The political scientist called the pension maneuver stress test for the government “What do people who are physically healthy, are strong, but they have no career prospects, because the posts move people 1970 year of birth and younger?”, — the President of holding “Minchenko consulting” Evgenie Minchenko. In his view, to displace the people of fifty plus from the management field by attracting young can be dangerous. Power went out now to raise the retirement age, because time, according to the President of holding “Minchenko consulting” Evgenie Minchenko. “Before the elections to the state Duma is still far. So, the big social risks for power there. The absence in the near future large Federal campaigns, the high ratings of the President and relatively high ratings of the Prime Minister and the party in power allow this to go,” says the analyst. In his opinion, the government of Dmitry Medvedev was

The expert called logical preservation of early retirement to a number of citizens

The expert called logical preservation of early retirement to a number of citizens “People who work in hazardous industries, where a particularly hard and dangerous work, efficiency is lost with age more than the citizens, who are engaged in more intellectual work. From this point of view, everything is logical,” — says the right of some categories of citizens on early retirement the Director of the fgbi “Federal Bureau mediko-social examination” Michael Dymochka. As the newspaper VIEW, according to the bill increasing the retirement age will not affect two categories of citizens. First, early retirement can count on the Russians who work in hazardous industries and in hot shops. This, for example, coal miners, Steelworkers, railwaymen. Those in the country today, there are 1.8 million pensioners. Secondly, early retirement can expect large, such as women who have given birth five or more children or gave birth and raised a disabled

Moskalkova and Denisov agreed on the mutual visits of Sentsov and Wyszynski

Moskalkova and Denisov agreed on the mutual visits of Sentsov and Wyszynski MOSCOW, June 18. /TASS/. The Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova and the Ukrainian Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova during the meeting on Monday have agreed on the visits of the Director Oleg Sentsov in Salekhard and journalist Kirill Vyshinsky in Kherson. “A preliminary meeting has already helped to develop some steps and we are going along [with the site] or with the Commissioner for human rights in Salekhard to visit Sentsov. After that, we since agreed on joint steps that would be ready to visit Wyszynski, and we will tell Lyudmila Leontievna the most optimal schedule of visits to the roadmap was effective,” — said Moskalkova, the TV channel “Russia 1”. The Commissioner for human rights in Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova expressed hope that the process of mutual visits to convicted persons both in Ukraine and