Advisor to the President of the United States will arrive in Moscow for a meeting with trump and Putin

Advisor to the President of the United States will arrive in Moscow for a meeting with trump and Putin Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton will arrive next week in Moscow, reported the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “As far as we know, indeed, such a visit will take place. That is all we can say,” he said. Today, “Interfax” reported, citing informed sources in Washington that Mr. Bolton will come to Moscow for a meeting of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump. According to the newspaper The Washington Post, the meeting of the presidents of Russia and the United States may be held after the NATO summit in Brussels on 11-12 July. About the preparations for the meeting between the two leaders which may be held in one of the European capitals, according to numerous leaks and diplomatic sources “Kommersant”.

The COP has recognized the violation of the Constitution in matters of adoption

The COP has recognized the violation of the Constitution in matters of adoption HIV and hepatitis should not lead to discrimination of the adoptive parents. The constitutional court (CC) declared unconstitutional the practice of authorities and courts denying citizens infected with HIV or hepatitis C virus, in a child that already lives with them due to the current family relations and the courts found that the adoption allows you to legally formalize these relations and meets the interests of the child. Decisions made with the help of human rights organization “international “Agora”” couple from the suburbs, whose denial of the adoption, the COP told me to reconsider. The COP stressed that the regulation of the question of possibility of adoption in Russia should take into account the requirements of international legal acts. The COP dismissed the appeal of the spouses from the suburbs, to challenge life limit its right to

Anton Siluanov has promised to increase pensions by 7% in 2019

Anton Siluanov has promised to increase pensions by 7% in 2019 “Our goal next year to increase pensions on the average on one thousand roubles… of Course, this is a significant increase, this increase above inflation, as was charged by the President in letters to his decree”, Siluanov was quoted by “RIA Novosti”. First Vice Premier, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov at session of the state Duma, said that pensions in Russia in 2019 will be indexed at 7%. Mr. Siluanov also said that until now, pensions were indexed to the inflation rate of the previous year. Indexation next year in two times higher than the expected inflation rate of 3% in 2018. On 16 June the government submitted to the state Duma a bill to raise the retirement age from 60 to 65 years for men and from 55 to 63 years for women. The document assumes that the retirement

The state Duma adopted amendments on the procedure of time offset in the detention center on account of punishment

The state Duma adopted amendments on the procedure of time offset in the detention center on account of punishment MOSCOW, June 21 — RAPSI. The state Duma approved in the third (final) reading amendments to the criminal code, according to which changes the order of the time offset of custody before the sentence of court in force on the date of serving the penalty of deprivation of liberty. Changes to article 72 of the criminal code. The proposed procedure is based on the application of the coefficient when calculating the term of punishment, but also of the correctional institution designated by the court. Thus, a time of custody pending the entry into force of a court decision to void the sentence in the following way. During the serving of punishment in disciplinary military unit at the rate of one day for a half day. In the case of restriction of

The analyst said, as the tramp threw the candy towards Merkel at the G7 summit

The analyst said, as the tramp threw the candy towards Merkel at the G7 summit At the summit of the countries “Big seven” U.S. President Donald trump threw two candies on the table in front of German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, said the Director of consulting company Eurasia Group Ian Bremmer in an interview with CBS. According to the analyst, this happened in a time when G7 leaders gathered to sign a joint document for the summit. “He (Trump. — “Vedomosti”) stood up, put his hand in his pocket… and pulled out two candy Starbursts, and threw them on the table and said: “Now, angel, don’t say I never give you nothing”, “told Bremmer. Merkel and Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau wanted to put pressure on trump to sign a joint communiqué and the American leader was obviously experienced dissatisfaction due to the fact that G7 leaders are United against

The head of “Rosneft” said the reasons for the growth in gasoline prices

The head of “Rosneft” said the reasons for the growth in gasoline prices KRASNOYARSK, may 21 — RIA Novosti. The head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin has identified three main factors that caused a rise in fuel prices. The first reason he called the devaluation of the ruble. “If you have the dollar was worth 30 rubles, now — 64. The company is not able to do anything, so this factor was not, it already exists”, — he said in a speech at the annual General meeting of shareholders of the company. The second factor, he said, was the rise in world oil prices, which since the end of last year rose about 25%. Russian companies also deliver oil for export and to refineries within the country. And add to this the increase in transportation costs, energy and you will see that the cost of processing increased significantly.Igor Sechin The third

The state Duma adopted amendments to the Federal budget for 2018

The state Duma adopted amendments to the Federal budget for 2018 MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The state Duma adopted the law on change of the parameters of the Federal budget for 2018, when the deficit replaced by a surplus. The document was voted by 307 deputies, against — 98, no abstentions. In the course of its discussion was supported only by fraction “United Russia”. The Communist party faction, “Fair Russia” and LDPR have declared their intention to vote against it. The document increases the budget revenues in 2018 1,815 trillion rubles — up to 17,073 trillion rubles (17.4% of GDP), expenses — on of 61.9 billion rubles, to 16,591 trillion (16.9 percent of GDP). The budget deficit (1.3% of GDP) will be replaced by a surplus (0.5% of GDP). The previously planned GDP increases 97,462 trillion rubles to 98,234 trillion rubles, and the annual inflation rate reduced from

The government has decided to extend VAPI the laws of conventional cigarettes

The government has decided to extend VAPI the laws of conventional cigarettes The government decided not to introduce a separate regulation for wapow and electronic cigarettes, according to RBC with reference to the source. According to the newspaper, this issue was discussed on Tuesday at a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers Dmitry Kozak and Tatiana Golikova. The meeting agreed that all the alternative conventional cigarettes the device needs to be in the area of regulation the current legislation. According to the interlocutor of the edition, after the meeting should begin work on drafting amendments to the existing legislation, but until official orders, assignment of responsibilities was not done. The representative of the Kozak Ilya juice confirmed RBC position of Deputy Prime Minister. The press service of the Ministry of health has forwarded questions about the meeting in the government, but noted that he believes the right decision to extend to

Advisor to trump on national security will prepare the meeting of the presidents of the US and Russia

Advisor to trump on national security will prepare the meeting of the presidents of the US and Russia Sources in Washington report that John Bolton could arrive in Moscow next week. Moscow. June 21. INTERFAX.RU — Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton, is expected to visit next week to Moscow in preparation for the meeting of the presidents of the United States and Russia, said on Thursday “Interfax” informed sources in Washington. “Advisor to the President for homeland security Bolton at the beginning of next week, plans to visit Moscow to prepare the summit”, — said the interlocutor of the Agency. Previously some foreign media speculated that the meeting of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump can be held in the middle of next month — after the NATO summit in Brussels on 11-12 July in one of the European capitals. According to

The Schengen area can be expensive, but safer

The Schengen area can be expensive, but safer The EU started the reform, which resulted in the procurement of visas will increase, and the countries of the community will be able for a year to establish internal border controls. The Schengen visa code expects major reform. The Council of Europe approved the initiation of discussions on new rules that would give the Europeans a more effective means of border control to counter the influx of migrants, and also provide some simplification of the procedure of issuing visas “respectable travelers”. TASS explains what changes are coming in European visa legislation. Visa control will be tougher The proposals prepared by the European Commission (EC), include four practical aspects: • all documents filed for a visa and those in the database of the Schengen (VIS) will be automatically checked against databases of criminal police, anti-terrorist and immigration services;. • the database for the