Chizhov: the decision of the EU summit on sanctions against Russia negatively to the Minsk agreements

Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov © Ruslan shamukov/TASS BRUSSELS, June 30. /TASS/. The political decision of the EU summit on the extension of economic restrictive measures against Russia will have a negative effect on the process of implementation of the Minsk agreements. This was stated by Russian journalists Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov, commenting on the results of the EU summit on June 28-29. A legal decision on the extension of the sanctions have yet to take the Council of the EU in July.

Vladimir Putin approved the anti-corruption plan until 2020

Vladimir Putin approved the anti-corruption plan until 2020 A public hearing may become mandatory for public procurement in the amount of 50 million rubles and municipal purchases from 5 million rubles, stated in the approved President Vladimir Putin’s National anti-corruption plan for 2018-2020. Suggestions on whether such hearings, entrusted to the government until February 1, 2019 (August 2016 were subject to public discussion of public procurement worth over 1 billion roubles). In the same period, the government should offer a new types of property subject to recourse to the income of the Russian Federation, if in respect of such property “has not presented evidence to support its acquisition of legitimate income”. Also the government must prepare amendments that are not to be considered a failure to comply with anti-corruption prohibitions an offence if it occurred “as a result of force majeure”, and before March 1, 2019 — to develop criteria

China has said it is ready to defend the principles of the WTO

China has said it is ready to defend the principles of the WTO BEIJING, 2 Aug — RIA Novosti. China will firmly uphold the principles of the world trade organization, said Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan. “China will resolutely promote the creation of a world economy of open type, to protect the principles of the WTO, to support multilateral trade and promote regional economic integration, to promote the creation of free trade zones, to resist various forms of protectionism”, the article says Chinese Minister, published in the newspaper “Germinia”. Beijing will also promote inclusive, balanced and mutually beneficial development of the world economy, he added. Economic globalization is an irreversible process. The multilateral trading system with WTO as its center — the cornerstone of international trade and the pillar of the healthy development of world trade.Joong Enminister of Commerce of China He also stressed that China will continue to be

Welt: Washington and Moscow are ready to open their “cards” in fight, “Nord stream-2”

Welt: Washington and Moscow are ready to open their “cards” in fight, “Nord stream-2” According to the newspaper, US policy will not prevent the implementation of gas pipeline project. United States of America for a long time trying to prevent the construction of the gas pipeline “Nord stream-2” between Russia and Germany. According to the newspaper Die Welt, Donald trump there is one possible move to impose sanctions against European companies but Moscow will be your trump card in response (eng. trump = trump card superior to the other suit. — approx. “The storm”). The participants of the recent world gas conference, held last week in Washington, raised the question of how far are willing to go the us President to stop the “Nord stream-2”. The newspaper reminds about the US efforts to prevent the implementation of the project of sanctions against certain EU countries and offer a “new trade

Media: the administration of trump’s plans to ignore the rules of the WTO

Media: the administration of trump’s plans to ignore the rules of the WTO MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The administration of Donald trump plans to introduce in Congress a bill that would allow Washington to ignore the demands of the world trade organization (WTO), according to Axios, the disposal of which was the draft of the bill. In the case of its adoption, the document gave the American President the right to claim duties on imports unilaterally, without congressional approval. It will also allow you to ignore the basic principles of the WTO. A source in the Congress said that the adoption of such a document is tantamount to a US withdrawal from the organization. Previously portal Axios, citing a source close to the talks on the issue, said that the American leader has repeatedly said officials from the White house, which wants Washington to leave the WTO. However,

Opponents recognized the victory of Andres Lopez Obrador in the presidential elections in Mexico

Opponents recognized the victory of Andres Lopez Obrador in the presidential elections in Mexico Moscow. July 2. INTERFAX.RU — andrés Manuel lópez Obrador is the leader of the Alliance of leftist forces “Together we will make history” — won the presidential elections in Mexico after the defeat conceded three other candidate for the presidency, said on Sunday Agency Associated Press. The last victory of Lopez Obrador declared the candidate of the coalition “Civic front for Mexico” Ricardo Anaya, who was the closest rival of the winner, behind him on 16-26%. Anaya told his supporters that he recognizes the victory of Lopez Obrador, have already talked with him, and wished him success in his work for the good of the country. Before its electoral defeat, declared josé Antonio Meade and Jaime Rodriguez Calderon. A huge, jubilant crowd is waiting for Lopez Obrador outside the hotel where he will soon officially declare

Poroshenko called himself a sincere friend of Ukraine

Poroshenko called himself a sincere friend of Ukraine The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko believes that the world is not a more sincere friend of Ukraine than Canada. About this he wrote in Facebook. The Ukrainian leader congratulated the country with Canada Day and wished her prosperity. “We are excited to celebrate this special day with our closest ally. We wish happiness and prosperity to your beautiful country and people”, — wrote Poroshenko. The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau has repeatedly declared that will help Ukraine “protect its sovereignty”. Earlier he said that until March of 2019 has been extended mission 200 canadian military trainers in Ukraine who are engaged in the training of officers and soldiers of the APU in the Yavoriv training ground in Lviv region.

The mayor of Mexico city for the first time can be a woman

The mayor of Mexico city for the first time can be a woman Moscow. July 2. INTERFAX.RU — Claudia Sheinbaum, representing a coalition of leftist forces, elected mayor of Mexico city, according to the exit polls held in the country’s General election. It is the results of the exit polls is gaining from 47.5 to 55.5% of the vote. General elections were held in Mexico on Sunday. They elected the President, members of Parliament, governors of several Mexican States and mayors of several cities. The polls had already closed in most parts of Mexico, however, those voters who were still on the plots at the time the official closing, given the opportunity to vote, according to the Mexican press. Parts of Anaya”s concession speech barely audible outside the hotel where Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador”s team is. #eleccionesmexico2018 — Chrissie Murray (@chrissiemurray) July 2, 2018. For the post of head