The tip of the spear. Covert operations by special forces, which began the war

The tip of the spear. Covert operations by special forces, which began the war MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti, Andrei Kots. Special purpose units in any conflict — the vanguard of the main forces. They secretly operate on the territory of the enemy long before a massive war machine attacking side will move the state border and will begin the gunfire. The main purpose of these high quality and well trained technicians to do all we can to weaken the defenses of the enemy and to deprive him of the will to resist early’s invasion. Sabotage, misinformation, the elimination of military and political leaders, work with potential collaborators — that’s just a partial list of their tasks. RIA Novosti recalls the four operations of special forces that preceded major wars. Ahead of the Horde No 800-th regiment of special purpose “Brandenburg”, elite commando parts, no cost, no major offensive

The Estonian foreign Ministry urged to stop the construction of “Nord stream — 2”

The Estonian foreign Ministry urged to stop the construction of “Nord stream — 2” MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Estonia Sven Mixer has demanded to stop construction of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”. He declared it in interview to the newspaper Die Welt. US urges European countries to refuse to participate in the construction of the pipeline, threatening sanctions. However, as noted by journalist Daniel Wetzel in Die Welt, even sanctions will not help Donald Trump to prevent construction of the project. Earlier, Prime Minister of Denmark Lars løkke Rasmussen said that the Kingdom is on legal grounds to stop construction. In response, the state Duma proposed to build “Nord stream — 2” to bypass Denmark. “Nord stream — 2” The project “Northern stream — 2” involves the laying of two gas thread with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters

Horst Seehofer goes, but remains

Horst Seehofer goes, but remains The ruling coalition of Germany faces the threat of disintegration. Three months after the inauguration of German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a fourth term, the ruling coalition in Germany was on the verge of collapse. On Monday, the Chancellor will make another attempt to negotiate with his long-term ally, the interior Minister and leader of the Christian social Union Horst Seehofer. Before he announced that he would resign because of dissatisfaction with the migration policy of the government. According to the German newspaper Bild, scheduled for Monday a joint meeting of the conservative bloc factions of the Christian democratic Union (CDU) Angela Merkel and the Bavarian Christian social Union (CSU) — canceled. So, the leading politicians of the party, Mrs. Merkel and her Minister of internal Affairs Horst Seehofer, many years the former Prime Minister of Bavaria, has not yet managed to find a compromise

Slutsky called the cynical appeals of the EU summit on the investigation of the crash of the Boeing MH17

The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, June 29. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky considers openly cynical appeals of the EU summit on Russia to take responsibility for the catastrophe Malaysian Boeing over the Donbas in 2014.

Putin has assigned military units the names of Ukrainian cities

Putin has assigned military units the names of Ukrainian cities Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decrees on awarding honorary titles to a number of units of the Russian army. Relevant documents published on the official portal of legal information. The document notes that the honorary title has different parts “in order to preserve the glorious historic military traditions, education of servicemen in the spirit of devotion to the Fatherland and fidelity to military duty”. The names of Ukrainian cities are included in the memory of the participation of the parts in the liberation of these cities in the years of the great Patriotic war. So, the 6-th tank regiment of the Russian army now bears the honorary title “guards of Lviv”, the 68th tank regiment — “guards Zhitomir-Berlin”, 163-Panzer regiment — “guards Nezhin”. A number of units of the Russian army was given the honorary name, including the names of

Disarmament, not worth promoting

Disarmament, not worth promoting USA did not accept the proposal of Russia and China to discuss the possibility of lifting the sanctions against the DPRK. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий As it became known””, on 28 June, Russia and China tried to convince the UN security Council to adopt the document, opening the way for a gradual lifting of sanctions against North Korea, but failed because of opposition from Washington. Information “Kommersant” confirmed the permanent mission to the UN. The statement was “to maintain the positive momentum” of the development of relations between the DPRK on the one hand, and the United States and South Korea on the other. In the US, however, it seems that any positive dynamics is not observed: on Sunday, The Washington Post, citing sources in the intelligence community reported that Pyongyang despite promises does not destroy, but increases the capacity for production of nuclear materials. As a confirmed “Kommersant”

Trump believes that the EU’s trade causes US harm, comparable with the damage from China

Trump believes that the EU’s trade causes US harm, comparable with the damage from China NEW YORK, July 1. /TASS/ — the US President said that Washington’s trade deficit with the European Union. American President Donald trump believes the EU in the trade sector, probably has on the US negative influence, which can be compared with the harm caused by China. About this American leader said in an interview with Fox News that aired Sunday. Trump was asked, is it not better for the United States to counter Beijing in trade, together with allies among the EU countries. “The European Union, perhaps as bad as China, just less — said trump. — What they did to us is terrible.” Speaking of the EU, he said: “They send Mercedes, and we are unable to ship them their car.” “Let’s see what they do with our farmers, they don’t need our agricultural