Sands: a formalistic approach to the punishment for inappropriate repost

Sands: a formalistic approach to the punishment for inappropriate repost MOSCOW, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. In the Kremlin consider inappropriate formalistic approach to the subject of punishment for reposts of information of extremist nature, the question should be regulated, told reporters on Thursday, press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “Ask the President on this subject, he said that this legalistic approach is inappropriate when it becomes excessive. So, of course, the question needs to be adjusted. This does not mean that it is necessary to promote dissemination of some kind of extremist and other illegal content, but of course you need to protect citizens from some cases that are not even funny, but very resonant. So definitely this topic is, but we need a very careful approach to strike a balance,” — said Peskov. At the end of June deputies of the state Duma Alexey Zhuravlev and Sergei

Tymoshenko accused Poroshenko of escalating the conflict in Donbas with the aim of abolishing elections

Tymoshenko accused Poroshenko of escalating the conflict in Donbas with the aim of abolishing elections KIEV, July 5. /TASS/. The leader of the party “Batkivshchyna” Yulia Tymoshenko is suspected the head of state Petro Poroshenko intention to cancel the upcoming March 2019 presidential election under the pretext of aggravation of the situation in the Donbass. In the program “Good morning country”, which was released on Thursday, the First Ukrainian TV channel, she said that the President’s plan is to inflate the conflict in the East of the country with the subsequent imposition of martial law. “This is an extremely dangerous plan that while Petro Poroshenko thinks to implement in Ukraine. He wants, in principle, to the election of the President. Now began a deep negotiation process with those who like to head “LNR-DNR”, that is, in fact, a people who occupied part of Ukraine. Poroshenko wants to initiate the beginning

London called the working version of the new case of poisoning “the Rookie”

London called the working version of the new case of poisoning “the Rookie” The incident in the British town of Amesbury, where two people were exposed to nerve agent, “the Rookie” may not be a new use case for the toxic substance, said Thursday the Minister of safety in the UK Ben Wallace channel Sky News. According to Wallace, the working theory of investigators is that the victims in Amesbury suffered from the remnants of the substance used to poison former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter. “This was not an attack,” — said the Minister. He also noted that the investigation is no evidence that the victims in Amesbury associated with Kripalani. About poisoning people in Amesbury became known on 4 July. The incident occurred on Saturday, June 30. That day in the hospital brought the man and the woman in an unconscious state. Police said that the

Volodin has promised not to reduce pensions

Volodin has promised not to reduce pensions Moscow. July 5. INTERFAX.RU Deputies will not allow the reduction of pensions and the deterioration of life of pensioners in the pension legislation, said the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin at a meeting of the state Duma. “We will not allow the decline of pensions, we will not allow the deterioration of living of pensioners, so need a solution to seek, to find us together,” said Volodin. He noted that this approach unites all the political forces in the state Duma in finding solutions to issues on change of pension legislation. The state Duma the governmental bill on the adjustment of the pension legislation, the main proposal of which is to increase the retirement age.

The Kremlin has not commented on reports about the title of Hero of Russia to Borisov and Kirienko

The Kremlin has not commented on reports about the title of Hero of Russia to Borisov and Kirienko MOSCOW, 5 July. /TASS/. The Kremlin does not comment on media reports that Vladimir Putin has assigned the first Deputy head of the presidential administration Sergei Kiriyenko and Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov the title of Hero of Russia. This was stated by TASS press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “I do not comment on this post” — he said, when asked to confirm or deny information about assignment of honorary titles. Previously, the newspaper “Kommersant” reported that Putin closed the decree awarded the title Hero of Russia Sergei Kiriyenko and Borisov. According to the publication, high awards were given to several employees of Rosatom.

The nuclear achievements took heroic form

The nuclear achievements took heroic form As it became known””, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded closed by decree of the first Deputy head of the presidential administration Sergei Kiriyenko and Deputy Prime Minister for the military-industrial complex Yuri Borisov the title of hero of Russia. Interlocutors “” say that the higher ranks in Russia are awarded for achievements in the defense sector, about which the President spoke in the message to the Federal Assembly on 1 March. High awards were given to several employees of the state Corporation “Rosatom”. The curator of the political block of the Kremlin Sergey Kiriyenko received the title of Hero of Russia, told “Kommersant” sources in the government. It was assigned to, closed by presidential decree. According to the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, it is assigned “for merits before the state and people associated with the Commission of a heroic feat.” The

Maduro called on the military to be ready to reflect possible aggression of the USA

Maduro called on the military to be ready to reflect possible aggression of the USA MOSCOW, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on the military to be ready to repel the American aggression after recent media reports that the US President Donald trump spoke about the possibility of invasion into the territory of the Bolivarian Republic, according to the TV station Televisa. “We cannot reduce the willingness for a second, because we will be protecting the great right that our country has received in the history of… — the life of the world,” said Maduro on Wednesday during a speech before the military. Earlier, the associated Press, citing an unnamed representative of the administration of the American President announced that in August of 2017 at the meeting about sanctions against Caracas trump asked his aides the question of a possible invasion of Venezuela. Maduro said that

“I hope we don’t have to enter against Russia draconian measures”

“I hope we don’t have to enter against Russia draconian measures” Us Senator John Neely Kennedy on the visit to Moscow. In Russia for the first time in many years was visited by the delegation of the members of the Senate and house of representatives of the United States. One of its members — the Senator from Alabama John Neely Kennedy told the correspondent of “Kommersant” Elena Chernenko about what the Americans were trying to convey to his interlocutors, and heard in response. — Are you satisfied with the results of the trip? — Russia is a beautiful country, the people here are very friendly. They want for themselves and their children a better life as Americans. I was glad to learn more about your country. Russians are very proud of their country, and rightly so. Their meetings went well, but follow any of them any results — it is