Trump has substantiated allegations of Russian scouts

Trump has substantiated allegations of Russian scouts The President of the United States Donald trump explained his decision about publication of the indictments against 12 Russian military intelligence before the summit with Vladimir Putin. It is reported Bloomberg. According to the source Agency, trump felt that this information would give him an advantage in the negotiations with the Russian President. The American leader, presented information on the findings of the intelligence services during the week before the summit in Helsinki. After that, the first Deputy Minister of justice Race, Rosenstein invited Trump to decide when to publish the document before or after the meeting with Putin. The President of the United States chose the first option in the hope that he will be able to negotiate from “a position of strength,” as he later commented on the communication with the Russian leader. Earlier, on 17 July, trump acknowledged Russia’s intervention

The Ministry of justice filed new charges against detained in the U.S. Butinai

The Ministry of justice filed new charges against detained in the U.S. Butinai The U.S. Department of justice expanded the charges against detained in the United States of Russian citizen’s Butinai, which is accused of espionage. About it reports Reuters referring to the Ministry of justice. Earlier Butina accused only under article “the conspiracy to work as a foreign agent without registering”. Now it included “working as a foreign agent without registering”. New article increases the seriousness of the charges and possible imprisonment. Earlier in the Russian Embassy in Washington said that the U.S. government does not provide access to Butinai. It was also noted that the next hearing on her case will take place on Wednesday, July 18, in the Federal court for the district of Columbia.

Macron allowed the entry of Serbia in EU until 2025

Macron allowed the entry of Serbia in EU until 2025 The President of France Emmanuel macron said that Serbia is moving towards EU membership at a fast pace and may become a member of the community until 2025. “I think that Serbia can join the EU much earlier than 2025,” said Mr. macron at a press conference after a meeting with President of Serbia Aleksandar Survived (quoted by TASS). Mr. Vucic said that Belgrade attach great importance to cooperation with Paris on this issue. Serbia has applied for membership in the European Union in 2006, and in 2012 officially got the status of candidate country. At the moment the main obstacle for accession is Kosovo part of Serbia that EU countries recognize an independent state. Serbia itself, Russia and most countries in the UN, Kosovo’s independence is not recognized. Official candidates for EU membership are Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey.

The Prime Minister and the Israeli defense Minister lack the authority to declare war

The Prime Minister and the Israeli defense Minister lack the authority to declare war TEL AVIV, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. Israeli parliamentarians abolished the legal rule, which gives the Prime Minister and the defense Minister the right to emergency cases alone make the decision on the Declaration of war, reported the press service of the Knesset. By a majority of votes deputies have left such powers in the least military-political Cabinet — forum key members of the government. “Repealed provision that allowed the Prime Minister and the defense Minister himself to declare war,” — said in a press release. The amendment to the law “On government”, in effect since April 30, allowed such an option “in cases of emergency when you cannot wait for the convening of a quorum”. A new decision of the Knesset, negate the requirement for quorum, which was defined in half of the members of

Trump believed in Russia’s intervention in the American elections

Trump believed in Russia’s intervention in the American elections The President of the United States Donald trump acknowledged Russia’s intervention in the presidential election in 2016. He told this to journalists during a conversation in the White house, reports Fox News. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “I accept the conclusions of the intelligence community that occurred intervention (Russia in the elections), could be other people. And there was no conspiracy,” said the President of the United States. Trump said that he fully trust the security services and there are no reasons for which Russia could not interfere in elections. Trump said that he misspoke at the meeting with Vladimir Putin on 16 July, when he dismissed the charges against the Russian intervention in elections. “Let’s look at things realistically: Russia’s actions had no impact (on the outcome of the elections),” added trump. The American leader has promised to “aggressively” to prevent any attempts of

Putin abolished ZATO Shikhany

Putin abolished ZATO Shikhany Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to abolish the closed administrative-territorial entity (ZATO), city of Shikhany, Saratov region, the corresponding decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information, RIA “Novosti”. “Based on the law of the Russian Federation from July, 14th, 1992 n 3297-I “About closed administratively-territorial education” and in accordance with the proposal of the government of the Russian Federation decrees: 1. To abolish, as of 1 January 2019 closed administrative-territorial education the city of Shikhany, Saratov region”, — the document says. The government is instructed jointly with the government of the Saratov region to undertake the necessary measures for the elimination BUT in the past six months. Earlier, the British intelligence said that the substance that had poisoned Sergey and Yulia Skrypali in British Salisbury, was allegedly produced at the military research base in the closed city of Shikhany. While the British military

Browder responded to the accusation of Putin in the campaign Finance Clinton

Browder responded to the accusation of Putin in the campaign Finance Clinton Founder of the British Fund Hermitage Capital, William Browder, in column at the Time responded to the words of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin about the fact that Hermitage had funded the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, a competitor of U.S. President Donald trump. “The latest accusation of Putin that I donated $400 million to Hillary Clinton, are so ridiculously false as to border on delusional disorder. I have never made political donations nor Hillary Clinton, nor any other candidate,” wrote Browder. Browder said that for 29 years is a British citizen, and therefore his persecution Putin should talk with the Prime Minister and Theresa may, “in which there would be a few choice words” after the poisoning in Salisbury. Answering questions after the summit with trump on 16 July, Putin is referred to Browder, but he

The U.S. house of representatives is ready to consider new sanctions against Russia

The U.S. house of representatives is ready to consider new sanctions against Russia WASHINGTON, July 17. /TASS/ — the speaker of the lower house of Congress, Paul Ryan has described Russia as a threatening state, which did not share American interests and values. Members of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress is ready to consider new sanctions against Russia if a proposal will be put forward by the representatives of the relevant committees. This was stated on Tuesday by the speaker of the lower house of Congress Paul Ryan. I understand the desire and need to have good relations, is absolutely appropriate. However, Russia is threatening a state that does not share our interests and our values.Paul Rainspeaker the lower house of Congress “What we’re already doing that we can continue to do is to impose sanctions against Russia,” said Ryan. “You saw the indictment of spectacular [Robert

The defense Ministry has said it is ready to fulfill the agreements of Putin and trump

The defense Ministry has said it is ready to fulfill the agreements of Putin and trump MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. Defense Ministry ready to implement the reached in the Helsinki accords between Vladimir Putin and Donald trump in the field of international security, said the official representative of Department major General Igor Konashenkov. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографийон stressed that it is planned to intensify contacts with the American colleagues on the General staffs and other channels. In particular, we have to discuss the renewal of the start Treaty and cooperation in Syria. At the meeting in the Finnish capital, the Russian President assured his us counterpart that Moscow is ready to extend the Contract on reduction of offensive arms (start), but it is necessary to discuss the details. Also, the leaders of Russia and the USA have agreed to cooperate on the Syrian issue. Trump said that it could save hundreds

Lavrov and Pompeo carried out in Helsinki, first meeting

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo © Valery sharifulin/TASS HELSINKI, July 16. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo carried out at the moment the talks in the Finnish capital, the correspondent of TASS from the event. The meeting of foreign Ministers held on the sidelines of the two presidents, Vladimir Putin and Donald trump. Lavrov and Pompeo greeted each other and shook hands. The conversation takes place in closed to the press.