The Crimean public chamber has created a list of “klimontovitch”

The Crimean public chamber has created a list of “klimontovitch” Opponents of the accession of the Republic to Russia will have to rewrite. Public chamber (OP) of Crimea has created the “Crimean dossier” — list, which got politicians, actors, singers, journalists, publicly recognize the Russian status of Crimea. This was stated by the Chairman of the chamber Grigory Ioffe. He said that the list will be updated regularly, and the people who got him, called “crimeinvestigation”. Among them was the writer Boris Akunin, actress lia Akhedzhakova and musician Andrei Makarevich. Crimean Tatar activist Nariman Celal, called the initiative OP “stupidity” and “obscurantism”. Lawyer Alexander Talipov said that the establishment of the list of “klimontovitch” has no meaning. OP of Crimea has created the “Crimean dossier” politicians and artists who do not recognize the outcome of the 2014 referendum on joining the Peninsula to Russia. As the Chairman of the chamber

In Turkey lifted the state of emergency

In Turkey lifted the state of emergency 18 July in Turkey came to an end the state of emergency imposed by the authorities on 20 July 2016 after a failed coup. Informing about cancellation of the regime, the Turkish authorities stressed that “the fight against terrorism will continue and we will take the necessary laws.” In this connection, to Parliament for discussion has already passed a draft of the measures for the period after the lifting of state of emergency. The project, in particular, provides local authorities with powers to restrict the admission of individual citizens in several Turkish provinces, if there is a suspicion that these citizens can “disturb public order”. In addition, the list of justifications for banning demonstrations. For two years the actions of the state of emergency in Turkey, according to independent Turkish news Agency Bianet, has been arrested more than 228 thousand people on suspicion

Poroshenko announced the introduction of EU sanctions against six people involved in the construction of Crimean bridge

Poroshenko announced the introduction of EU sanctions against six people involved in the construction of Crimean bridge According to the President of Ukraine, this decision was approved by ambassadors of European countries at the EU summit-Ukraine Wednesday, July 18, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko announced the introduction of EU sanctions against six people involved in the construction of Crimean bridge. According to him, this decision was approved by ambassadors of European countries at the summit EU — Ukraine. “When developing our agreements at the summit EU-Ukraine, the ambassadors of the member States of the EU agreed on individual sanctions against 6 persons involved in the illegal construction of the bridge Kerch”, — wrote Poroshenko in his microblog on Twitter. He noted that this decision demonstrates the “inevitability of punishment” for those who will have to deal with Crimea. This demonstrates the inevitability of punishment for any individuals or entities that

The media from a person in addition to persuaded the cadets to come to a barbecue

The media from a person in addition to persuaded the cadets to come to a barbecue MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian pranker Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vova) and Alexey Stolyarov (Lexus), posing as Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, discussed with the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker of the international situation, as well as invited him to a barbecue in Yerevan. In addition, they talked with the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini. Judging by the content of conversations, the recording of which is from RIA Novosti, they took place shortly after the election noted the Prime Minister. In conversation with Juncker Vova, and Lexus complained of pressure from the United States. In response, the European official said that “we have again and again to explain to Mr. Trump how the world works”. He [trump] does not understand what is happening. And we need to ensure that it

Antonov: Russia requires US to present the facts on charges of meddling in elections

Antonov: Russia requires US to present the facts on charges of meddling in elections MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/ — Earlier, the US government brought in absentia charges of 12 alleged members of the military intelligence of the Russian Federation in the framework of investigation into alleged interference in the election in 2016. Moscow demands from Washington to present the facts of alleged Russian interference in American elections. About it declared on Wednesday to journalists the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov. As for interference, then, to paraphrase a Chinese proverb, one hundred mice will not make one tiger. No matter how many accusations, the main requirement is that the facts on the table.Anatoly Antonospora of the Russian Federation in the USA U.S. authorities on July 13 filed in absentia charges of 12 alleged members of the military intelligence of Russia in the framework of investigation into alleged foreign interference

State Department: the United States and Russia reduce their nuclear arsenals

State Department: the United States and Russia reduce their nuclear arsenals WASHINGTON, July 18. /Offset. TASS Alexander Pahomov/ — deployed and non-Deployed launchers of Intercontinental ballistic missiles and ballistic missiles on submarines and heavy bombers in Russia there are 779 in the US — 800. This was confirmed by the state Department, announced on Tuesday a certificate of reduction in the two countries in their nuclear arsenals in accordance with the agreement, which entered into force on 5 February 2011. It notes that Russia has 527 promptly deployed carriers of nuclear weapons — Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and heavy bombers (TB), ballistic missiles on submarines (SLBMs) and 1 444 thousand warheads on them. The US — 652 medium and 1 thousand 350 warheads. In General, deployed and non-deployed launchers of ICBMs and SLBMs, and TB in Russia, there are 779 in the US — 800. Data are presented as of

USA decided on the attitude to Russia

USA decided on the attitude to Russia The US President Donald trump said that he does not consider Russia an enemy. He told this in an interview with Fox News channel. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “They have a strong army, but their economy, as you know, much smaller than China. I don’t even want to use the word “adversary” (an adversary). We can work together, we can [it] to do, everyone can live in peace,” said trump in response to the question whether he considers Russia as the main enemy. Earlier, trump claimed that perceive Vladimir Putin as an enemy, but as a competitor (competitor), but hopes that one day he might become a friend. The Russian presidential aide on foreign policy Yuri Ushakov said that Moscow considers the us leader as a negotiating partner. On July 17 the President of the United States recognized Russia’s intervention in the American elections. He stated

Lawyer arrested in the US, the Russians said that the question of the extension of the charges is not

Lawyer arrested in the US, the Russians said that the question of the extension of the charges is not WASHINGTON, July 18. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. The US government in a statement on Tuesday the indictment did not put forward new charges against detained July 15, citizens of the Russian Federation’s Butinai. This explanation was given to the correspondent of TASS, the lawyer of the Russians Robert Neil Driscoll. “There is essentially no. [Charges for] the same behavior,” he said, responding to a request to clarify whether, to draw a conclusion on the extension of the accusations against Butinai. The report notes that 29-the summer citizen of the Russian Federation charged with participating in a conspiracy to unregistered activities in favor of a foreign state on the territory of the United States, and this very activity. As expected, at the hearing in the district court of the us capital on