Sanctions will answer point by point

Sanctions will answer point by point The economy is prepared for a system response to external action. The Finance Ministry has prepared a plan of measures to bring anticyclonic laws and regulations in systematic form. Approved in early July at a meeting with first Deputy Prime Minister Anton Siluanov, the document suggests, in particular, support the work of sanctioned companies in the domestic financial and bond markets, seeking ways to provide their foreign trade activities and the harmonisation contraction measures taken in the winter of 2017-2018. Then the White house was preparing to expand sanctions from the United States in an atmosphere of secrecy, now, judging by the development of the Ministry of Finance, it began to interfere with the support of individuals and companies that applied or may be applied to the external restrictive measures. “Kommersant” familiar with the government’s plan of measures to reduce the impact of foreign

The US state Department spoke about three sentences to the end of the meeting Putin and trump

The US state Department spoke about three sentences to the end of the meeting Putin and trump The US state Department is considering three proposals for the meeting of the U.S. President Donald trump with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, said at a briefing the official representative of Department Heather Nauert. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The first is to establish a working group of high level, which should include the business in the US and Russia. The second is to establish an expert Council composed of scientists, current and former diplomats and former military of the two countries. The third proposal — to hold meetings of the national security Council (NSC) Secretary and the security Council of Russia. That the security Councils of Russia and the United States will establish a continuous dialogue at the working level, previously reported in the NSS. Despite the fact that this information came after the meeting

Browder said that shocked the White house response to the proposal of the Russian Federation in his case

Browder said that shocked the White house response to the proposal of the Russian Federation in his case NEW YORK, July 19. /TASS/. Founder of the British Fund Hermitage Capital, William Browder, sentenced in Russia to nine years in prison in absentia for deliberate bankruptcy and tax evasion, said Wednesday in an interview with Fox News that shaken by the press Secretary of the White house on Russia’s proposal in his case. Earlier, the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders, speaking at the press briefing, did not directly exclude the possibility of the interrogation of a number of American citizens with regard to the case of Browder in Russia. According to her, between Russia and the United States had a dialogue on this matter, however, no obligation Washington on not take. As said Sanders, President of the United States Donald trump “will work with his team” on this

Ukraine has started the production of ammunition according to NATO standards

Ukraine has started the production of ammunition according to NATO standards MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Ukrainian factory “Impulse”, part of the state concern “Ukroboronprom” began serial production of ammunition, which correspond to NATO standards. This reports the press service of the concern. According to the report, the company started the production of ammunition PGI-40 for 40-mm automatic grenade launcher, the Assembly of which is now done manually. The plant also is trying to increase the volume of ammunition production by mechanization of production and introduction of new technologies. In addition, the company mastered the production of inert ammunition PGI-40, which are used for zeroing the automatic grenade launcher and the training of personnel. In addition, the plant also began production of ammunition VOG-25, designed for firing from grenade launchers to machine guns, standing on the arms of the armed forces. In December 2014, the Verkhovna Rada amended the

The Supreme court stood up for an unsanctioned rally

The Supreme court stood up for an unsanctioned rally The Supreme court (SC) ruled in the case of an unauthorized rally on 12 June 2017, recognizing that the participants of such shares cannot be held responsible for this violation under article 19.3. Of the administrative code of disobeying the police. In case of refusal to leave the rally, they should be punished under article 20.2 of the violation of the legislation on public events. The decision could have broad implications for activists, as the rejection of the application to them of article 19.3 is automatically prohibits to hold more than three hours those who have not been brought for violations of the rules of holding rallies. According to experts, this means that several hundred arrests of peaceful demonstrators over the last fifteen years was illegal. Pensioner Irina Jurgilewicz 13 June 2017 was fined Frunzensky district court of St.-Petersburg for participation

Organized breakfasts, conspired

Organized breakfasts, conspired “Kommersant” familiar with yesterday’s written sworn affidavit of FBI agent Kevin Helsana American court in the case of the arrested July 15, citizens of the Russian Federation’s Butinai. According to the investigator, there is evidence to suggest that she try to flee the country, “using contacts with the Russian government,” so he asked them to leave her in custody until trial. According to investigators, at her apartment during the search was found a handwritten note in which Maria Butina asked, “what if Russian intelligence job”. The press Secretary of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the FBI is performing its core duties “is a political order”. According to the testimony of Kevin Chelsea, she may try to escape, using his connections with Russian officials, so it is necessary to conclude a pre-trial detention. “As Butina was uncovered as an illegal agent of the Russian government,

The head of the FBI has called Russia the most aggressive opponent of the United States

The head of the FBI has called Russia the most aggressive opponent of the United States NEW YORK, July 19. /TASS/. Russia attempted intervention in the us elections in 2016, and now more aggressive than other countries continues operation designed to sow discord in the United States. With this statement made by FBI Director Christopher ray on Wednesday on air of TV channel NBC in the framework of the forum on security issues in aspen (Texas). He was asked to comment on the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference following the summit in Helsinki on the participation of Russia in intervention in U.S. elections 2016. “The American intelligence community has not changed, mine too. They [the Russians] tried to interfere in the last election and continue malicious operations to influence to this day,” said ray. “In order to sow division and discord in our country. We

Turkey abolished which lasted two years, the state of emergency

Turkey abolished which lasted two years, the state of emergency Turkey ceased to operate the state of emergency imposed two years ago. It is reported by the Anadolu news Agency. The state of emergency ceased to operate on Thursday, July 19, at 01.00 local time (same as GMT). This happened after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has refused to renew it. Earlier, a spokesman for President Ibrahim Kalin said that the abolition of the regime does not mean weakness of the authorities and not allow the terrorists to operate. “And if there is a threat that will require the imposition of state of emergency, he will again be introduced,” he added. A state of emergency for a period of three months was introduced in Turkey on 21 July 2016, a week after a coup attempt in the country. Subsequently, the regime has been extended seven times. The authorities explained that the

The Russian Embassy in the US got permission to visit Butinai

Maria Butina © AP Photo WASHINGTON, July 19. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in the US received permission from us authorities to visit the Russian women’s Butinai, detained in Washington on July 15. This Russian foreign Ministry said Wednesday in a Facebook. “The Embassy has been able to obtain permission to visit the consular staff of Butynol July 19. Give her necessary support,” – said in a statement.

Trump has accused Putin of personal responsibility for intervention in U.S. elections

Trump has accused Putin of personal responsibility for intervention in U.S. elections The US President Donald trump said that Vladimir Putin personally responsible for the alleged Russian interference in the American elections in 2016. He declared it in interview to TV channel CBS News. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Responding to a direct question of the journalist, the White house said, “because the Russian President responsible for their country, then Putin as the leader responsible for the intervention. Exactly the same as feel responsible for what is happening in the United States. So, definitely, Yes,” he said. He added that during the summit in Helsinki, he “gave Putin to understand that Washington cannot afford to repeat what happened”. Earlier on July 18, during a speech in the White house, trump said that he fully trusts the American secret services. Before that, he admitted Russia’s intervention in the presidential election in 2016 and has promised