Us media said the Russian arms, in front of which NATO is “defenseless”

Us media said the Russian arms, in front of which NATO is “defenseless” MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The American edition Military Watch compare operational-tactical missile complex Iskander with the capabilities of a missile defense system of NATO in Europe and came to the conclusion that the Alliance has nothing to oppose Russian weapons. “Taking into account the experience of combat use of system “Patriot”, they are unlikely to be able to intercept the “Iskander”, so NATO will remain virtually defenseless before the Russian complex,” noted the authors. They support this conclusion by the recent results of the application of systems “Patriot” in Yemen, when us complex turned out to be ineffective against extreme R-17 used by the Houthis. R-17 (Scud B in NATO classification. — Approx. ed.) was adopted in 1962 and, as the authors note, appear to be weapons much more primitive than the “Iskander”. The article

The foreign Ministry admits that the US can use Georgia to strengthen the anti-Russian sanctions

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS MOSCOW, July 19. /TASS/. USA and the West in General can use Tbilisi to strengthen the anti-Russian sanctions, but it will have nothing to care about Georgia. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in an interview with Georgian TV channel Rustavi 2. The text of the interview published Thursday on the website of the Russian depodesta.

Foreign Minister: Japan’s Parliament prevents the negotiation of business activity in the southern part of the Kuril Islands

The building of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, July 19. /TASS/. Adopted by the Japanese Parliament amendments to the law “On special measures to promote the solution to the problem of Northern territories” (so in Japan called the southern Kuril Islands – approx. TASS) create obstacles for further talks on joint economic activities on southern Kuriles. This is stated in a statement on Thursday comments by the Russian foreign Ministry.

Trump refused Putin in the interrogation of the Americans and wanted to interview the Russians

Trump refused Putin in the interrogation of the Americans and wanted to interview the Russians The President of the United States Donald trump rejected the offer of Russian colleague Vladimir Putin about the possibility of interrogation of a number of citizens on a reciprocal basis, but expects that 12 more Russians will arrive in the United States for questioning. This was stated press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders, reports The Hill. “Trump rejects the sincere proposal. We hope that President Putin will allow the accused the Russians to come to the United States to prove their guilt or innocence,” said she. The Russian side would like to question the head of the Fund Hermitage Capital of William Browder, convicted in absentia in Russia and the former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul. USA, in turn, are interested in obtaining the 12 Russians accusing them of being spies and

Putin abolished the presidential Council

Putin abolished the presidential Council Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that abolished the presidential Council for modernization, financial market development and economic. A copy of the document published on the portal of legal information. “Abolition of: a) the presidential Council of the Russian Federation on economic modernization and innovative development of Russia; b) the presidential Council of the Russian Federation on development of financial market; C) the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation”, — the document says. The same decree the head of state shall establish a Council for strategic development and national projects. “To transform the Council under the Russian President for strategic development and priority projects in the Council under the Russian President for strategic development and national projects”, — stated in the copy of the document. The Board is chaired by Putin, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The Executive Secretary selected the

Palestine was called a racist Israeli law on the Jewish character of the state

Palestine was called a racist Israeli law on the Jewish character of the state The Palestinian government has stated that it considers the Parliament adopted Israeli law on the Jewish character of the state is racist. About it reports “RIA Novosti” with reference to the official representative of the Cabinet of Palestine Yusuf al-Mahmoud. “What made the Israeli officials making such a racist law, hostile to all the values such as freedom, democracy, humanity, considered to be waging war against the sons of (the Palestinian — approx. ed.) people and land in another attempt to strike at the existence of a nation and destroy its sacred heritage, which traces its origins since the beginning of history”, — reads the statement of Mr. al-Mahmoud. The Israeli Parliament adopted the constitutional law on the Jewish character of the country. It provoked protests of the representatives of the Arab minority, seeing in him

Russian Ambassador: Moscow wants to check the results of the British tests on the incident in Salisbury

Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, July 19. /TASS/. The Russian side wants to be able to check the results of the analyses of the British experts on the incident in Salisbury. This was stated on Thursday to journalists the Ambassador of Russia to UK Alexander Yakovenko on the sidelines of the meeting of Russian ambassadors at the foreign Ministry.

Trump commented on the “dream” of the media to see the war Russia and USA

Trump commented on the “dream” of the media to see the war Russia and USA The US President Donald trump said that some media, broadcasting fake news, I want to see a serious confrontation between Washington and Moscow, which could lead to war between the two countries. MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. “Fake media so much want to see a serious confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that could lead to war. They are so hard and recklessly crushed and hate the fact that I will probably have a good relationship with Putin,” wrote trump on Twitter. The Fake News Media wants so badly to see a major confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that could lead to war. They are recklessly pushing so hard and hate the fact that I’ll probably have a good relationship with Putin. We are doing MUCH better than any other country! — Donald

“United Russia” to find out why Poklonskaya voted against pension law

“United Russia” to find out why Poklonskaya voted against pension law Moscow. July 19. INTERFAX.RU — In the faction “United Russia” intend to understand why a member of this faction Natalia Poklonskaya voted against the adoption in the first reading the bill on amendments to pension legislation, despite the decision of “United Russia” on the consolidated support of this document. “Of course, we certainly will discuss this issue, because it was the decision of the Presidium of the General Council of the party “United Russia” agreed with the President, on the consolidated support of the “package”; so was the decision of the Presidium of the faction of the consolidated voting”, — said the head of the faction, Deputy speaker of the state Duma Sergey Neverov, answering a question of Interfax. At the request of the Agency to clarify what measures can be taken against Poklonskaya, Neverov explained that the decision

New Spanish submarine after the alteration does not fit in the dock

New Spanish submarine after the alteration does not fit in the dock Another attempt of Spain to start operation of the new submarine again failed after it turned out that she does not fit in the docks naval base in Cartagena, local media reported. Submarine S-80 had to design again because of an error in the calculations. Her misadventures are drawn from 2013, when it became clear that the submarine 100 tonnes heavier than necessary, causing buoyancy problems. The boat could dive, but then fail to emerge.. Engineers had urgently to extend. The revised draft called S-80 “Plus”. According to the newspaper El Pais, after modification of the submarine was too long for the docks in Cartagena. Budget S-80 “Plus” has grown by almost two times compared to the initial draft and now is 1 billion euros. As reported by the associated press, citing an informed source in one of