It is estimated the cost of the meeting between Putin and trump

It is estimated the cost of the meeting between Putin and trump The cost of organizing and holding meetings of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump in Helsinki, according to preliminary data, exceeded $ 4 million. About this reports portal Yle with reference to the MIA of Finland. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий It is noted that in the current international tradition, the costs of holding the meetings is paid by the host country. Most of the spending — about 2.7 million Euro — fell on MIA. Of this money, two million euros was spent on strengthening the work of police in Helsinki, and the rest went to the work of the Central criminal police, the border guard service. It is noted that while does not include the cost of the use of fighter jets and military helicopters as well as ships of the Navy. Slightly more than a million

Former South Korean President received eight years in prison

Former South Korean President received eight years in prison It is noted that Park Geun-Hye is already serving a 24-year period. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий TASS, July 20. Former South Korean President Park Geun-Hye, who is already serving a 24-year sentence in prison, received on Friday a further eight years imprisonment on two other criminal cases. This was reported to the Agency Yonhap. It is noted that the Seoul district court on Friday sentenced Park Geun-Hye in two different cases, even to six and two years of imprisonment. The ex-President is accused of bribery and embezzlement of public funds. The court also imposed a fine in the amount of 3.3 billion Korean won (approximately $2.91 million). The Park Geun-Hye in this court, as all past, not present — the former President is boycotting them, calling the “politically motivated and unfair”. South Korean prosecutors were required for the former President of 15 years imprisonment.

Bloomberg: Putin has invited Trump to hold a referendum in the Donbass

Bloomberg: Putin has invited Trump to hold a referendum in the Donbass The President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Helsinki on 16 July suggested that the U.S. President Donald Trump to hold a referendum in the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk national republics, reports Bloomberg, citing sources. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий According to them, about your offer Mr. Putin said at a meeting with Russia’s ambassadors on July 19. According to interlocutors of Agency, the President of the Russian Federation stated that it was decided not to announce the initiative about the referendum publicly, “the President of the United States could think about it.” In the American White house has not commented on the information about the alleged offer. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov declined to comment, saying only that “they discussed several new ideas on which to work”. The summit in Helsinki was the first full-scale

Trump promised to become the “worst enemy” of Putin in the disorder of relations with Moscow

Trump promised to become the “worst enemy” of Putin in the disorder of relations with Moscow The President of the United States Donald trump admitted that might be his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin’s worst enemy. About this trump said in an interview with CBS. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Trump said that “to get along” with Putin and Russia would be “a good thing”, but if this way doesn’t work, he can become for the Russian President, “the worst enemy”. The US President stressed that the current policy in relation to Putin is more stringent, and possibly the most hard of those that have ever held the White house. As proof, trump recalled the introduction of the White house anti-Russian sanctions and expulsion 60 diplomats. Separately, he focused on criticism of the project “Northern stream-2” and its supporting Germany. Earlier, the state Department made clear that cooperation on this project with Russia could lead

Ukraine wanted to mine the sea of Azov

Ukraine wanted to mine the sea of Azov To prevent the loss of Ukraine from the Russian warships, and to protect the country from potential Russian landing troops will allow laid along the sea of Azov explosive and unbreakable fences. About this on “Hromadske radio”, said the former commander of the Navy Ukraine Vice-Admiral Sergei Gayduk. According to him, the Ukrainian civil court has not blown up on such obstacles, they should be held in military-controlled lanes in the composition of the caravans. The Admiral also believes that the military should conduct exercises on the Azov sea coast of Ukraine, to learn to resist the landing of the Russian troops. Earlier, a spokesman for the State border service of Ukraine, Colonel Oleg Slobodyan reported that the Ukrainian border guards in the sea of Azov lacks the resources and technology to counter Russia. However, he noted, at the headquarters of the

Putin called “largely successful” summit with trump

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, July 19. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that his meeting with the US President in Helsinki on 16 July was successful and marked the beginning of positive changes in bilateral relations, although a number of forces in Washington are trying to disavow the results of the summit. Speaking at the meeting of Russian ambassadors and permanent representatives, Putin noted that his first full meeting with trump was “generally successful, it led to agreements.” According to Putin, “despite the difference in views,” he trump was United in the opinion that “Russian-American relations are in very poor condition, in many respects, even worse than during the cold war.” “Of course, it would be naive to believe that the problems that have accumulated over the years will be resolved in a few hours, but no one expected, however, believe that the way to these positive changes still begun”,

Putin told Russian diplomats on objectives

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, July 19. /TASS/. Russia’s active participation in world Affairs is dictated by our main national interest – ensuring the most favourable, safe environment for breakthrough development of the country, addressing major social, economic challenges, improving the quality of life of Russians. This was stated on Thursday, speaking at a meeting with Russian ambassadors and permanent representatives of the Russian Federation, Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Our citizens want to see Russia strong, independent, peace-loving state. We are open to partnerships, mutually beneficial, constructive relations with all countries and regional organizations”, – he stressed. Putin also noted that “following international law, working collectively, we can solve the most complex problems of the world”. The Russian leader, in his speech raised a number of issues that concern the entire international community, including the issue of settlement in Syria, the question of preservation of the agreements on the Iranian nuclear

Russian diplomats met with Butynol in the Washington prison

Maria Butina © EPA-EFE/Press Service of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation/HANDOUT WASHINGTON, July 20. /TASS/. Russian Maria Butina, detained in Washington July 15, is adapting to prison conditions, but feels fine, health complaints no. This is stated in the statement of the Russian Embassy in the United States, published on Thursday in Facebook. “As a result of these efforts achieved a consular meeting with Butynol in the Washington prison. Despite the stress and psychological pressure that a Russian citizen had to endure in the course of the arrest, and she is feeling fine, health complaints no,” said the Embassy. – Officially asked the us authorities explanations concerning the arrest of our citizen.” “Like any normal person, prison conditions Maria adapts hard. While he was in good spirits, confident in his innocence, is determined to prove it in court – the statements. – Of course, she was very happy

Russia conducted a successful launch of a new missile defense system

Russia conducted a successful launch of a new missile defense system MOSCOW, July 20 — RIA Novosti. Russia conducted successful launches of the new missile at the Sary-Shagan in Kazakhstan, the article published Friday in the official Gazette of the defense Ministry newspaper “Red star”. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “On the ground Sary-Shagan (Kazakhstan) combat crews of the troops ABOUT videoconferencing successfully carried out another test launch of a new upgraded missile Russian missile defense system”, — stated in the message. “New upgraded missile interceptor missile defense system successfully completed the task and struck conditional goal at the set time”, see the words of the Deputy commander of the Association of air and missile defense HQs of major-General Andrey Prikhodko. According to the article, the new missile has a speed of about four miles per second. “It was one of the most difficult launches. It is unique in that the developers asked a

The Russian foreign Ministry criticized the amendments to the law of Japan of the southern Kuril Islands

The Russian foreign Ministry criticized the amendments to the law of Japan of the southern Kuril Islands The introduction by Parliament of Japan of amendments to its law on the southern Kuril Islands are an impediment to the promotion of talks on joint economic activities (DSS) on the Islands. On Thursday, July 19, is spoken in the comment of Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry. 21фотография21фотография21фотография We are talking about amendments to the law “On special measures to promote the solution to the problem of Northern territories”, 1982, says foreign Ministry. In the commentary foreign Ministry expressed a lack of understanding of why a legal act adopted in the years of uneasy relations of Moscow and Tokyo “Japanese lawmakers took to get to the light”, because currently, relations between Russia and Japan are developing dynamically in line with the decisions of the leaders. “Moreover, the amendments