Media: in Britain amounted to sketch of a suspect in the poisoning Skrobala

Media: in Britain amounted to sketch of a suspect in the poisoning Skrobala MOSCOW, 22 Jul — RIA Novosti. British police have made a sketch of the main suspect in the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. About this newspaper the Daily Mail. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий According to the publication, the image received from the recordings taken by security cameras in Salisbury. As the article States, police used face recognition technology. the Sketch has already revealed “key witnesses” of the incident in Salisbury and questioned them regarding the “mysterious woman”, reports the Daily Mail. Scotland Yard did not comment on this information. A composite sketch of the alleged “criminals” for any reason has not released. According to British media, the matter Skrobala involved a group of “Russian spies” headed by a certain woman. Earlier it was reported that after the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel and his daughter

The US state Department: Pompeo and Lavrov discussed the violations in Syria

The US state Department: Pompeo and Lavrov discussed the violations in Syria The head of the press service of the U.S. Department of state Heather Nauert in his Twitter has published a document after a telephone conversation of US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo with the Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. The report said that during the conversation were discussed, including the fact that Russia violates its commitments in the South-West of Syria. The sides also discussed ideas on the coordination of the fight against terrorism and the common objective of building a dialogue between entrepreneurs in the two countries, the document says. The conversation Pompeo and Lavrov took place yesterday. This was reported by the Russian foreign Ministry. On July 21, @SecPompeo spoke with #Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov. They discussed the #Helsinki Summit, Russia’s violation of its commitment in southwest #Syria, how to implement ideas on #counterterrorism coordination

Senator Rubio: US needs pragmatic approach to cooperation with Russia

Senator Rubio: US needs pragmatic approach to cooperation with Russia NEW YORK, July 22. /TASS/. The US needs to cooperate with Russia, but has to be dealt with pragmatically, without any illusions. This opinion was expressed on Sunday in the broadcast of CNN Senator Marco Rubio (Republican from Florida). He expressed satisfaction that the US President requested to invite the Russian leader to visit Washington and thus returned to the original plan to meet with Putin in the United States. “Trump is now back to the original plan to hold a meeting with Putin in his field in the United States — said the Senator. — We need to interact with Russia, because it has a lot of nuclear weapons”. “Until we have a clear understanding of [the real aspirations of the Russian leadership], we can interact with him [Putin] on all questions that we only wish to raise. But

Poroshenko promised return Donbass of the Ukrainian flag

Poroshenko promised return Donbass of the Ukrainian flag The President of Ukraine promised return Donbass of the Ukrainian flag. About this he wrote on his Facebook after the celebration of the anniversary of the return of the three cities of the Luhansk region under the control of Kiev. The Ukrainian leader congratulated the residents of Severodonetsk, Lisichansk and Milestone with the fourth anniversary of liberation from “Russian mercenaries”. “I am sure that Ukrainian blue and yellow flag will be raised in all the towns and villages of Donetsk and Lugansk regions”, — he said. July 19 it became known that the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov presented the strategy of restoring the integrity of Ukraine and “de-occupation” of Donbass. Previously, the official explained that it involves the tactics of “small steps”: first, the district or the city was occupied by peacekeepers, and then there are elections. A

“Let him go”. Sidyakin and Milon commented on the decision of the Ivanovo Deputy-United Russia

“Let him go”. Sidyakin and Milon commented on the decision of the Ivanovo Deputy-United Russia United Russia Deputy of the Ivanovo region asked to expel him from the party. He expressed his disagreement with the pension reform. A copy of his statement Deputy Alexander Kryuchenkov published in Twitter. Earlier, the ruling party has asked to be removed from the “United Russia” only after the loss of confidence in the President. To vote on the issue of pension reform in the state Duma on 19 July from all deputies from the faction “United Russia” voted against only Natalia Poklonskaya. Its solution will be discussed at the Presidium of the faction, said Sergei Neverov. Business FM asked the deputies what they think about the act of colleagues from Ivanovo region. Alexander Sidyakin, a state Duma Deputy: “he Wants to — so exclude what issues. If you do not agree, you may disagree

The President of Argentina without permission, let of the US military

The President of Argentina without permission, let of the US military Argentina’s President Mauricio Macri has allowed US to place military bases on its territory. About this newspaper Aristegui Noticias, citing a source in the military sphere. According to the interlocutor of the edition, it is about creating three bases, financing for which is the South command of the US army (SOUTHCOM). The decision was taken to bypass Congress, which must authorize the deployment of foreign military facilities. One base will be located in Misiones province in the so-called Tripartite border where Argentina meets with Paraguay and Brazil. The second has already started to build in the province of neuquén, where there is a large Deposit of shale gas and oil shale. Third base will appear in Tierra del Fuego. The government also concluded a special agreement with the Agency for control over drug trafficking of the USA to create

The Iranian President called for trump’s “not to play with lion’s tail”

The Iranian President called for trump’s “not to play with lion’s tail” Moscow. July 22. INTERFAX.RU — President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani warned the US President Donald trump from rash action, which could lead to an unprecedented war. “Mr. trump, do not play with the tail of a lion, it is possible to regret. America needs to know that peace with Iran is the essence of peace for all, and war with Iran is all wars the war,” he said at a meeting with Iranian diplomats in Tehran. “You are not authorized to encourage the Iranian people to act against the security and interests of Iran,” said Rouhani. In early may, trump announced U.S. withdrawal from the Joint comprehensive plan of action nuclear agreement in 2015 between Iran and the “six” of international mediators (Russia, USA, UK, China, France and Germany), as well as on the

The European Parliament has frozen grants to the party of Le Pen

The European Parliament has frozen grants to the party of Le Pen PARIS, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. The European Parliament after the French justice has decided to freeze the grants of the party “National unification”, the newspaper Journal du dimanche. In early July it became known that the forensic investigators of Paris decided to hold two million euros of state subsidies, which were to get the party “National Union” like other French party. The consequence suspects the party in creating a hidden system for the misappropriation of European funds that went to the assistants of the parliamentarians. Party leader marine Le Pen has said that he considers these actions illegal, has called their murder the first opposition party of France, and denied the charges. According to her, because of the retention of subsidies “Association” may cease to exist at the end of August, as you won’t be able to