A number of businessmen from “list of Titov” had the opportunity to return to Russia

A number of businessmen from “list of Titov” had the opportunity to return to Russia MOSCOW — RIA Novosti. Authorized under the President of Russia for entrepreneurs ‘ rights Boris Titov has received the official answers to their questions regarding the business of the “London list”, reports RT with reference to the press service of the business Ombudsman In the document signed by the Deputy General Prosecutor of Russia Viktor grin informed of the possibility of cancellation of the international search and investigation without the use of deprivation of liberty in respect of Leonid Kuraev, Sergei Kapchuk, Mikhail Shamanov and Dmitry Pankov. Also the Prosecutor General’s office reported reviewing the cases of four other businessmen: Alexey Kuznetsov, Yuri the Cambers, Anatoly Loktionov and Evgeny Petrov. In the event of their voluntary surrender to the investigator of primeneniem him arrest the law provides, said the Agency. “I fall through the first

Israel rejected the offer of Russia on the area without the Iranian military in the border areas of Syria

Israel rejected the offer of Russia on the area without the Iranian military in the border areas of Syria Moscow. July 23. INTERFAX.RU the Israeli side rejected the Russian Federation, formulated the idea of creating a 100-kilometer zone before the demarcation line between Israel and Syria, which will not be able to be the Iranian military. About it reports on Monday, the newspaper Times of Israel, citing a senior source. Israel rejected the offer, continued to demand that Iran did not have military presence on Syrian territory, the newspaper said. In addition, according to the newspaper, Israel has insisted that Syria should not be long-range missiles, as well as the closure of the country all facilities where rockets were produced. On Monday, a meeting was held between the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov with the head of the General staff of the

Putin asked to intervene in yet another war

Putin asked to intervene in yet another war The Chairman of the Supreme political Council of the Huthis, the Shiite rebels in Yemen, Mahdi al-Mashat sent a telegram to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with the request to help stop the civil war in the country. It is reported Yemeni news Agency SABA. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий In the message, common Agency Thursday, July 19, al-Mashat has asked Russia to use its international influence to stop the aggression and lift the blockade of (refers to the air and sea blockade of Yemen, introduced a coalition of Sunni States — approx. “Of the tape.ru”). He also called on Putin to ensure security and stability in the country. Monday, July 23, it became known that the Yemeni Houthi rebels sent a letter to the French authorities with a request to intervene in the war. They called on the President of France Emmanuel Makron to

RF MFA: escape White helmets of Syria shows whose orders they carried out

The building of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/. Escape employees non-governmental organizations (NGOs) White helmets of Syria with foreign support shows whose orders they served and whose money worked. This is stated in a statement Monday commentary of the Russian foreign Ministry. Earlier official representative of the Israeli foreign Ministry Emmanuel Nachshon said that Israel evacuated from Syria on the request of the United States, Canada and several European countries, activists of the “White helmets” with their families. The Israeli army radio “Galey IDF” has informed that in the course of the operation 800 people were transported to the territory of Jordan from southern Syria, where government forces completed the operation against armed groups. In Damascus believe that the “White helmets” are associated with the terrorists of the banned in Russia grouping “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” and act in its interests.

The government announced measures to improve the quality of life of Russians

The government announced measures to improve the quality of life of Russians In the project “Demography” includes programs to support families, promote employment of women and the promotion of health and creation of conditions for active longevity of the older generation. MOSCOW, 23 Jul — RIA Novosti. The government developed the national project “Demography” to improve the quality of life of Russians. The program includes Federal projects “Financial support for families with children”, “Create “nurseries” — promoting the employment of women”, “Older generation”, “Strengthening public health” and “the New physical culture of the population”. The total funding of the project will amount to more than 3.5 trillion rubles. The older generation and the promotion of health In the framework of the state program, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev urged to create conditions for active longevity. He noted that the Russians need to create the conditions under which they are not just

Trump urged to prosecute the U.S. justice Department, the FBI and the “Obama gang”

Trump urged to prosecute the U.S. justice Department, the FBI and the “Obama gang” Moscow. July 23. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Monday said that the Ministry of justice, the FBI and the team of ex-US President Barack Obama should be held responsible for his involvement in the so-called “dossier trump”. “Now, we find out that that file was indeed fake, paid (the former candidate for presidents of the United States — if) dishonest Hillary Clinton and the National Democratic Committee with the specific purpose of transfer of organs of justice, which began a controversial and questionable “witch hunt” by the (spectacular — if) Robert Mueller,” wrote trump on Twitter. The U.S. justice Department, the FBI and the Obama gang should be held accountable… They avoided talking about what was behind that team Clinton. They confuse justice, to obtain a pretext for the surveillance team trump. The surveillance

CEC until the end of the week will decide whether the law is a question for the pension referendum of the Communist party

CEC until the end of the week will decide whether the law is a question for the pension referendum of the Communist party The party proposes to organize a nationwide referendum against raising the retirement age. MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia at a meeting later this week will decide whether the law question, which the Communist party proposes to put to a nationwide referendum against raising the retirement age. This was reported by TASS on Monday, the Secretary of the CEC, Maya Grishina. “The law says [installed] ten days of receipt to us of notification. Therefore, [the meeting] before the end of this week,” she said, adding that the documents on the referendum, came to the CEC from the Moscow city election Commission last week. The Communist party plans to organize a nationwide referendum against raising the retirement age. Moscow became the first region where

The CEC submitted the documents to hold a referendum on raising the retirement age

The CEC submitted the documents to hold a referendum on raising the retirement age Moscow. July 23. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian Central election Commission received documents about a possible referendum on the question of changing pension legislation, have informed “Interfax” the Secretary of the Commission of Maya Grishin. “The CEC last week received a notice from Moscow election Committee on the possible referendum about the change in pension legislation”, — said Grishin. She noted that at the moment the documents are in work, the matter will be considered at the meeting of the Central election Commission in accordance with the law. “While date of consideration of this issue is not defined, but it should be held in the near future”, — said Grishin. Under the law, the CEC within 10 days after receiving notice of a possible referendum should consider this matter in open session. On 17 July the initiative

Trump again called sell the story of the intervention of Russia in election

Trump again called sell the story of the intervention of Russia in election The US President Donald trump called cheating scandal with alleged Russian interference in presidential elections in 2016. For the past week he has repeatedly emphasized agreement with the conclusions of us intelligence that Russia’s intervention took place. “So, the President (Barack.— “B”) Obama knew about Russia before the elections. Why is it nothing did? Why didn’t he tell our campaign? Because it’s just a big swindle, that’s why, and because I was confident in the victory of dishonest Hillary (Clinton.— “B”)!” — he wrote in Twitter. So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn’t he do something about it? Why didn’t he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that’s why, and Crooked he thought Hillary was going to win!!! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2018 14 Jul Donald