Peskov called unacceptable linking of new sanctions of the USA with the incident in Salisbury

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. The Kremlin believes the new alignment of U.S. sanctions with the incident in the British Salisbury unacceptable, Russia had nothing to do with what happened. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “We consider absolutely unacceptable for the linkage of new restrictions [from the US], which we still believe to be illegal, with the “business Salisbury”, – he stressed. – We resolutely reject any accusations in the context of the possible involvement of the Russian state to what happened in Salisbury. About it cannot go and speeches”.

The Kremlin has responded to US attempt to write down Russia in “sponsors of terrorism”

The Kremlin has responded to US attempt to write down Russia in “sponsors of terrorism” MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has called suggestions of senators of the United States to recognize Russia as a sponsor of terrorism remarks “beyond reasonable”, the question of the sponsorship of terrorism can be addressed to the countries that support remaining in Syria of the terrorist group. The Kommersant newspaper has previously published the text of the bill on new sanctions against Russia, prepared by Republican Lindsey Graham and three of his colleagues. According to the newspaper, the congressmen, in particular, require from the President of the United States Donald trump to block dollar payments of Russian banks, prohibit the operation to US residents with a new Russian public debt and to solve the issue of the recognition of Russia as “state sponsor of terrorism.” “A lot

The Kremlin reacted to the US decision to impose new sanctions

The Kremlin reacted to the US decision to impose new sanctions The plans of Washington are contrary to the atmosphere of the latest meeting of Putin and trump, said Peskov. The Kremlin believes that it is premature to speak about Russia’s response to new sanctions from the United States, told reporters on Thursday, press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. First, we heard an official statement about the new so-called sanctions, and we heard some high-ranking source, who spoke on the possibility of certain restrictions against Russia. So until we understand exactly and officially what was going on, to talk about some countermeasures would be wrong.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of Russia In General, however, Moscow considers “unacceptable linkage new restrictions”, which the Kremlin considers illegal, with the “business Salisbury”, said Peskov. “We again resolutely reject any accusations of possible involvement of the Russian state to what

Donald Trump will expand powers in the fight against Russia

Donald Trump will expand powers in the fight against Russia The US President will be able to impose sanctions for interfering in American elections. The white house has prepared a document that will allow the President of the United States Donald Trump personally to impose sanctions against foreigners for meddling in the election. About this newspaper The Washington Post (WP). Under the bill, Donald trump, at its discretion, can impose sanctions on 10 companies of the 30 largest in the country, whose authorities interfered in the elections. According to the publication, is “the latest attempt of the presidential administration to show serious attitude to the fight with the Russian hacker attacks and misinformation.” The eight-page document, seen by the journalists of WP, should be the response to critics of Donald trump, who believe that the President is “more confidence in the assertions of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin about

The Russian Embassy in the United States invited the state Department to make public the correspondence on new sanctions

The building of the Russian Embassy in Washington © Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP WASHINGTON, August 9. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in the United States invited the state Department to make public the official correspondence on the introduction of sanctions for the case Skrobala. This is stated in the statement of the Russian Embassy in the United States, released on Wednesday.

Cybertronian consciousness

Cybertronian consciousness The U.S. fears of cyber attacks, but refuse to deal with them together with Russia. As it became known “Kommersant”, Russia has offered the United States cooperation in preventing cyber attacks on critical infrastructure (power stations, control systems water supply and transport, hospitals, banks and so on). The relevant provision was included in the joint statement of the presidents of the two countries, prepared by the Russian party to the adoption at the summit in Helsinki. Moreover, Moscow offered Washington to make a point about the inadmissibility of “destabilizing actions against domestic political processes, including elections.” Washington, however, these initiatives refused. That Moscow offered Washington to cooperate for the prevention of computer sabotage of the critical infrastructure of the two countries, “Kommersant” was told by two well-informed source from the Russian side and confirmed one American. According to interlocutors “Kommersant”, this topic was discussed by officials of the

In the state Duma proposed to ban the sale of alcohol in open shelves

In the state Duma proposed to ban the sale of alcohol in open shelves To prohibit the sale of alcohol on the open shelves in grocery stores was proposed by the Chairman of the Duma Committee on health protection Leonid Ogul. “Alcohol should be hidden from the eyes of the buyers, in due time, removed from the eyes of tobacco — either in a separate room, or in closed cabinets. Don’t want — let them sell in alkomarket,” said Ogul Agency “RIA Novosti”. The MP believes that the availability of alcohol in shops not only detrimental to adults, but also shows a bad example to children. Ogul is sure: if alcohol will be in another room, then, for example, a person with a child will not go there. According to him, the issue was raised in the state Duma of the previous convocation, however, was deferred. As he wrote “Izvestia”

The United States will impose sanctions against Russia because of the “business Skrypalia”

The United States will impose sanctions against Russia because of the “business Skrypalia” MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. United States because of the alleged use of chemical weapons by Russia in Salisbury will introduce from August 22 to new sanctions against Moscow, said the state Department. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий It is noted that the restrictive measures will enter into force 15 days after notification to Congress. The American foreign Ministry believe that the agent nerve agents “Novice” used in circumvention of international law and the Convention on the prohibition of the use of chemical weapons. The second package of sanctions against Russia because of the incident in Salisbury will be introduced in three months, if Moscow does not fulfill the put forward USA of requirements. About the impending restrictions Wednesday, the US informed Russia. “Yes, we told the Russian,” — said the representative office. He said that the US administration told

USA is afraid of the “destructive technology” of Russia

USA is afraid of the “destructive technology” of Russia In recent years, American sailors faced with an increasingly growing Russian capabilities in the field of electronic warfare, said in an interview with Voice of America Admiral U.S. Navy, chief of naval operations Jon Richardson. The military noted the need to increase the United States to counter threats from Russia. “These disruptive technologies… will indeed be decisive in a future battle, and we need to make sure too invest in them,” said Richardson. The Admiral added that the opposition to the Russian electronic warfare systems is a new component for the U.S. Navy. In June 2018, the us military analyst Samuel Bendett said that the Russian technology of electronic warfare ahead of us and represent a special threat to the United States and NATO forces in Europe. Then the President of Academy of geopolitical problems, doctor of military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov