School graduates have disappointed the Ukrainian Minister

School graduates have disappointed the Ukrainian Minister The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin commented on the “shameful” results of the school final exam in mathematics. About this he wrote in his Facebook. “Frankly, I want to sound the alarm. It’s a complete disaster! Forty-eight percent of students failed to solve the problem of eighth grade. Every second of today’s graduates are not versed in elementary math rules!” — complained the Minister. According to Klimkin, without a change in approach to teaching and stimulation of youth Ukraine risks “to be nowhere”. He noted that “education is the path to a successful future,” and turning from him, the country dooms itself to the “periphery of life.” The Ukrainian Minister added that the unsatisfactory state of Affairs applies not only in mathematics, but English, history, geography, and, “what is striking”, the Ukrainian language. “Think about it?! And nobody notices! You

Ukraine has blocked the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin” in Kherson

Ukraine has blocked the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin” in Kherson Moscow. August 18. INTERFAX.RU — representative of the President of Ukraine declares that the ship has locked for three years, the crew will not allow the port on the Board. The Russian vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin”, submitted to the Ukrainian sanctions list and located in the port of Kherson, blocked there for three years, said first Deputy permanent representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Nigeria Gdanov. 10 August asset of the company, namely the vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin” was blocked for three years in the port city of Kherson.Nigeria Gdanov first Deputy permanent representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea According to the operator of the ship, the crew of “the Mechanic Pogodin” was not allowed on Board the port inspection, which was going to check a complaint about an unsatisfactory

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the British media disseminate false information about Russian submarines

© Lev Fedoseyev/TASS LONDON, August 18. /TASS/. The British media continue to propagate false information, supporting the myth of the Russian “threat”. This was stated on Saturday by the press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in the UK, commenting on a series of newspaper articles about the allegedly increased activity of Russian submarines of concern in the Navy of the United Kingdom.

Sands: the Kremlin does not perceive criticism of Putin for his trip to the wedding in Austria

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov © EPA/SERGEI KARPUKHIN/POOL BERLIN, August 18. /TASS/. In the Kremlin do not perceive criticism sounding to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in connection with his trip to the wedding, the foreign Minister of Austria Karin Kneissl. This was stated to journalists the press-Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov.

Peskov told about the gifts of Putin to the wedding of the Austrian foreign Minister

Peskov told about the gifts of Putin to the wedding of the Austrian foreign Minister Moscow. August 18. INTERFAX.RU — in Addition to the performance of the Cossack choir, the Russian leader gave the newlyweds a picture macovigilance old Tula samovar. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий Russian President Vladimir Putin at the wedding, the foreign Minister of Austria Karen Kneissl gave a toast in German, gave the newlyweds some gifts, as well as the performance of the Kuban Cossack choir, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. He also noted that Putin had a brief conversation with the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz. Peskov told reporters that he presented to the President of the Russian Federation to the wedding, the foreign Minister of Austria: “the Picture of rural motifs, old macovigilance Tula samovar”. Another gift of the Russian side was the performance at the wedding of the Kuban Cossack choir, which,

Putin arrived in Berlin for talks with Merkel

Putin arrived in Berlin for talks with Merkel BERLIN, 18 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss the situation in Syria, Ukraine, US sanctions and the implementation of large international commercial projects, including the “Nord stream-2”. The Russian leader arrived to the airport of Berlin from Austria. There he attended the wedding of the head of the Austrian Ministry of foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl. According to the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, the trip to Austria was of a private nature. Kneisl Putin invited to the wedding even during the visit of the Russian leader to Vienna on 5 June. According to the official representative of the German government of the Steffen Seibert, the German-Russian negotiations will be held at the castle Meseberg, situated 70 kilometres North of Berlin. The meeting will take place three

Poroshenko banned the defense recover from debt in favor of Russia

Poroshenko banned the defense recover from debt in favor of Russia KYIV, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the law according to which Russia and its companies will not be able to collect debts from the strategic defense enterprises of Ukraine. About it reports a press-service of the President. In particular, the law introduces a ban on the execution of decisions, including foreign vessels, for the recovery of debt obligations, where creditor are the Russian companies, their domestic and foreign subsidiaries, as debtor — enterprises of the Ukrainian MIC, included in the list of strategic objects. The law will enter into force on the day following its official publication. Ukraine in 2014 broke the agreement on military-technical cooperation with Russia, banning the export of military goods and dual-use. Thus, Ukrainian enterprises are unable to meet their obligations to Russian customers, and they began to

Vladimir Putin arrived in Graz at the wedding, the foreign Minister of Austria

Vladimir Putin arrived in Graz at the wedding, the foreign Minister of Austria Russian President Vladimir Putin in Austria takes part in celebrations on the occasion of the marriage of the foreign Minister of this country Karin Kneissl, told “RIA Novosti” press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Mr Putin day arrived in the city of Graz, in the outskirts which will host the wedding. The Russian President made a brief stop here on a private visit on the way to Berlin where he will hold talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. We will remind, for the first time in 2014, Vladimir Putin is heading to Germany for bilateral talks. Mrs Merkel will take it in the evening in the state residence Meseberg. As the President of Russia met in Austria, read in the publication “Kommersant FM”.