Moscow rejected the accusations Microsoft about RF interference in U.S. elections

Moscow rejected the accusations Microsoft about RF interference in U.S. elections Moscow. 21 Aug. INTERFAX.RU IN Moscow reject statements from Microsoft about Russia’s attempts to influence the upcoming November elections in the us Congress and consider these allegations a “political game”, said to “Interfax” the Russian diplomatic source. Upstairs “Microsoft is playing political games. Elections have not yet been, but the charges are already there”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He noted that in this situation, the company “behaves not as a business player, and as a Prosecutor.” Microsoft said on Tuesday that fixed Russia’s attempts to influence the upcoming November elections in the us Congress, reported the Associated Press. According to the report, Microsoft has determined that “a group of hackers associated with the Russian government, created a false domain that turned out to be fake two American conservative organizations — the Hudson Institute and the International Republican Institute.”

Microsoft warned of the impending intervention of Russian hackers in the “elections” of the USA

Microsoft warned of the impending intervention of Russian hackers in the “elections” of the USA Microsoft on Tuesday said that last week she performed a judicial decision and handed over control of U.S. authorities over the six domains that were registered by Russian hacker groups. Upstairs They, according to the American corporations, was hired by GRU. These sites have been tampered with under the real sites associated with the U.S. Senate and political organizations, working with the Republican party. The Corporation records the early attempts of phishing by Russian hackers using these sites, but Microsoft does not evidence that at least one of the attacks was successful. The Corporation warned that the Russian intelligence services, who work hackers, aktiviziruyutsya directly before the upcoming “the midterms” in the United States, which will be held in November this year. “We are concerned that these and many other attempted attacks threaten a growing

Peskov: Putin and trump has not discussed the conditions for removing or alleviating sanctions

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with reporters, said that during the summit of leaders of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump – the American President did not raise the question of whether any action in Ukraine or in Syria, Washington expects Moscow to soften or remove sanctions against Russia. “No, – Peskov said, answering the relevant question. – All this we did not go”.

Peskov: Putin and trump has not discussed the conditions for removing or alleviating sanctions

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with reporters, said that during the summit of leaders of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump – the American President did not raise the question of whether any action in Ukraine or in Syria, Washington expects Moscow to soften or remove sanctions against Russia. “No, – Peskov said, answering the relevant question. – All this we did not go”.

Kudrin called for the purpose to increase pensions up to 70% of salary

Kudrin called for the purpose to increase pensions up to 70% of salary According to the head of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin, the goal of pension reform should be to increase pensions from 60 to 70% of salary. Upstairs “We have set a goal to pension was 60 to 70% of salary. If we do not solve the question of raising the retirement age, we stroked this purpose,” said Mr. Kudrin, speaking at the parliamentary hearings in the state Duma. According to the head of the chamber of accounts, the funds of the national welfare Fund can no longer be used for “payments and the balance of the Pension Fund.” The reserve Fund today, no. Today we have only one national welfare Fund. It is enough for one such similar crisis (2008-2009 — “b”).Alex Makinglove of the accounting chamber See also: Topilin called the “main beneficiaries” of the pension

Topilin called the “main beneficiaries” of the pension reform

Topilin called the “main beneficiaries” of the pension reform Saved by raising the retirement age 3 trillion rubles over the next six years will be used to raise pensions to pensioners, said the Minister of labour and social protection Maxim Topilin at the parliamentary hearings in the state Duma. Upstairs “That pensioners should be the main beneficiaries of the changes,” — said Topilin. From 2016, the indexation of pensions is made only for pensioners. Topilin stressed that the key objective of increasing retirement age is the acceleration of indexation of pensions. According to government plans, by 2019. pensions must be increased by 1000 RUB (to the indexation rate of 7%) and 2024 to reach 20, 000. This indexation will be fixed by amendments to the second reading of the government bill, the Minister promised. The head of the Ministry of labor also said that the coming years are the most

Russia and the Central African Republic signed an agreement on military cooperation

Russia and the Central African Republic signed an agreement on military cooperation KUBINKA (Moscow region), August 21 — RIA Novosti. Russia and the Central African Republic (CAR) Tuesday signed an intergovernmental agreement on military cooperation. Upstairs The ceremony took place in the framework of military-technical forum “Army-2018” in Moscow Kubinka. Signatures under the document were put by head of the Russian defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and his counterpart from the Central African Republic Marie Noel of Cayara. News“Army-2018”: concern “Kalashnikov” demonstrated a new automatic, electric motorcycles, hybrid buggies and walking robot Evaluation Shoigu, that implementation of the agreement “will strengthen ties in the defense sector.” Kouara, in turn, expressed hope that the agreement will be the basis for the preparation of national Armed forces, without specifying whether they are preparing in Russia or Russian specialists in Africa. As stated in the certificate on the website of the Ministry of foreign

The salaries of top managers of the Federal military will take control

The salaries of top managers of the Federal military will take control The salaries of the governors, their deputies and chief accountants tied to the earnings of ordinary workers. Upstairs For salaries and bonuses of top-managers of Federal state unitary enterprises (FSUE), the defense Ministry will impose strict control. On the orders, developed by the military, the salary of heads may not exceed the average monthly earnings of employees by more than five times. On a quarterly prize top managers will be able to count only in case, if during the reporting period, the company achieved a positive financial result. It is expected that the new regulations will help to make the system of remuneration is transparent and will allow to avoid situations when top managers write themselves unreasonably large bonuses. In the military “news” said that the Ministry has developed a draft order “About payment of heads of Federal

In Lithuania fear that Russia “take advantage of” outflow of population from the Baltic States

In Lithuania fear that Russia “take advantage of” outflow of population from the Baltic States MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Exodus faced by the Baltic States and Central and Eastern Europe may affect European security because it can “take advantage of Russia”. About this newspaper Rzeczpospolita said the Director of Lithuanian social research centre sarmīte Mikuleniene. Upstairs “Population decline is a blow to our security, the situation could benefit Russia. In society, the tensions. Recently a discussion broke out about whether to allow work we have registered in Russia, of the Corporation, which is engaged in taxi transportation and collects data about their customers,” said Mikuleniene. According to her, a particularly acute problem of loss of population arose after the collapse of the USSR. Since 1990-ies Lithuania lost a quarter of the population, Latvia — thirds of the population. Poland after accession to the EU lost more than

The Ministry did not approve the initiative of the Duma be allowed to pay utility bills at the request

The Ministry did not approve the initiative of the Duma be allowed to pay utility bills at the request The Ministry opposed the payment of housing and communal services utility services as desired, since it may provoke a “consumer selfishness” and the growth of debt. This “Izvestia” said the Department. Upstairs “We do not support this proposal,” — said the Deputy head of Ministry Andrey Chibis. The bill suggested the introduction of partial payment for utility services for those who have not enough money or if the owner is not satisfied with quality of services. The motivation of the Ministry is simple — this can lead to an increase in debt and an unwillingness to pay even those who have enough money. It is noted that now the debt of citizens reaches 1.4 trillion rubles. See also: How to raise the rent after the growth of VAT Disclosed the details