Putin tells in a televised address about his attitude to pension reform

Putin tells in a televised address about his attitude to pension reform Moscow. 28 Aug. INTERFAX.RU —Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to announce its position on the bill on amendments to the pension system in the format of a televised address, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs He confirmed that the President’s statement is expected on Wednesday, August 29. Earlier today at a meeting on socio-economic issues in Omsk Vladimir Putin said that maybe Wednesday will Express their attitude to pension reform that increased the age of retirement. “I will soon, maybe tomorrow their attitude details will formulate and make an appropriate announcement,” he said. Earlier, Putin only once publicly commented on the proposal to increase the retirement age. Then he said that he doesn’t like any version of reform. “No I don’t like (reform scenario — if) associated with increasing age. And I

36 thousand tanks and 300 thousand soldiers: Shoigu announced the largest in almost 40 years of teaching

36 thousand tanks and 300 thousand soldiers: Shoigu announced the largest in almost 40 years of teaching The head of the Russian defense Ministry said that the maneuvers will remind the “West-81”. Upstairs Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the maneuvers “Vostok-2018”, which will be held in the first half of September in the Central and Eastern military districts, will be the largest in modern Russian history. The last time such large-scale exercises were conducted in 1981, even by the Soviet army. According to the Minister of war, in the framework of the “East-2018” will involve 36 thousand tanks and other armored vehicles, 300 thousand troops (including airborne units), and over one thousand aircraft, helicopters and drones. Will also involve ships of the Pacific and Northern fleets. The conditions of the exercise will be to remind the fighting, said Shoigu. In the largest maneuvers of Russian troops in addition, will

Putin announced a statement on pension reform

Putin announced a statement on pension reform Moscow. 28 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the environment can tell about their attitude to pension reform. Upstairs “I will soon — perhaps tomorrow — your attitude will formulate and deliver the corresponding statement”, — Putin said in Omsk for a meeting on socio-economic issues. “For our part, we have been closely watching the debate. I formed my opinion on this range of issues,” — said Putin. “Most importantly, these changes provided a decent quality of life, protect the interests of present and future generations of our citizens,” the President said. If the conversion and necessary, precisely in order to make the Russian pension system consistent with the realities of today, was financially stable, but, most importantly, provided a decent quality of life.Mr Putinprime of the Russian Federation He noted that the right believes that the government in the

Putin on Wednesday will make a statement on the pension changes

Putin on Wednesday will make a statement on the pension changes OMSK, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that details will formulate its position on the pension changes and will announce it on Wednesday. Upstairs “I will soon, maybe tomorrow, details will formulate and deliver the corresponding statement”, — said Putin. Changes in legislation The state Duma in July passed in the first reading a government bill on changes in pension legislation, he suggests raising the age of retirement to 65 years for men and 63 years for women. The change is expected to make phased from 2019. The house approved the basic provisions of the document, from now until September 24, it will collect amendments, which will then be a vote in the second and third readings and consideration in the Federation Council. The government explained that thanks to these measures, the pensions of pensioners

Volodin told the “Газете.Ru” where his mother money for an apartment

Volodin told the “Газете.Ru” where his mother money for an apartment Vyacheslav Volodin told “Газете.Ru” where his mother Lydia Barabanova had the money to buy an apartment in a luxury residential complex with an area of 400 square meters. According to the politician, his mother bought a house with his own funds, received from the sale of the shares. Volodin Barabanova owned shares of the holding “Solar products” in 2007, they sold the shares for substantial amounts. Upstairs Vyacheslav Volodin confirmed “Газете.Ru” that Lydia Barabanova involved in the investigation of Alexei Navalny, is his mother. The politician also told where she got the funds to buy an apartment in Michurinsky Avenue area of about 400 square meters in a luxury residential complex “White Swan”. According to Volodin, his mother able to buy myself a flat. The politician said that in 1999 he and his mother became owners of shares of

Marine shield for Syria

Marine shield for Syria The Russian Navy brought in the Mediterranean sea, the most powerful group of ships since the beginning of the Russian participation in the conflict. Upstairs Defense Ministry deploys in the Mediterranean sea the most powerful group of warships during the participation of Russia in the Syrian conflict. It is composed of 10 ships (more are coming), most of which are equipped with cruise missiles “Caliber” and two submarines. According to military experts, the group bred in the sea to support the offensive of the Syrian army in Idlib province — the only region of the country under the control of illegal armed groups. Political analysts say that Russia is the guarantor of stability in the region and gives a chance to re-ignite full-scale war. As told “Izvestia” in the defense Ministry, currently in the Mediterranean are the ships of Northern, Baltic and black sea fleets and

Lavrov called American democracy a “house of cards”

Lavrov called American democracy a “house of cards” The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov called American democracy “a house of cards.” Such a statement he made in an interview with the Slovak newspaper “Pravda”, published on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. Upstairs According to the Minister, such an assumption “makes a mockery of the entire political system of the USA, introducing democracy in the form of “house of cards””. The diplomat compared Prigogine the American financier George Soros, stressing that the American establishment, like the Russian, has no information about their business. “Try asking the Department of state and the answer is: this, they say, his [Soros’] own business, and the American authorities to this have no relationship,” — said Lavrov. He said that Moscow does not meddle in the Affairs of other States, and added that the Kremlin repeatedly offered the White house to

Two weeks without the Prime Minister: I will get to see Putin and Medvedev in Siberia

Two weeks without the Prime Minister: I will get to see Putin and Medvedev in Siberia What will discuss Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the government in Omsk. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий In the Omsk region on August 28 Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting on socio-economic issues with members of the government. Will attend Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, is unknown. A senior source told the “Газете.Ru” he has spoken by phone with the head of the government on the labor question last week. The President spent the weekend on the Yenisei together with defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov. On Tuesday, August 28, in the second half of the day in Omsk region, Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting on socio-economic issues with the participation of members of the government. About whether to take part in it the head of the Cabinet of Ministers,

Lavrov: Moscow will react to anti-Russian step, Washington on the principle of reciprocity

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS TASS, August 28. Attempts to talk to Russia in the language of ultimatums is futile, Moscow would react to the anti-Russian steps of Washington on the basis of reciprocity. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in an interview with the Slovak newspaper Pravda. The Minister has noticed that in relations between the two countries “is still strongly affected by the political situation in the United States.” He noted that “some forces in the Washington establishment inflate Russophobic hysteria and trying to block any positive developments in bilateral Affairs”.