As Vladimir Putin softened the controversial initiative

As Vladimir Putin softened the controversial initiative On 28 August, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the government’s pension reform “a balanced and informal approach.” “B” remembered instances when the President softened or dismissed high-profile initiatives, contention and criticism in society. Upstairs 21 December 2004 Vladimir Putin vetoed the law “About restrictions of retail and consumption (drinking) of beer”. The President did not suit the most radical points of law. In fact, he agreed with the request of deputies to prohibit the sale of beer to minors, as well as in sports and recreation and cultural organizations and sports facilities. Concerning the retail sale of beer and restrictions on its consumption, Vladimir Putin proposed to delegate these powers to local authorities. The President also disagreed with the requirement to ban drinking on the street non-alcoholic beer. 9 February 2005 a law was adopted in new edition. 6 Mar 2007 it

CEC is ready for a possible referendum on pension changes

CEC is ready for a possible referendum on pension changes MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. CEC ready to hold a referendum on changes to pension legislation, if it takes place, to date the office has received 101 applications for the issue, said the head of the Central election Commission, Ella Pamfilova. Upstairs “We have prepared seriously for the referendum, if it happens,” — said Pamfilova at the meeting of the CEC. According to her, the purpose of the referendum is really possible in February 2019. “The day of the vote (on the referendum) can be Sunday from 7 April to 12 may 2019… We are ready in all aspects, including the financial aspect — what it means, what to do, any amendments to the budget to make”, — said the CEC head. According to her, the office has received notification 101 from 67 regions of the Russian Federation with

Putin proposed to soften pension reform

Putin proposed to soften pension reform It is proposed to raise the retirement age for women for five years instead of eight, and people close to retirement age to give special benefit. Upstairs Moscow. August 29. INTERFAX.RU — President Vladimir Putin appealed to citizens in connection with the planned pension reform and voiced their suggestions regarding its mitigation. According to the President, to postpone the pension reform is impossible, and that transfer deadlines can lead to serious economic and social consequences. In the budget today will have the funds for indexation of pensions in the next 7-10 years, but then funds will not suffice. During the download an error has occurred.Women will add five years instead of eight Putin offered to reduce the bill provided for the retirement age of women retirement from 63 to 60 years. “The draft law proposes to increase the retirement age for women for eight

Full text of Vladimir Putin about pension changes

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends. 16 June 2018, the Government submitted to the State Duma a bill on amendments to the pension system. On 19 July it was adopted by Parliament in first reading. His main, main goal is to ensure the sustainability and financial stability of the pension system for years to come. And that means not only preservation but also growth of income, pensions of current and future retirees. To achieve these goals the bill, along with other measures, provides for a gradual increase in the retirement age. Understand how important these issues are significant for millions of people, for each person. So I appeal to you directly to talk in detail about all aspects of the changes proposed by the Government to indicate their position and to share with you their suggestions that I consider fundamental.

Putin: women should retire at 60, men at 65

Putin: women should retire at 60, men at 65 MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Age of retirement for women in Russia must be 60 years instead of the government 63, 65 for men, said Russian President Vladimir Putin in a televised address to the nation. Upstairs Putin noted that the draft law proposes to increase the retirement age for women for eight years to 63 years, while for men it increased by five years. “That will not do, of course. This is wrong. In our country the treatment of women particular, careful. We understand that they are not only working on the primary place of employment, they, as a rule, the whole house, taking care of family, raising children, care of grandchildren. The retirement age for women should not rise by more than for men. Therefore, I consider it necessary to reduce the proposed bill raising the retirement age

Vladimir Putin made a televised address on pension reform

Vladimir Putin made a televised address on pension reform In July the state Duma approved a bill that provides for raising the retirement age to 65 and 63 years for men and women respectively. Upstairs The President began at noon and will last about 35 minutes. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier at a meeting on socio-economic development in Omsk the President said he would make his proposal on August 29. The press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the format of the editorials chosen because of the importance of the topic. In July, Putin has already expressed its position on this issue. The President noted that he did not like any of the proposed options for raising the retirement age. However, the head of state stressed that the pension system in the future may burst if not to make the necessary changes. The state Duma

Ukraine has sent US the request to purchase missile defense systems

Ukraine has sent US the request to purchase missile defense systems Kiev has sent US an official request for the purchase of air defense systems. This broadcast of “Radio HB”, said Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the United States Valeriy Chaly. Upstairs Ukraine needs at least three at a cost of $750 million each. “Our vision for the next period, in my opinion, a sea space, air space; it is something without which we simply cannot provide defense of the country”, — said Chaly. In addition to the ABM systems are necessary for Ukraine drones, counter-battery radars and contrayerva system. The military requirements of Kiev was discussed at the “highest level”, said the Ambassador. They were discussed at the meetings of the presidents of Ukraine and the USA Petro Poroshenko and Donald trump, as well as the negotiations of the Ukrainian side c Advisor to the President for

Ukraine will increase its military presence in the sea of Azov

Ukraine will increase its military presence in the sea of Azov Ukraine will soon increase the military potential on the Azov direction, the statements of the commander of the Ukrainian Navy Igor Voronchenko, which gave the press center of the Navy of the country. Upstairs “Admiral Igor Voronchenko also noted that in the near future it is planned to increase naval group, marine infantry and artillery on the Azov direction for protection of all borders and peaceful labor activities in the waters of the sea of Azov”, — stated in the message. On Tuesday, August 28, Ukraine has begun is command-staff doctrines “the Storm-2018” with the participation of the Navy, air force, border guard and special operations forces to test “the rating actions reflect the air attack, rearrange forces and anti-sabotage defence,” reads the message of the Ukrainian Navy. In early August, to strengthen the military presence of Ukraine in

Media reported about the Pentagon’s plans to deploy a missile defense system in Syria

Media reported about the Pentagon’s plans to deploy a missile defense system in Syria Moscow. August 29. INTERFAX.RU — the Pentagon plans to deploy its missile defense system in the North of Syria, according to the newspaper Yeni Safak, referring to the former commander of the military Assembly in Deir ez-Zor Fayeza al-Asmara. Upstairs The publication reports that the United States has already completed the establishment of three advanced radar systems in the areas of tal-Baydar, Ayn al-Arab and Sarrin. In addition, the Americans have deployed 13 portable and fixed radar stations for surveillance and reconnaissance. According to Asmara, the next step USA will be deploying ABM systems, which should be regarded as the implementation of Washington’s plan to maintain instability in the region. As writes the edition, the United States has already begun to establish a no-fly zone in Northern Syria on the area of 26 thousand square km

Macron urged to reduce Europe’s dependence on the US in security matters

Macron urged to reduce Europe’s dependence on the US in security matters The President of France Emmanuel macron during a tour in Denmark and Finland raised questions on the strengthening of European security and reduce dependence on the United States. Upstairs Moreover, the French leader considers it necessary to open the discussion of this issue in Russia. “Газета.Ru” understood, it is possible to resume cooperation between the two countries and in what areas it is achievable. The issue of strengthening European security, the President of France Emmanuel macron raised at the meeting with the Prime Minister of Denmark Lars løkke Rasmussen. “I think Denmark is quite modest in its European commitments,” macron said on August 28 at a press conference following the meeting. A hint of Macron attitude to the fact that Denmark, as an EU member, does not participate in the discussion of the defence, although in recent years