Putin, nuclear suitcase, Communists and women: was Boris Yeltsin and bill Clinton

Putin, nuclear suitcase, Communists and women: was Boris Yeltsin and bill Clinton The presidential library named after bill Clinton published transcripts of conversations between the leaders of Russia and the USA from 1996 to 1999. Upstairs Available on the website of the Presidential library of bill Clinton is a compilation of transcripts of telephone conversations and personal meetings with former Russian President Boris Yeltsin and former U.S. President bill Clinton occupies almost 600 pages. TASS leads the most interesting, important and even funny moments from conversations between the two leaders. The Communists and fight against them (21 April 1996, the Kremlin) Boris Yeltsin: “I have clearly set the task to win in the first round. So I would ask you in advance not to accept Zyuganov”. Bill Clinton: “You don’t have to worry about that. We spent 50 years to achieve a different result”. The head of the CPRF Gennady

Indexation of insurance pensions for unemployed pensioners will continue January 1, 2019

Indexation of insurance pensions for unemployed pensioners will continue January 1, 2019 Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU — In the preparation of the Federal budget in 2019 and the planning period 2020-2021. it is necessary to consider upcoming changes in the pension system, said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Upstairs “When working on the budget need to take into account future changes in the pension system”, — he said at the meeting about the costs of the new Federal budget in terms of demography, health, education, science and welfare. “With regard to pensions, from 1 January 2019, we will continue to index the pension insurance for pensioners, we will also index the wages to workers of budgetary sphere”, — added the Prime Minister. The head of government noted that the Cabinet of Ministers should implement a range of measures, which on Wednesday said Russian President Vladimir Putin. August 29, Putin appealed

The Kremlin said the declassification of conversations between Yeltsin and Clinton

The Kremlin said the declassification of conversations between Yeltsin and Clinton The U.S. library of bill Clinton is not coordinated with the Kremlin the publication talks former U.S. President with the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, regarding Vladimir Putin. This was reported to journalists the press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “No, not coordinated, did not consult”, — said Peskov. He added that there is a practice of declassification of these conversations. “They are not always subject to declassification, as a rule, of course, not declassified documents relating to the current politicians. This is a worldwide practice,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. On Friday on the website of the presidential library of bill Clinton appeared previously unpublished transcripts of conversations of former U.S. President Yeltsin. In a conversation held on 8 September 1999, Yeltsin told Clinton that chose his successor Putin, who in August of that

Expert: Poroshenko should not rely on the subordination of Donbass after the murder Zakharchenko

MOSCOW, August 31. /TASS/. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko should not rely on the implementation of a military scenario in relation to the Donbass after the murder of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko, since it will be replaced by others. This opinion was expressed on Friday, TASS member of the Council for interethnic relations under the RF President Bogdan Bezpalko.

Lukashenko reminded the government about the inadmissibility of drinking

Lukashenko reminded the government about the inadmissibility of drinking Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has appointed several new Ministers and announced a further reshuffle in the Cabinet. He said that one of the reasons for upgrading the government — drunkenness. Upstairs “I say this to those in the Internet and media begin to suffer, to weep and to build, as I often say, some conspiracy theories regarding the replacement of those members of the government and some officials who happened,” the President said. On Friday 31 August, Lukashenko has appointed Maxim Yermolovich Minister of Finance, and Victor Karankevich — energy Minister, said the state Agency BelTA. The President also gave his consent to the appointment of Andrey Rybakov, Chairman of the Belarusian state concern for oil and chemistry. 18 August, Lukashenko has updated the Belarusian government and appointed a new Prime Minister Sergei Rumas is Andrei

Peskov said he had not heard from Putin’s threats to “crush the Ukrainian army”

Peskov said he had not heard from Putin’s threats to “crush the Ukrainian army” Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said he had not heard in the negotiations “channel four” in 2015, Vladimir Putin’s threats to “crush the Ukrainian army.” Upstairs “I was almost all the talks I have not heard a phrase,” said Sands, answering the question if he had heard such a remark from the President. The former President of France Francois Hollande published his memoir in which he talks about the negotiations “channel four” in 2015. According to journalists, the book contains information about the fact that Putin had threatened “to crush the Ukrainian army.” Peskov said that did not read the memoirs of the French President, so can’t comment on excerpts from the book. “Norman Quartet” — the quadrilateral group of heads of state and foreign Ministers, which is engaged in

Volodin called the date of the receipt of amendments to Putin’s project on pensions in GD

Volodin called the date of the receipt of amendments to Putin’s project on pensions in GD MOSCOW, 31 Aug — RIA Novosti. The presidential amendments to the bill to change the pension system can go to 12 September, to the meeting of the working group of the state Duma, told journalists the Chairman of the lower house of Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin. Upstairs Volodin on Friday held the first meeting of the working group of the state Duma on perfection of the pension legislation, where MPs together with representatives of government, business and expert circles are discussing the revision of the government bill on the pension system. “We agreed to meet on 12 September in order to explore, perhaps by this time will receive an offer from the President has legislative initiative, — the amendments and amendments that continue to enroll in the State Duma”, — said Volodin. NewsPoklonskaya remembered about

Zakharov: there is every reason to believe that the murder Zakharchenko is the Kiev regime

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, August 31. /TASS/. The party of war in Kiev, instead of implementing the Minsk agreements, implements the terrorist scenario, there is every reason to believe that the murder of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko is the Kiev regime. This was stated on Friday, TASS, the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Volodin said that the murder Zakharchenko nullifies the meaning of the Minsk agreements

Speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, August 31. /TASS/. The murder of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko nullifies the meaning of the Minsk agreements and all the steps taken by Russia and the international community to end the war in the South-East of Ukraine. This was stated on Friday to journalists by the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. “The murder of the head of DND nullifies the meaning of the Minsk agreements. This chaos, which resets all the steps for several years undertaken by Russia and the international community to end the war in the South-East of Ukraine”, – said the speaker of the lower house of the Russian Parliament.