Kadyrov has set up a Commission to clarify the boundaries of Chechnya

Kadyrov has set up a Commission to clarify the boundaries of Chechnya GROZNY, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov has signed a decree on the establishment of the Republican state Committee to clarify the administrative border of Chechnya, said in a document posted on the website of the administration of the government of the Republic. Upstairs “In order to create organizational and legal conditions for the preparation of documents and supporting materials necessary for the specification of the location and establishment of the administrative border of the Chechen Republic in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and settlement of contentious issues in its establishment, to create the state Commission of the Chechen Republic” — the document says. The Commission includes the collection, preparation and analysis of documents and materials necessary for the work of determining boundaries. State authorities and local self-government are recommended

Trump has heard the criticism of Obama and fell asleep

Trump has heard the criticism of Obama and fell asleep The US President Donald trump has responded to criticism of his predecessor, Barack Obama, who accused him of trying to cash in on the discontent of the American people. The current head of the White house found the speech boring and confessed that he had fallen asleep. He said this during a meeting with his supporters in Fargo (North Dakota), according to ABC News. Upstairs Trump praised Obama’s speech: “I’m Sorry, I watched it but I fell asleep. I thought it was very good to sleep.” The US President added that Obama, in his speech tried to ascribe to themselves the merits of a good economic condition of the country. However, according to trump, if the election in 2016 the Democrats won instead of GDP growth would decline. Obama’s speech in the framework of the campaign took place at the

Reuters: the proposed trump duties on goods from China will affect the part of Apple products

Reuters: the proposed trump duties on goods from China will affect the part of Apple products The list includes a smart watch Apple Watch and wireless headphones AirPods, the Agency said. Upstairs The American company Apple said that the duty in respect of goods imported from China, which intends to introduce the President of the United States Donald trump, will affect the number of devices of this American company. This was reported on Friday by Reuters. According to him, Apple sent a letter to the US authorities in which he said that the duties will hit the company’s products, including factory-assembled in China smart watch Apple Watch and wireless headphones AirPods. While the iPhone the letter does not specify, the Agency said. “Our concern is that these duties would hit the U.S. economy, and that this will lead to slower growth in the US, competition and higher prices for American

Telegraph: the suspects in the assassination Skrobala repeatedly flew to Geneva

Telegraph: the suspects in the assassination Skrobala repeatedly flew to Geneva LONDON, September 8. /TASS/ — the Source noted that for the investigation it is important to establish with whom the men met in Switzerland. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Two Russians, whom the British investigation suspects in the assassination of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala, from September 2016 through March 2018 nearly three dozen times to fly to Europe, mostly second-largest city of Switzerland — Geneva. This is with reference to sources in the British government reported in the Friday newspaper The Daily Telegraph. According to the source, to establish who the suspects met in Geneva, it is of crucial importance, and this is “of key importance to the ongoing investigation”. As it turns out, the men traveled together, and alone. Geneva for the period they visited at least six times in total spending in the city for a few weeks. The publication notes

CNN: exercises of the United States in Syria is a response to the warnings of the Russian military

CNN: exercises of the United States in Syria is a response to the warnings of the Russian military The teachings of the US-led international coalition in Eastern Syria are the United States ‘ reply to “a series of threats to the Russian military,” according to CNN sources. According to them, the command gave the order to carry out the exercises specifically received after September 1 from Russia warning about the intention to send troops to the area in the South of Syria. As informs television channel, the maneuvers involving more than 100 American soldiers. Upstairs The message of the teachings in the area of the garrison At TANF and 55-kilometer zone around it published on the eve of the U.S. Central command. The report noted that Central command informed the Russian side in order to avoid misunderstanding or escalation. How long will maneuvers not specified. Earlier CNN reported that during

Pushilin has spent personnel shifts in the government of DNR

Pushilin has spent personnel shifts in the government of DNR DONETSK, September 7. /TASS/ — the composition of the Cabinet includes five new acting Ministers. Upstairs The acting head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Denis Putilin appointed acting Ministers of the government of the Republic. The corresponding decree posted on Friday on the official website of the DNI. The document contains 21 names, among them Natalia Nikonorova, which the acting head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, Alex Wild was appointed as acting head of the Ministry of internal Affairs, the Ministry of public security has temporarily headed by Vladimir Pavlenko. The government DND has included five new acting Ministers. Acting Minister of revenue and duties assigned to Eugene Lavrenov, acting Minister of justice was Yuri Sirovatko. Acting heads of the Ministry of transport and the Ministry of industry appointed DNI Podlipnov Dmitry and Sergei Ilyin , respectively,

Trump has threatened China’s new duties

Trump has threatened China’s new duties WASHINGTON, 7 Sep — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump has threatened China’s new import duties. Upstairs According to the American leader, additional measures can be applied promptly. “I’ll be tough with China, because I have to be… We have imposed a duty of 50 billion in technology. Now we have added another 200 billion. And I hate to say it, but if I want to, it’s already done (to impose duties. — Approx. ed.) another 267 billion dollars”, — said the head of state. Trade war US-China USA imposed a duty of 25 percent on imports of Chinese goods with a volume of $ 16 billion. A minute later, the Chinese side introduced similar measures. The foreign Ministry of China said that the policy of pressure on trade issues is useless and will not help to resolve the conflict. The Ministry stressed

The US Ambassador accused Russia and Iran of intent to strike on civilians in Syria

The US Ambassador accused Russia and Iran of intent to strike on civilians in Syria UN, September 7. /TASS/. The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley accused Russia and Iran of intent to strike in Idlib civilians that oppose President Bashar al-Assad. This opinion was expressed, speaking Friday at a meeting of the UN Security Council in Idlib. Upstairs “When Russia and the Assad regime say they want to fight terrorism, in actual fact they mean that they want to bomb schools, houses, hospitals, they want to punish the civilian population, which showed courage and rebelled against Assad. When the regime calls the brave “White helmets” terrorists, we know they are not serious about fighting terrorism,” said Haley. “The United States is deeply concerned about the presence of terrorists in Idlib, she added. — There are many ways to effectively attack these groups, without achieving a humanitarian catastrophe”.

Ukrainian intelligence has named the organizer of murder Zakharchenko

Ukrainian intelligence has named the organizer of murder Zakharchenko The murder of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko was organized by Russia. With such statement on air of the Ukrainian channel 5 was made by the representative of the Main intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine Volodymyr Skibitsky. Upstairs According to him, Moscow eliminate those who may become “witnesses in international courts for the aggression of Russia against Ukraine”. “According to military intelligence of Ukraine, with the destruction of the wise is the FSB. It is clear that they will try to blame the Ukrainian side to conduct what they call a terrorist act, in order to then propose to us any charges,” said Skibitsky. He stressed that he has information according to which, the cafe “Separable”, where August 31 was killed Zakharchenko, was under the direct control of the FSB. “In

France has accused Russia of trying to intercept the signal of a military satellite

France has accused Russia of trying to intercept the signal of a military satellite Russia has been trying to catch signals with Franco-Italian satellite that is used by armies of both countries for the transmission of secure messages. This was stated by the Minister of defence of France, Florence Parlee, reports Reuters. Upstairs According to the French Minister, it happened in 2017, when the Russian satellite Luch (Olymp) approached the satellite, Athena-Fidus. “Trying to listen to their neighbors not only unfriendly, but is an act of espionage,” said parley. “We’re in danger. Our communications, our military exercises, our daily lives are in danger if we fail to respond,” said parley, noting that by the end of the year, Paris will complete the implementation of the strategic plan and space defense. Russian satellite “Luch” or “Olympus” was launched into space in September 2014 Actions of the spacecraft caused several secret meetings