The Bishop of Salisbury was skeptical about the story of Petrov and Bashirova about visiting the Cathedral

The Bishop of Salisbury was skeptical about the story of Petrov and Bashirova about visiting the Cathedral Moscow. September 14. INTERFAX.RU Bishop of Salisbury Nicholas Holtam expressed doubts about the fact that two suspects in the case of the poisoning of ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia had actually visited the Cathedral in Salisbury. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “This all doesn’t seem believable, isn’t it,” said Holten the radio station “Bi-bi-si” when asked to comment on the statements of the suspects, which they did during an interview with TV channel Russia Today. Answering the journalist’s question whether there are recording from the cameras, confirming that the Russians were indeed in the Cathedral, the Bishop said: “we Have no data that would allow to match (these people — if) with the Cathedral. I think others have such data either. There is no way to prove it (the fact of visiting the Cathedral

Ukraine has received a chance to repay Russia the $3 billion

Ukraine has received a chance to repay Russia the $3 billion Countries have a new trial. Upstairs The court of appeal of England ruled in the case of the debt of Ukraine at $3 billion to Russia. In March 2017, London’s High court ordered the Ukrainian authorities to pay off the debt on the bonds, to pay $75 million of coupon interest and penalty interest. Ukraine has demanded to cancel the decision of the court. The appeal was dismissed by three of the four arguments of the Ukraine, but decided that the fourth argument is worthy of consideration in the framework of a full trial. About this “Vedomosti” reported law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton. NewsThanks for the sanctions: why Russia invests in Ukraine It is the fourth argument of Ukraine, declaring that the Eurobond was issued under improper pressure, it seemed to the court of appeal deserve more

Blown the ice. How to operate missile nuclear submarines in the Arctic

Blown the ice. How to operate missile nuclear submarines in the Arctic MOSCOW, 14 sen — news, Nikolay Protopopov. Thick pack ice over your head, pitch darkness and absolute isolation from the outside world — exactly 55 years ago, on 14 September 1963, the Soviet nuclear submarine K-178 the beginning of the first ever under-ice TRANS-Arctic transition with ballistic missiles on Board. The sailors of the Northern fleet for two weeks has been four and a half thousand miles and spent dozens of maneuvers, including the surfacing in the polynya. Upthe Ice trap From a military point of view, the Arctic has always been a strategically important region for the United States and the Soviet Union, especially in the midst of the cold war. In 1958 the American nuclear submarine “Nautilus” the first was from Alaska to Greenland, after examining the shortest routes for approach and application of missile and

The Russian Embassy called the publication of controversial surveillance laboratory in Switzerland

The Russian Embassy called the publication of controversial surveillance laboratory in Switzerland The Russian Embassy in Switzerland called controversial information published by the newspaper Tages Anzeiger, about the arrest of two “Russian agents” for the surveillance of the laboratory in Spiez. This is the representative of Embassy has informed “Interfax”. Upstairs “It [detention] was allegedly six months ago, why now they wrote about it? It raises many questions. The reference to unnamed sources, it’s all very controversial”, he said. In his opinion, it may be “another round of anti-Russian campaign, which is now blown”. The Embassy of the arrest of Russian agents do not know. “We did not have,” — said his spokesman. Earlier, the Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger reported that two Russian agents tried to spy on the Institute in the Swiss town of Spiez, which deals with the study of chemical weapons. In the spring of 2018, according

The UK is planning to strengthen the fight against illegal income of Russians

The UK is planning to strengthen the fight against illegal income of Russians The British authorities intend to intensify the fight against suspicious income residing in the country of citizens of Russia and other countries, reports Financial Times. Plans to tighten security measures, the publication said the head of the National crime Agency (NCA), the UK’s fraud and economic crimes Donald Tong. Upstairs According to him, the NCA wants to extend the warrant for the arrest of a wealth of unknown origin. Under orders assets in the UK will be frozen. “Whether our goals the Russians? Of course, Yes. We check the Russian assets of the high cost and find out if we can go to the courts and to Express enough concern to get a warrant (for arrest of assets.— “Kommersant”)”, — said Mr. Tong. NewsDirty and infectious what money germs more He said that the attention of the

In Regardie said, whose idea was it to call Navalny to a duel

In Regardie said, whose idea was it to call Navalny to a duel MOSCOW, 14 sen — news. The idea to call Alexei Navalny to a duel belongs to the Director of Regardie Viktor Zolotov, said the press service of the Ministry. Upstairs Previously. in response to the published Bulk-headed “Fund of struggle against corruption” allegations of violations of the Agency challenged him to a duel, promising to turn that in “steak”. “Once the press-service appeals to announce that the video Director Regardie was posted on the official website of the Department immediately after taking it. All applications and interview the Director of Regardie makes solely on his own initiative”, — said the press service of Regardie. During the download an error has occurred. The Ministry added that the information policy of Regardie based on the principles of openness, objectivity and honesty. See also: Sands supported the decision of the

The media learned about the attempts of “Russian agents” to spy on the lab in Switzerland

The media learned about the attempts of “Russian agents” to spy on the lab in Switzerland Two Russian agents tried to spy on the Institute in the Swiss town of Spiez, which deals with the study of biological and chemical weapons, however they were detained in the Hague and sent. It is reported by the Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger on the results of a joint investigation with the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. Upstairs According to these papers, two Russians detained in the spring. The exact date and the circumstances of the incident are unknown. In response to the request of the publications in the Swiss intelligence service said that authorities are “aware of the case of the Russian spies discovered in the Hague, and then expelled”. “The Swiss intelligence service actively participated in this operation along with the Dutch and British colleagues. This has contributed to the prevention of illegal

Russia’s Ambassador to the US called the new sanctions a “path to nowhere”

Russia’s Ambassador to the US called the new sanctions a “path to nowhere” Moscow. September 14. INTERFAX.RU — Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov told reporters that the introduction of new sanctions against Russia is a path to nowhere, victims of new restrictions against Russia will be an American company. Upstairs According to Antonov, today in Russia there are “about 3 thousand companies with American capital, they employ about 180 thousand people, and their total assets amount to about 75 billion dollars.” “To leave Russia they do not want. This was confirmed by the may St. Petersburg international economic forum, where the most numerous delegation, as in the past year were from the United States — more than 550 participants. A representative delegation of American business recently visited Eastern economic forum in Vladivostok,” — said Antonov. Referring to the interaction of the scientific community of the two countries in

Klimkin accused Russia of water blockade of the Crimea

Klimkin accused Russia of water blockade of the Crimea The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Klimkin accused Russia that it deprived the Crimea of the water. So the diplomat responded to the request of the deputies of the faction “Opposition bloc” in the Verkhovna Rada to hold him accountable for the words that need to leave Crimea without water. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “This is not Ukraine cut off Crimea from water, Russia did, by the power of cutting off the Crimea from Ukraine”, — wrote Klimkin in your Facebook. As the official explained, “the Opposition bloc” sees the interests of Ukraine “Moscow lad”, accusing him of violating international law and even the genocide of the Crimean people. Recalling the definition of international law from Google, Klimkin also said that the entire responsibility for the situation in Crimea is just “the occupier”. In the comments to the post diplomat users of the

The legend of the spire

The legend of the spire The motives for the trip to Salisbury suspects in the “case Skripal” did not convince the West. Upstairs Interview with Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov suspected by the British authorities in the poisoning of ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter, has not led to reducing the level of confrontation between Russia and the West. The hypothesis that men visited Salisbury as a tourist, in the office of the Prime Minister of the UK called “an insult to the mental abilities of the public”. And in the U.S. Congress have begun with even greater zeal to discuss ways of tightening sanctions pressure on Russia, mentioning in particular “the second wave is extremely tough sanctions” associated with the “business Skripal,” they can be entered in November. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографийс tourism purposes Interview with Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov was released on TV channel RT on the next day