In London held an interview with Petrov and Bashirova punishment for a failed operation

In London held an interview with Petrov and Bashirova punishment for a failed operation Moscow. September 16. INTERFAX.RU British authorities believe that a television interview, Aleksander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov, whom London accuses of poisoning Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Julia, was a punishment for a failed operation. About it reports The Daily Telegraph with reference to official persons, whose names are not called. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to interlocutors of the edition, Petrov and Bashirova “sacrificed” for what they left behind many traces: walked a day in Salisbury and I got to lenses of cameras, travel by public transport, threw a bottle of “Beginner” in the Park. Earlier this week, an interview with the Russians officially commented on the foreign and Commonwealth office. Diplomats said that Petrov and Bashirov lied and tried to confuse. In early September, British Prime Minister Theresa may said that Skrobala poisoned two employees of the Russian

In London has said it will not be able to impose sanctions against Russia because of the “case Skrypalia” to Brexit

In London has said it will not be able to impose sanctions against Russia because of the “case Skrypalia” to Brexit LONDON, September 16. /TASS/ — the Deputy head of the British Ministry of the interior for security Affairs Ben Wallace noted that we are talking about the so-called Magnitsky amendment. Upstairs Britain will not be able to Brexit to apply sanctions against Russia in connection with the poisoning in Salisbury, the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. On Saturday the newspaper reported The Daily Telegraph with reference to the Deputy head of the British Ministry of the interior for security Affairs Ben Wallace, who spoke before members of the British Parliament. We are talking about the Magnitsky amendment, which Parliament passed in may of this year. As explained by Wallace, the amendment will not be enacted, “while the UK leaves the EU”. The reason for this

Trump believes that the “witch hunt” cost him 25 points in the ranking

Trump believes that the “witch hunt” cost him 25 points in the ranking WASHINGTON, September 16. /TASS/ — the US President stressed that the topic of interference in the election process in 2016, Democrats will use to hurt Republicans on the eve of the midterm elections in Congress. Upstairs The President of the United States Donald trump believes that the investigation attributed to Russia’s intervention in the US elections in 2016 cost him 25 percentage points in the ranking. He wrote about this in his Twitter. I have (we have) a good performance in the polls, and the economy is in the best condition all the time. If not rigged “witch hunt” in connection with Russia, they would have been by 25 [percentage] points higher.Donald Trepresent USA According to a recent public opinion poll conducted jointly by The Washington Post and broadcaster ABC, the activities of Donald trump on the

WSJ: trump impose a fee in the amount of about 10% on Chinese goods 17 or 18 September

WSJ: trump impose a fee in the amount of about 10% on Chinese goods 17 or 18 September NEW YORK, September 16. /TASS/ — the United States 17 or 18 September announced the introduction of fees in the amount of about 10%, not 25% as originally planned, additional groups of goods from China in the amount of $200 billion reported by the newspaper The Wall Street Journal. Upstairs According to its sources, the administration of U.S. President Donald trump has also outlined a new round of trade negotiations with the Chinese delegation in Washington on 27-28 September. The U.S. delegation will be headed by the Minister of Finance Steven Mnuchin. Bloomberg reported on Friday that trump has instructed his aides to begin to implement the plan, involving ultimately the introduction of additional duties on goods from China. However, the Agency did not call indicative dates of such a step. According

Kurt Volker commented on interview with Petrov and Bocharovym

Kurt Volker commented on interview with Petrov and Bocharovym MOSCOW, 15 sen — news. Special envoy of the US state Department, Kurt Volker commented on the interview with Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov, whom London accuses of the attempted poisoning of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “I am very glad that Russia has not lost its sense of humor”, — quotes UNN Volcker. Poisoning in Salisbury In early March, the former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia was assassinated, the attempt of poisoning resulted in a major international scandal. London blamed Russia, but in Moscow all accusations categorically deny that the Russian authorities repeatedly offered London jointly investigate “the case Skrypalia”, but the British side did not respond to requests and denied access to the victims. In addition, the Ministry of foreign Affairs has accused the Prime Minister Theresa may in a lie. Previously, she claimed that

What the economic crisis in Turkey is dangerous for the European Union

What the economic crisis in Turkey is dangerous for the European Union A sharp drop in the Turkish Lira over the past year greatly worried European officials in Germany, in particular, fear that full-blown economic crisis in Turkey could destabilize the situation in the middle East and lead to the next surge of immigration. Media even write about the possibility of Germany providing financial assistance to Ankara, but German politicians do not hurry to confirm the rumors. Upstairs The deterioration of the economic situation in Turkey is increasingly concerned about European politicians, who worry that the problems of Ankara can spread to European countries and to lead to destabilization in the middle East and the increasing flow of migrants arriving in the EU. 28 September, President Recep Tayyip erdoğan will travel to Berlin, where will be discussed, including possible measures to restore the Turkish economy. Last week Ankara was visited

Syrian air defenses repelled missile attack Israel

Syrian air defenses repelled missile attack Israel DAMASCUS, Sep 15 — RIA Novosti. Syrian air defenses repelled missile attack by the Israeli air force on the outskirts of Damascus international airport, told RIA Novosti the Syrian military source. Upstairs According to him, in the Syrian capital several explosions. In the result shot down a few missiles. The Agency interlocutor also said that the deceased, according to preliminary information, no. “Only material damage”, — concluded the source. The Israeli army, in turn, refused to comment on reports of its involvement in air strikes on Syria. The Israeli strikes on Syria The Israeli military repeatedly attacked the missile attacks on Syrian territory. In particular, in September Israel launched several attacks on Wadi al-Uyun. The source told SANA news Agency that the attack was subjected to military facilities in Tartus and Hama. As a result of incident one person was lost, four more

The militants brought in Idlib toxic substances

The militants brought in Idlib toxic substances MOSCOW, 15 sen — news. The militants have taken the town, Besancon a few containers of chlorine for provocation with chemical weapons, said the head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Savchenko. Upstairs According to the Center, the militants of illegal armed groups are preparing for new provocations with use of toxic substances in order to accuse the Syrian government of using chemical weapons against civilians. Savchenko noted that a few containers of chlorine brought the terrorist group “Hayat Tahrir al-sham”* (“dzhebhat an-Nusra”* — Approx. ed.). Earlier the defense Ministry reported that in the Idlib began filming a staged provocation with chemical weapons. On the video activists of the “White helmets” ostensibly to assist the victims civilians. The Russian military noted that the results were filmed nine videos, two of which were approved for transmission

The journalists said that they got through to the defense Ministry on the phone from the questionnaire by Alexander Petrov

The journalists said that they got through to the defense Ministry on the phone from the questionnaire by Alexander Petrov Journalists of foreign media said that I could get the phone number from the documents of the Federal migration service (FMS) in the name of Alexander Petrov, whom the UK suspects in the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala. They claim that the call is answered in the Russian defense Ministry. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий On 14 September, an international team of investigators Bellingcat has published copies of official documents FMS with passport data Alexander Petrov and a statement in his name for the identity document. According to published reports, the passport dossier has the stamp “not to give information” and the code 195-79-66. “Novaya Gazeta” reported that these numbers — the phone number that belongs to the Ministry of defence. The Russian foreign Ministry called the publication Bellingcat misinformation. “Just called the

American B-52 flew to the borders of the Murmansk region and the basis of defense in the Arctic

American B-52 flew to the borders of the Murmansk region and the basis of defense in the Arctic Moscow. September 15. INTERFAX.RU — Strategic bomber of the U.S. air force B-52H nuclear-capable weapons on Saturday made the flight near the coast of the Murmansk region and the Arctic archipelagoes Novaya Zemlya and Franz-Joseph, it follows from the monitoring data, the Western aviation assets. Upstairs According to their information, the strategic air force bomber B-52H, tail number and call sign 61-0015 CHAOS43 taking off from an advanced air base Fairford in the UK, first flying near Maritime borders of the Murmansk region and the Western coast of Novaya Zemlya, and then around the archipelago Franz-Joseph, including the island of Alexandra Land on which is located the newest Russian air defense base “Arctic Shamrock”. During the flight, an American bomber had not violated the Russian border, while all the time in the