China has sharply reduced investments in us government debt

China has sharply reduced investments in us government debt China in July 2018 has reduced investments in us government debt at $7.7 billion. this is evidenced by updated data from the U.S. Treasury. Upstairs At the same time China continues to hold the lead on investments in American debt, owning bonds $1,171 trillion. Second place is Japan, which, on the contrary, increased its investments in U.S. securities, have themselves accumulated Treasury Treasury securities $1,0355 trillion. With a large gap to the three leaders of Ireland, she has $300 billion of investments in us government debt, writes “RIA Novosti”. Russia, which in recent years 10-13 took place, have significantly reduced their investment in this tool and today is not even in the top 30 investors in US debt. In April, the Federation got rid of half of the American bonds, reducing the investment in securities U.S. Treasury nearly doubled to $48.7

The United States will expand cooperation with Poland in the defense sector

The United States will expand cooperation with Poland in the defense sector The United States has agreed with Poland to strengthen cooperation in defence, intelligence, technologies for the creation of missile defence systems and military training. With such statement the President of the United States Donald trump spoke at a press conference in the White house after talks with Polish President Andrzej Duda. Upstairs “During our talks today the President and Duda have agreed to strengthen our strong ties in the defense sphere. I am proud to announce that Poland has recently become a modern Patriot missile defense system,” said Mr. trump (quoted by TASS). He also thanked the Polish government for raising its defense spending in the framework of agreements on NATO. According to Donald trump, the U.S. is considering the possibility of placing in Poland of a permanent American base. He stressed that the President Andrzej Duda said

North Korea has agreed to the elimination of a missile test site under the control of inspectors

North Korea has agreed to the elimination of a missile test site under the control of inspectors The DPRK agreed to dismantle the missile range, Tongan for testing engine which can carry a nuclear warhead. This was at the end of the second day of the inter-Korean summit was announced by the President of South Korea moon Jae-In. This arrangement he called a concrete outcome of the talks, said the Associated Press. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий At the same time, Pyongyang agreed to allow the objects of the external inspectors who can ensure the implementation of the agreements, quotes the words of CNN South Korean leader. Following the meeting, moon Jae-Ins with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, the parties signed a joint statement. The text is not yet published. The details of the agreements to tell the leaders themselves. Moon Jae-In said that Pyongyang is willing to dismantle its main nuclear site in

Trump: the US has no plans to impose sanctions for participating in the “Nord stream-2”

Trump: the US has no plans to impose sanctions for participating in the “Nord stream-2” Plans to impose sanctions against companies that were involved in the project “Northern stream-2”, the US does not. This was stated by the President of the country Donald trump at a press conference at the White house following the meeting with the Polish President Andrzej Duda, Polskie Radio reports. Upstairs “We are not going to do it,” — he said, answering the question about the possibility of sanctions. The President of the United States criticized Germany, whose companies are involved in the construction of the pipeline. “We think that for residents of Germany the bad thing is that this country is paying billions and billions of dollars a year for energy from Russia,” added trump (quoted by Reuters). In a joint statement released after the meeting, trump and Duda stated that it will continue to

The chamber has identified system defects on construction sites in the North Caucasus

The chamber has identified system defects on construction sites in the North Caucasus By results of check of objects under construction in the North Caucasus, the chamber came to the conclusion about the insufficient measures “taken by the regions of the North Caucasus Federal district to reduce the volumes of incomplete construction”. This is with reference to the Agency RBC. Upstairs As Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin, following the results of inspections found not only individual problems and systemic shortcomings. According to him, the object is frozen is an extraordinary case, “we have the same this is due to inadequate planning”. He promised that the chamber “will not leave this topic without attention in the coming years.” At the beginning of 2018 in the North Caucasus was 4 thousand unfinished objects. The construction of the almost 1.2 thousand of them started more than eight years ago. More than

For non-execution of court decision on prohibition of activities will increase the penalties

For non-execution of court decision on prohibition of activities will increase the penalties “News” was acquainted with the bill according to which proposed to introduce greater administrative responsibility for implementation of the legally barred from economic activity. Upstairs We are talking about situations when someone’s work there is a risk of epidemic, radiological, environmental or man-made disaster and the accident at the plant or the collapse of the building. The document States that citizens who have committed similar offences will be able to collect from 200 to 500 thousand rubles. Individual entrepreneurs will have to pay from 500 to 800 thousand rubles, while for legal entities the penalty will be from 1 to 3 million rubles. In addition, entrepreneurs and organizations will have to suspend its activities for up to 90 days. The innovation is aimed at protecting others from the possible effects of the activities of offenders. The existing

The head of the German secret services have sent in resignation with the increase

The head of the German secret services have sent in resignation with the increase As expected, today, September 18, the head of the Federal service for the protection of the German Constitution, Hans-Georg Maassen has lost his job. According to Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mr Maassen is no longer suitable for this position, as it began to intervene in the current policy, which the head of the secret service can’t do. Upstairs Calls to send Hans-Georg Maasen resignation is sounded once at the beginning of September he gave an interview to the newspaper Bild. In it Mr Maassen said that the staff of his office has not found credible evidence of persecution of migrants from right-wing radicals in Berlin. The decision on the fate of Mr. Maasen was taken at the meeting of heads of parties of the Grand coalition consisting of the CDU/CSU and the Social democratic party of Germany.

Putin urged the governors not to shut people out who have a different opinion

Putin urged the governors not to shut people out who have a different opinion MOSCOW, 18 Sep — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin urged the governors elected not to cover citizens with a different view and voted for other candidates. Upstairs “Not to cover those who have a different point of view, to involve them in solving common problems. In short, we must work in the interests of all the inhabitants of your regions,” — said Putin at a meeting with the elected heads of regions. He stressed that in the elections citizens not only voted for these or those candidates, as “they showed what they agree, disagree with what the authorities expect.” This is very important. Your job as elected heads of subjects of Federation — to hear the signals that people gave the authorities to understand the existing problems more deeply understand, understand them.Mr Putinprime of the

A new battle in the trading war of the USA and China: in the course went figure and women’s bags

A new battle in the trading war of the USA and China: in the course went figure and women’s bags USA from September 24 to impose new fee in the amount of 10% on imports from China worth $ 200 billion. From 1 January 2019 the rate will increase to 25%. Upstairs Import duties will affect nearly 6 thousand kinds of products. Among the goods that will be subject to duties: handbags, textiles, Fig. This list did not get some popular consumer products such as smart watches and children’s chairs. China said that while the United States to impose retaliatory import duties on imports from the United States. Beijing had earlier promised that will be mirrored to respond to the new duties imposed by the US on imports from China. The US President Donald trump said that the new fees are a response to “unfair China trade policies, including subsidies

Russia accused of cyber attacks on Konstantinopolsky Patriarchate

Russia accused of cyber attacks on Konstantinopolsky Patriarchate In Kiev said that the hackers want to disrupt the process of obtaining autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church. Upstairs In Kiev said that the receipt of the Tomos of autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) is possible in October. In this regard, Russia was accused of attempted cyber attacks on the Patriarchate of Constantinople. This was discussed during the meeting of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin from Ukraine appointed to Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop Daniel Pamphylian and Bishop Hilarion of Edmonton. According to Petro Poroshenko, the process of granting autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church came to the finish line. “We are together, especially in the last three years passed this way,” he said. In response, the Exarch declared that arrived to Ukraine to “continue the work already solved the issue of granting