Poroshenko recalled Putin’s Munich speech

Poroshenko recalled Putin’s Munich speech Ukraine is currently in the midst of the processes that determine the future of the continent and the world. On Thursday, September 20, was declared by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, reports “UKRINFORM”. Upstairs The Ukrainian leader expressed belief that global and regional security systems are inefficient and are under threat. In addition, Poroshenko said that “Russian aggression that caught the West by surprise”. Ignored were all important signals: a provocation to Tuzla (in 2003 between Moscow and Kiev there was a conflict over this island, Russia tried to build a dam and thus join the island with their territory — approx. “Of the tape.ru”); and the aggressive speech of the Russian President [Vladimir Putin] at the Munich security forum in 2007, where he basically all about all warned; and Russia’s attack on Georgia… And the first reaction to the occupation of the Crimea

Deputy Isayev called the transfer Zakharchenko billion Pension Fund

Deputy Isayev called the transfer Zakharchenko billion Pension Fund The money seized from the interior Ministry Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, can enroll in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), if the Duma passes a relevant law to a court sentence. This was stated by first Deputy head of the Duma faction “United Russia” Andrei Isayev. His words leads TASS. Upstairs Zakharchenko was arrested in Moscow in September 2016 on charges of taking bribes and obstructing the investigation. The trial in this case began in mid-August. Special resonance it received after the sister of the Colonel found almost 9 billion rubles in different currencies. These funds were seized. NewsFor Alexei Ulyukayev given a medal Zakharchenko and his family denied any connection with the money. In December 2017, the court drew the confiscated money and property state income. Later the savings Bank during the recount means discovered the loss of 3 million euros

Trump immediately urged OPEC to reduce oil prices

Trump immediately urged OPEC to reduce oil prices MOSCOW, September 20 — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump urged the Organization of countries-exporters of oil (OPEC) now to lower oil prices, calling it “monopoly”. Upstairs “We are defending the Middle East, they will not long be safe without us, and yet, they continue to raise oil prices. Monopoly OPEC needs to reduce prices!”, — wrote the American leader on his official Twitter account. Previously, trump has already accused of a cartel in inflating prices of oil and required their reduction. He also stated that OPEC is “manipulating” the oil market and need to stop. In Algeria on September 23 will be a meeting of the Ministerial monitoring Committee of OPEC+, where it is planned to discuss the General situation in the oil market and the countries ‘ compliance with their obligations until the end of 2018,

Kim Jong UN gave the South Korean President two tons of mushrooms

Kim Jong UN gave the South Korean President two tons of mushrooms SEOUL, September 20 — RIA Novosti, Ivan Zakharchenko. DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN gave the President of South Korea moon Jae-Inu two tons of valuable gourmet mushrooms Sony-post (matsutake) in memory of their meeting in Pyongyang, said at a briefing in Seoul, a representative of the presidential administration. Upstairs According to him, the mushrooms will be sent to the members of separated families, which yet never was able to meet with their relatives in the North, and to the day of remembrance, which falls on next week: We took about 4 thousand people, most elderly, and each of them will receive 500 grams of mushrooms for the autumn memorial day. “Two tons of mushrooms Sony-post, donated by the Chairman of the state Council, Kim Jong-UN, arrived at dawn in Seoul aircraft,” — he added. Moon Jae-In made a visit

The state Duma approved the second reading of the fines for firing before retirement

The state Duma approved the second reading of the fines for firing before retirement The state Duma adopted in the second reading the bill establishing a criminal liability for groundless denial of employment or dismissal of people approaching retirement age, according to the website of the lower house of Parliament. Upstairs For employers-violators will be provided a fine in the amount up to 200 thousand rubles or up to 360 hours of community service. The second reading was prepared three amendments, but all were rejected. Changes will be made to the criminal code, where article appeared “Unreasonable refusal in employment or unreasonable dismissal of the persons who have reached pensionable age”. Recall that to impose liability for employers for dismissal before retirement was offered by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin during a televised address to the Russians. On 13 September the state Duma adopted the bill in the first

In the United States have discovered a new information campaign of Russia in social networks

In the United States have discovered a new information campaign of Russia in social networks American experts have found that social networks conducted an information campaign, which “almost certainly” is. It is aimed at criticism leveled against Damascus accusations of use of chemical weapons. Upstairs To such conclusion employees of the research Center for nonproliferation them. James Martin (CNS) Middlerincome Institute of international studies in Monterey. The report States that part of a organized company can be from 16% to 20% of all publications on Twitter, criticizing the position of the West against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. CNS experts believe that Damascus does not have the resources to carry out such information campaigns in social networks. For example, after himataki in the Syrian Duma on 7 April, in which Western countries have accused Damascus of Twitter has dramatically increased the activity of accounts, criticized the charges. Often trolls trying to

The defense Ministry reported the absence of shot down Il-20 air defense system “friend or foe”

The defense Ministry reported the absence of shot down Il-20 air defense system “friend or foe” Syrian air defense s-200 missile which shot down a Russian reconnaissance aircraft Il-20, was not equipped with a system of identification “friend or foe”, reports “Interfax” with reference to the statement of the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov. Upstairs According to him, the system of identification “friend or foe” is strictly individual to each state. Russian recognition system is not set for export in the framework of military-technical cooperation models of weapons and military equipment. “All this fully applies to the delivered to Syria domestic air defense systems,” — said Konashenkov. Reasoning “of pseudo about the reasons of destruction of the plane Il-20 allegedly due to the failure of the system “friend or foe” he called amateurish fantasies. Used in Russia, the system of state identification “friend or

Pompeo has considered China a greater threat to USA than Russia

Pompeo has considered China a greater threat to USA than Russia WASHINGTON, September 20 — RIA Novosti. Us Secretary of state Mike Pompeo believes China is a far greater threat to USA than Russia. He stated this in an interview with Fox News. Upstairs “Russia is behaving aggressively. Russia is trying to interfere in our elections. Russia under Vladimir Putin is “bully”. We need to fight back and keep them where you can,” said Pompeo, answering the question, who is threatening Washington more than Moscow or Beijing. But if you look at the long term threats to the lives of Americans who pose risks to continue America’s growth, China is a much greater threat to the United States.Mike Papulonecrotic U.S.Strategy on cyber security Earlier Fox News reported that the Pentagon has included Russia and China in the list of major threats in its new strategy on cyber security. As the

The electoral Commission of Primorsky Krai has cancelled results of Governor’s elections

The electoral Commission of Primorsky Krai has cancelled results of Governor’s elections The election Commission of Primorsky Krai has cancelled results of Governor’s elections, reports “Interfax”. For this decision voted 12 of the 13 members of the Commission, 1 against. Upstairs “The election results cannot be considered reliable. The regional electoral Commission recognizes that significant violations of voting can serve as a basis for the election to be illegal,” — said the Chairman of krajizbirkoma Tatiana Smooth, bringing to a vote the question of the recognition of elections invalid. Earlier, the CEC recommended that the electoral Commission of the region to cancel the election results due to “several factors”. Impossible to determine whose side could be the majority, explained CEC. There have been two rounds of gubernatorial elections. The first took place in a single voting day on 9 September. On them the candidate from “United Russia” Andrei Tarasenko scored

Trump called the biggest mistake in US history

Trump called the biggest mistake in US history The President of the United States Donald trump believes that the biggest mistake in the history of the country was the decision of former President George W. Bush to send troops to the middle East. He told about it in interview to TV Hill on September 19. Upstairs “The biggest mistake made in the history of our country is sending troops to the middle East by President Bush. At least Obama (and former President Barack Obama) made a mistake [taking the decision on the withdrawal of troops], but to put them in there, in my opinion, was the biggest mistake,” said the American leader. Trump said that the United States has suffered too much loss in this region, both financial and human. “The United States has spent $7 trillion on the middle East. $7 trillion and millions of lives, I take into