CEC told how on their second tours in the regions

CEC told how on their second tours in the regions MOSCOW, September 23 — RIA Novosti. The vote in the second round on elections of heads of the Khabarovsk territory and the Vladimir region, judging by the reports from the interior Ministry and the regional electoral commissions is held without major violations, all very calmly, said the Deputy head of the CEC of Russia Nikolay Bulaev. Upstairs “The reports we have from the electoral commissions of the constituent entities and the organs of internal Affairs, special no violations,” said Bulaev. According to these reports from the interior Ministry and election commissions, “some sverhkrupnyh situations there,” he said. According to him, there are the usual characteristic of election campaigns of regional level situation. “There are some remarks to one another and to the candidate, there is some discontent expressed by the observers or members of commissions with deliberative vote,” he explained.

U.S. may tighten the rules for issuing green cards

U.S. may tighten the rules for issuing green cards The Ministry of homeland security has prepared a bill toughening the rules for issuing green cards, according to Politico. Changes will affect immigrants already living in the country legally, and hit, primarily, for applicants with low incomes. Upstairs According to the document, the US authorities plan to when considering an application for a green card to consider, whether immigrant for any of the measures of social support. Receiving medical services through Medicaid, food stamps or social housing could become a “significant negative factor”. Also applicants may be asked to pay a Deposit of up to $10 thousand According to Politico, the tightening of the rules for obtaining a green card can make millions of low-income families to choose between social assistance and citizenship of the United States. Human rights activists fear that the new system will restrict children’s access to food

Russia contributed to withdrawal from the Golan members of Pro-Iranian groups

Russia contributed to withdrawal from the Golan members of Pro-Iranian groups MOSCOW, September 23 — RIA Novosti. More than a thousand members of the Pro-Iranian groups, as well as 24 systems of volley fire withdrawn from the Golan, with the assistance of the defense Ministry, said at a briefing the official representative of the Russian defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov. Upstairs According to him, in order to prevent the threat of missile strikes by Pro-Iranian groups Israel has requested the settlement of the situation finding in the area adjacent to the Golan heights, the heavy weapons of the Pro-Iranian groups. “Russia held consultations with Iran in which Tehran has informed that does not consider the correct tension in the area and has no aggressive intentions against Israel. In the end, all of the Pro-Iranian formation with heavy weapons, with the assistance of Russian troops were withdrawn from the Golan heights in

Russia explained the accusations against Israel because of downed Il-20

Russia explained the accusations against Israel because of downed Il-20 Representatives of the Israeli air force introduced the Russian side in error about the place of the strike in Syria on September 17, which was downed spy plane Il-20. The journalists at the briefing said the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov, RIA Novosti reported. Upstairs According to him, the Israeli side initially said that the attacks are planned to strike at targets in Northern Syria, however, in reality the attack was carried out in the Western province of Latakia. “The misrepresentation of Israeli officer on the location of the strike fighters are not allowed to bring the Russian plane Il-20 in a safe area,” Konashenkov said, stressing that Russia was notified of the strike simultaneously with its beginning. “He has not mentioned the location of Israeli [fighters] F-16”, the General added. He also said

Voter turnout in the Khabarovsk region at 15:00 made up of 34.78%

Voter turnout in the Khabarovsk region at 15:00 made up of 34.78% Voter turnout in the second round on elections of the Governor of Khabarovsk Krai on 15:00 local time (08:00 GMT) made up of 34.78%. In the first round on 9 September by this time voted 26.58% of the voters, the correspondent of IA REGNUM. Upstairs The most actively vote in the Komsomol district — turnout in the 15 hours has to be 59.10 per cent, in the second place, Ayano-Maysky district — 56,31% in the third Tuguro-Chumikansky — 48,34%. The inactive voters in Sovetskaya Gavan — 29,93% to 15:00. As reported IA REGNUM, in the Khabarovsk territory today, September 23, 2018, during the second round of elections of the Governor. Voters must choose between incumbent Governor Vyacheslav Shport (“EP”) and the Deputy of the state Duma Sergey Furgala (LDPR). In the first round none of the leaders could

The media learned about preparing the team may early parliamentary elections

The media learned about preparing the team may early parliamentary elections The team of the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may started the preparations for the early parliamentary elections scheduled for November. Upstairs As writes on September 22, the Sunday Time newspaper, citing two confidants of the Prime Minister, the purpose of elections is to enlist the support position may for Brexit and keep the politician as Prime Minister. The impetus for training was an informal EU summit in Salzburg. According to the newspaper, the politicians decided to reduce domestic opposition to the Prime Minister before the election. However, one of the associates may said that the Prime Minister will leave the office in the summer of 2019, says the Agency “RIA Novosti”. Earlier media repeatedly reported on the request of the deputies of the Conservative party to send the incumbent Prime Minister to resign. Party members may not

Russia will be able to build “Nord stream-2” in case of failure of partners

Russia will be able to build “Nord stream-2” in case of failure of partners Moscow. September 22. INTERFAX.RU — Russia has the opportunity to build a gas pipeline “Northern stream-2” in case of sanctions by the USA against the participants of the project, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “Russia has the opportunity, but we hope that such conduct will not happen” — said Peskov told RBC, answering the question whether Russian President Vladimir Putin meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel has promised that Russia will fully Finance the “Nord stream-2” if the US imposes sanctions against the project. On Saturday the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung, citing informed sources reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin during the meeting with Merkel in Meseberg on August 18 declared readiness of the Russian side to fully Finance the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream-2” in the case if USA

The President of Iran has threatened to Trump the fate of Saddam Hussein

The President of Iran has threatened to Trump the fate of Saddam Hussein According to Hassan Rouhani, the current policy of the American President could have serious consequences for him. Upstairs Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said that Tehran will not abandon its missile program despite US pressure, reports Reuters. “Iran does not intend to abandon defenses, including missiles, which so angered the Americans,” said the Iranian leader. Rouhani added that if Donald trump will continue to operate in its current manner, it is waiting for the fate of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, who was ousted after the U.S. invasion of the country in the early 2000s and executed by the verdict of the Iraqi court. Rouhani in this connection, recalled the events of the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-1988, which resulted in the Iraqi army suffered heavy losses and the national economy faced serious problems, resulting in an attempt to capture

Lukashenko said the talks with Putin, heavy, but effective

Lukashenko said the talks with Putin, heavy, but effective President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said his talks in Sochi with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Upstairs “Most of the negotiations were one on one with the President of Russia. The talks lasted six hours, even more. And, frankly, it wasn’t even difficult, and difficult negotiations. But effective,” — said the President of Belarus (as quoted by Agency “BelTA”). Lukashenka added that Russia and Belarus have come to a complete understanding on issues of mutual deliveries of agricultural products and in the next week will develop an appropriate plan. “We came to the conclusion that literally within a week will develop an indicative balance, that is the plan of mutual deliveries of agricultural products,” he said. The presidents of the two countries have developed two options for dealing with “peritumoral” oil and dark petroleum products supply from Russia. Now, as stated by

Human rights activists have accused the candidate from LDPR in illegal propaganda in Khabarovsk Krai

Human rights activists have accused the candidate from LDPR in illegal propaganda in Khabarovsk Krai Moscow. September 22. INTERFAX.RU — Association of Russian non-governmental organizations for the protection of electoral rights “Civil control” received a signal about violation of the candidate from LDPR Sergey Furgala of the prohibition of campaigning on the “day of silence” on the eve of the second round of elections of the Governor of the Khabarovsk territory, said the co-Chairman of the Association, a member of the HRC Alexander Brod. Upstairs “This morning (MSK — if) has received information that in Khabarovsk distributed campaign materials of the candidate from LDPR in the form of printed materials, leaflets that are placed on the entrances, mailboxes of houses. The city goes vehicles with campaign materials. Also shows videos of the candidate on advertising boards and on the Internet,” said Ford on Saturday, “Interfax”. “In this regard, in order