Voter turnout in the Khabarovsk region at 15:00 made up of 34.78%

Voter turnout in the Khabarovsk region at 15:00 made up of 34.78%

Voter turnout in the second round on elections of the Governor of Khabarovsk Krai on 15:00 local time (08:00 GMT) made up of 34.78%. In the first round on 9 September by this time voted 26.58% of the voters, the correspondent of IA REGNUM.


The most actively vote in the Komsomol district — turnout in the 15 hours has to be 59.10 per cent, in the second place, Ayano-Maysky district — 56,31% in the third Tuguro-Chumikansky — 48,34%. The inactive voters in Sovetskaya Gavan — 29,93% to 15:00.

As reported IA REGNUM, in the Khabarovsk territory today, September 23, 2018, during the second round of elections of the Governor. Voters must choose between incumbent Governor Vyacheslav Shport (“EP”) and the Deputy of the state Duma Sergey Furgala (LDPR). In the first round none of the leaders could not gain the required 50% +1, so the vote was re-appointed.

