The Communist party and the liberal democratic party agreed on a coalition government

The Communist party and the liberal democratic party agreed on a coalition government Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov announced the intention to form together with the liberal democratic party coalition government in the Republic of Khakassia, Vladimir oblast and Khabarovsk Krai. About it reports “Interfax” on Monday, September 24. Upstairs “Held consultations with the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky and agreed,” — said Zyuganov. According to him, during the election campaign the mentioned subjects of the Communists and liberal Democrats supported each other. News“the Main thing is honesty and legitimacy”: the EP yielded two of the region On 23 September the second rounds of elections were held in Khabarovsk Krai and Vladimir oblast. As a result, the Deputy of the state Duma from party of LDPR Sergey Furgal has bypassed the candidate from “United Russia” acting Governor of Khabarovsk territory Vyacheslav Shport. Vladimir oblast is headed by another member of

The constitutional court of Moldova suspended the President from his duties

The constitutional court of Moldova suspended the President from his duties CHISINAU, September 24 — RIA Novosti. The constitutional court of Moldova ruled that the Parliament speaker or the Prime Minister instead of the President Igor Dodon to appoint two members of the government; thus, the court temporarily suspended the powers of the President on the issue, said Monday the Chairman of the constitutional court, Mihai Poalelungi. Upstairs Earlier, Prime Minister Pavel Filip has invited President Dodon the appointment of two new Ministers. Minister of health, labour and social protection was planned to appoint Sylvia Rada, the Minister of agriculture and regional development — Nicholas Shank. In this he opposed those candidates. “Acknowledges the circumstances that justify suspension of the President from office because of his refusal to appoint Ministers, who re-suggested the Prime Minister,” said the judge Poalelungi. Dodon three were suspended from duties and two times it was

SBU summoned for questioning Vladimir Zhirinovsky on September 27

SBU summoned for questioning Vladimir Zhirinovsky on September 27 KIEV, September 24. /TASS/. The security service of Ukraine (SBU) summoned the Deputy of the State Duma, leader of the liberal democratic party of Russia (LDPR) Vladimir Zhirinovsky on September 27. The appropriate summons was issued the governmental newspaper “Uryadovy courier”. Upstairs “The suspect is a citizen of the Russian Federation Zhirinovsky called for 09:00 27 September 2018 to the senior investigator of SBU”, — is spoken in the message. Zhirinovsky waiting in the secret service for indictment and interrogation as a suspect. The Shevchenkovsky district court of Kiev on September 18, 2018 allowed special pre-trial investigation against the leader of the liberal democratic party and two deputies of the State Duma for the support of the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass.

“The main thing is honesty and legitimacy”: the EP yielded two of the region

“The main thing is honesty and legitimacy”: the EP yielded two of the region Sipyagin won the election for Governor of the Vladimir region. Upstairs On September 23, in Khabarovsk region and the Vladimir region were second rounds of gubernatorial elections, both won by the representatives of the liberal democratic party. Moreover, both candidates from the liberal Democrats was once perceived as technical. However, in the Kremlin say that clean elections are more important than the victory of representatives of the EP. What trends has revealed multiple voting in the Russian regions — versed “Газета.Ru”. 23 Sep were just two of the second round of gubernatorial elections in the Khabarovsk Krai and Vladimir oblast. In both regions the current governors (representatives of the “United Russia”) has conceded to candidates from the liberal democratic party. Since the return of direct elections of governors in 2012 the liberal Democrats, such success was

The candidate from LDPR has bypassed the current head of the Vladimir region in the second round

The candidate from LDPR has bypassed the current head of the Vladimir region in the second round VLADIMIR, September 24. /TASS/ — By results of processing 100% of protocols Mr Sipiagin scored 57,03% of the votes, Svetlana Orlova — 37,46% Upstairs The candidate from LDPR Vladimir Sipiagin gaining the second round of elections of the Governor of Vladimir region 57,03% of the vote according to the results of processing 100% of protocols, leaving behind the current head of the region Svetlana Orlova nominated by “United Russia”. As stated in the CEC, the election campaign was held without serious violations, and prerequisites for cancellation of results of elections there. “Following the results of processing 100% of protocols Mr Sipiagin scored 57,03% of the vote, Svetlana Orlova received 37,46%”, — reported in the election Commission of the Vladimir region. According to preliminary data, in voting have taken part 38,29% of voters in

Media reported the US plans to bring new charges to China

Media reported the US plans to bring new charges to China Moscow. September 24. INTERFAX.RU — number of complaints — accusations of meddling in the election. Upstairs The US plans to deploy to the administration of a broad attack on China, accusing him of hostile activities against American companies, stealing intellectual property, cyber-attacks and interference in elections, said the portal Axios, citing its sources in the White house. “White house plans to disclose new information about hostile activities of China in respect of the public and private sectors of America and act accordingly,” — said in the message. The portal writes that the representatives of the administration show China is accused of “pernicious activity” — carrying out cyber attacks, meddling in elections and industrial war (for example, the theft of intellectual property). “We must not allow that only Russia was the Scarecrow. It is Russia and China”, — quotes Axios

U.S. imposes 10%-s ‘ duties on goods from China worth $200 billion

U.S. imposes 10%-s ‘ duties on goods from China worth $200 billion WASHINGTON, September 24. /TASS/ — the head of the White house Donald trump said the United States “for months,” urged China “to change its unfair trade practices”. Upstairs Customs duty of 10% on imports of China in the USA goods which total cost is estimated at $200 billion, will be introduced on Monday, September 24. The President of the United States Donald trump also intends to proceed to the third phase of the implementation of restrictive measures and to impose additional fees in the amount of $267 billion, if Beijing retaliates. Entered on Monday, duties the first of January of the following year will rise to 25%, said at the White house. Trump said that the United States “for months,” urged China “to change its unfair trade practices”. We have made clear what changes are needed, we gave

Pompeo spoke about the chances of the United States in a trade war with China

Pompeo spoke about the chances of the United States in a trade war with China US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo said that the United States win a trade war with China. His words conveys the edition of South China Morning Post. Upstairs “We will win,” said Mike Pompeo, talking about a trade war between the two largest economies in the world in an interview with Fox News. His words sounded in the air before the imposition of US duties on Chinese exports with a total volume of 200 billion dollars. The result of our actions will be that China will have to behave as it should as a world power — transparency, rule of law, respect for intellectual law.Mike Phoneoperating U.S. Secretary of According to Pompeo, despite the fact that the President of the United States Donald Trump is “really like” leader of China, XI Jinping, he will maintain

Furgal won elections of the Governor of Khabarovsk Krai

Furgal won elections of the Governor of Khabarovsk Krai KHABAROVSK, September 23 — RIA Novosti. The candidate from LDPR Sergey Furgal has won elections of the Governor of the Khabarovsk territory, according to data of the CEC. Upstairs The Deputy of the state Duma gained almost 70 percent of the vote after processing 100 percent of ballots. Acting head of the region Vyacheslav Shport was able to score at least 28 percent of the vote. Furgal said he expected similar results in the elections. The electoral Commission of the Krai approves the results of elections of the Governor in three days, told journalists the Chairman of the electoral Commission of the Krai, Gennady Namesnow. He noted that all election results are processed and entered into system gas “Elections”, thus, changes can no longer be. According to him, arrived in krayizbirkom complaints are unable to influence the outcome of the election,

The development of bike lanes will enshrine in the Swiss Constitution

The development of bike lanes will enshrine in the Swiss Constitution The citizens of Switzerland voted in favor of amending the Constitution, which enshrines the development of a network of Bicycle paths in the country. This is evidenced by the results of the national referendum, which was held in the country on September 23. Upstairs So, in favor of the amendments on the bike path in favor of 73.6% of voters, against 26.4 per cent, said in a statement on the website of the government of the Confederation. However, the referendum rejected the initiatives to strengthen control over imported foreign agricultural products and the prohibition of the use of GMOs for production of food (61.3 per cent against 38.7 per cent for). Support is not found and the intention of the authorities to promote food sovereignty and support local producers (and 68.4% against 31.6% were for). Opponents of these reforms