Promising to destroy the Russian ships in the Ukrainian commander came across the FSB

Promising to destroy the Russian ships in the Ukrainian commander came across the FSB Television news service (TSN) of 1+1 TV channel has published a list of Ukrainian seafarers aboard boats “Berdyansk”, “Nikopol” and tug “Yana Kapu”, which on November 25 was detained by border guards of the FSB. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий In the list presented by TSN, featured 18 names. “Not all of them belonged to the crews, some persons were on the sides further,” says TSN. On Board the “Berdyansk” were Lieutenant Roman mokryak, seaman Yuri Bezhyazichniy, seaman Andrew Artemenko, sailor Andrew Elder, senior sailor Bogdan Golovashov and the captain of the second rank Denis Gritsenko. “Nikopol” was Lieutenant Bogdan Fiction, senior sailor Vyacheslav Zinchenko, sailor Sergei Chibisov, captain-Lieutenant Sergey Popov, petty officer first class Vladislav Kostyshin and seaman Andrew, Oprisko. The commander of the tug “Yana Kapu” is a petty officer first class Oleg Melnychuk. Also on Board were

NATO urged Russia to immediately release Ukrainian sailors and ships

NATO urged Russia to immediately release Ukrainian sailors and ships BRUSSELS, 26 Nov. /TASS/. The North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) urged Russia to immediately release Ukrainian sailors and ships detained during Sunday’s incident in the Kerch Strait. This was stated on Monday by the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the an unscheduled meeting of the Commission NATO — Ukraine on this matter. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “There is no excuse for the use of force by Russian forces against Ukrainian ships. NATO urges Russia to immediately release Ukrainian sailors and ships”, — said Stoltenberg. Earlier Monday, NATO Secretary General and the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko discussed the incident in the Kerch Strait on the phone. November 25 three ships of naval forces of Ukraine violated the right of passage of warships through the territorial sea of the Russian Federation when following from the Black to the Azov sea. For their compulsory stop

The United States expressed concern about the incident in the Kerch Strait and supported Ukraine’s actions

The United States expressed concern about the incident in the Kerch Strait and supported Ukraine’s actions UN 26 Nov. /TASS/. The United States expressed “deep concern” about the situation in the area of the Azov sea and expressed support for Ukraine. This was stated on Monday, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “We are United to oppose attempts of Russia to discuss a serious increase of tension in the Kerch Strait within the framework of the agenda item, identified as a violation of the borders of the Russian Federation, — she said, speaking in a joint statement on behalf of the US, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the UK. — We strongly support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. We Express our deep concern about the incident represents a dangerous escalation

Volodin called Poroshenko organizer of “provocation” in the Kerch Strait

Volodin called Poroshenko organizer of “provocation” in the Kerch Strait The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has deliberately organized a provocation in the Kerch Strait for the transfer of the Ukrainian presidential elections in 2019. this was stated by the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, commenting on the Ukrainian President’s decree on introduction of martial law in the country. Upstairs “In fact, the basis for postponement of the elections, 2019 and restrictions of electoral rights of citizens. For this Poroshenko organized a provocation in the Kerch Strait,” — expressed confidence the speaker. In his opinion, Ukrainians became victims of the “adventure” of the Ukrainian leadership, which seeks to “preserve personal power”. Russian border guards on Sunday, November 25, was detained in the Black sea three Ukrainian warships. Ukrainian authorities claimed that the court was trying to get across the Kerch Strait from the Black sea (port Odessa) in

Poroshenko explained the need for martial law in Ukraine

Poroshenko explained the need for martial law in Ukraine It is introduced for 30 days, so as not to hinder the presidential elections on 31 March 2019. Upstairs The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in an address to Ukrainians declared that the military situation in the country is introduced for a period of 60 days, as previously expected, but for 30 days so as not to hamper the preparations for the presidential elections on 31 March 2019. In addition, he stated that he does not intend to use martial law to restrict civil liberties. The newsmeans That the introduction of martial law in Ukraine According to the law of Ukraine “On legal regime of martial law” during martial law can’t be elections at all levels, but can prohibit peaceful gatherings, rallies, demonstrations and other events. If the powers of the President of Ukraine over during martial law, “his powers continue

A young Deputy from Yekaterinburg have shared the delights of the Gulag

A young Deputy from Yekaterinburg have shared the delights of the Gulag Stalin’s GULAG — a good and useful thing for the country. Sure elected Deputy of the Yekaterinburg city Duma 23-year-old Andrew Pies. Upstairs Pies is one of the five representatives of the Communist party, elected to the city Parliament on 9 September of the year. Two and a half months of operation, any initiatives or proposals he the citizens do not remember. We will remind, the chief administration of camps and places of detention — a division of the NKVD, and later MVD in charge of places of detention and the detention of citizens in the years 1930-1960.

Russian border guards detained in the Kerch Strait on 24 Ukrainian seafarers

Russian border guards detained in the Kerch Strait on 24 Ukrainian seafarers Moscow. 26 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova believes that the professional actions of Russian border guards helped to avoid the worst in a situation with staged provocation in the Kerch Strait the Ukrainian military courts. Speaking about the number of detained Ukrainian sailors, she said, “there’s only 24 man.” Upstairs “Three sailors are in first Kerch hospital, doctors do not put as heavy, but definitely a wound there is a wound, and it is important that they be qualified help, and such is,” she said. According to her, the whole incident is closely connected with human rights “Because it could lead to more serious consequences than what we face. (…) The three people who have suffered as a result of this provocation, it too has, of course, the excitement and sympathy

The Kremlin has called the possible introduction of martial law in Ukraine, “electoral intrigue”

The Kremlin has called the possible introduction of martial law in Ukraine, “electoral intrigue” The possible introduction of martial law in Ukraine because of the incident with the detention of Ukrainian courts in Kerch Strait reminiscent of “electoral intrigue,” said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Haven’t introduced, but, of course, given the pre-election situation in Ukraine, this decision, of course, smacks of electoral politics. Of course, the electoral challenge, waving the flag of war, is wrong and dangerous, from our point of view,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. To the question whether Russia is ready to mobilize its troops, Mr. Sands did not answer. 25 Nov in the Kerch Strait, the FSB detained three Ukrainian vessel with 23 sailors. To “force stop” ships of the Russian frontier guards used the weapon, as a result, three Ukrainian military were wounded. The Minister of

Aggravation of relations between Russia and Ukraine in the Black sea. The main thing

Aggravation of relations between Russia and Ukraine in the Black sea. The main thing 25 Nov in the Kerch Strait was a clash of Russian and Ukrainian warships. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Russia closed the Strait and detained three Ukrainian ship “Berdyansk”, “Nikopol” and “Yana Kapu”. At the moment the vessel in Kerch, damage to them is not detected, reports Reuters. The FSB said that the Russian border guards used weapons against the Ukrainian warships, wounded three Ukrainian soldiers, they received medical treatment, threats to their lives there. The Ukrainian side has said about six wounded. During the download an error has occurred. In Russia opened a criminal case on the fact of violation of the state border of the Russian Federation. In turn, the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) initiated a criminal case under the article on starting and waging aggressive war. There is information about the shelling of the self-proclaimed Donetsk

Tymoshenko says Kiev has the right to demand military assistance

Tymoshenko says Kiev has the right to demand military assistance KIEV, November 26. /TASS/. The leader of the party “Batkivshchyna” Yulia Tymoshenko said after Sunday’s incident in the Kerch Strait Ukraine could demand from international partners assistance, including military. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “In these exceptional circumstances, we have every right to demand from the countries of the world, from global collective security bodies, specific, clear, actionable assistance, including military” — she wrote on Monday in Facebook. Tymoshenko also believes that the time has come that the countries-guarantors of security and sovereignty of Ukraine fulfilled the guarantees under the Budapest Memorandum. November 25 three ships of naval forces of Ukraine violated the right of passage of warships through the territorial sea of the Russian Federation when following from the Black to the Azov sea. For their compulsory stop in the Kerch Strait weapon was used, three servicemen of the Ukrainian Navy, was slightly