Trump said that he has a very good relationship with Putin

Trump said that he has a very good relationship with Putin WASHINGTON, 1 Dec. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump said that he has “very good relations” with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin and expressed his confidence that the meeting of heads of two States will take place. He told about it in published on Friday an interview with radio station “Voice of America”. Upstairs “I will meet with him [Putin]. I think we have a very good relationship. I think we will have very good relations with Russia, China and everyone else,” said trump, asked about the meeting with the Russian leader. “Frankly, in light of what happened with Ukraine, with ships and sailors [the Ukrainian Navy], [now] just not the right time for meetings,” — said the head of the White house. “I will meet with him [Putin] at the appropriate time,” said trump. As reported previously, journalists

Ally Merkel has proposed to close the ports of the EU and the US to the Russian courts

Ally Merkel has proposed to close the ports of the EU and the US to the Russian courts MOSCOW, 1 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Secretary General of the German “Christian democratic Union” Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, commenting on the incident with the violation of Ukrainian ships to the Russian border, urged the EU and the US to discuss the possibility of closing its ports to Russian vessels from the Azov region, according to the magazine Stern. Upstairs According to the politician, the Western countries will have to give a clear answer, if it turns out that “the aggression came from Russia.” “One of the possible answers, for example, can be preventing the entry of Russian vessels coming from the region of the sea of Azov in the European and American ports until the situation with Ukraine will not be permitted”, quoted by crump, Karrenbauer edition. On the morning of 25 November,

Peskov told about the letter of the priest in the Kremlin

Peskov told about the letter of the priest in the Kremlin BUENOS AIRES, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Ex-lawyer, American President Donald trump Michael Cohen did in the Kremlin administration with questions about the construction of the building and asked to arrange a meeting with her leadership, the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs They explained that the presidential administration is not engaged in construction, and was invited to the St. Petersburg forum, after which they went missing, said Peskov. Earlier, the Washington Post reported that Cohen in January 2016, wrote by e-mail sand for construction in Moscow “of trump Tower” — so often called skyscrapers, which the company is building the American President. According to the newspaper, Cohen asked for help in the organization of the project, but received no response. On Thursday, Cohen confessed in court, saying that he lied to Congress about the project, trump’s real

In the Federation Council commented on the words Poroshenko about “bad news” for Putin

In the Federation Council commented on the words Poroshenko about “bad news” for Putin MOSCOW, 1 Dec — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, commenting on the incident in the Kerch Strait, said that he had “two bad news” for Russian leader Vladimir Putin. His statement in an interview with RT commented on the Russian Senator Vladimir Jabbarov. Upstairs Earlier, replying to the statement made by Russian President Vladimir Putin that Kiev authorities staged a provocation in the Kerch Strait for the cancellation of the election, Poroshenko said that the President of the country elected by the people of Ukraine, not Moscow. He also said that the cancellation of the upcoming elections in the country would benefit only Russia. A member of the Federation Council noted that the statement of the Ukrainian leader “defies logic”. According to dzhabarov, the first saying Poroshenko is “absolutely true”, the Senator noted

The book of the wife of Obama with criticism of trump became a bestseller in the United States

The book of the wife of Obama with criticism of trump became a bestseller in the United States In the United States and Canada in two weeks sold more than half of the circulation of the books of the former first lady of the United States Michelle Obama called “Becoming”. Upstairs For the first 15 days of the start of sales in these two countries has sold over 2 million copies of 3.4 million copies published, The Washington Post reports. It is noted that the book became a bestseller. This hard cover copies were sold more than any other book in 2018. Memoirs of the wife of Barack Obama translated into 31 different languages and are also sold in Australia, the UK, France, Germany and many other countries. In the book the wife of former U.S. President says the relationship with her husband, and also about what it doesn’t like

Putin and macron discussed the situation in the Kerch Strait and Syria

Putin and macron discussed the situation in the Kerch Strait and Syria BUENOS AIRES, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of France Emmanuel Makron discussed the situation in the Kerch Strait and in Syria. Upstairs “Of course, there’s more for us to discuss and to work together. I welcome the opportunity to discuss with you today on the occasion of the summit of “twenty”. In particular, this concerns the situation in Syria, we have seen that after a very useful meeting in Istanbul, the situation has changed. This also applies to the situation in Ukraine, especially given the events of the last several days,” said the French leader during the bilateral meeting with the President of Russia. Macron added that he would like to discuss with Putin to implement the Minsk agreements, cyber security, and total security architecture in Europe. In turn, Putin

Zakharova: Russia gently treated by the courts of Ukraine, violated the border of Russia in the Black sea

Zakharova: Russia gently treated by the courts of Ukraine, violated the border of Russia in the Black sea MOSCOW, November 30. /TASS/ — the Official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry said that “no country in the world would not allow himself to be worn for these madmen within their territorial waters.” Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Russia in “manual mode” to regulate the incident in the Kerch Strait, despite the fact that international rules allow a more severe reaction. This was stated on Friday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on air of TV program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia-1”. No country in the world would not allow himself to be worn for these madmen within their territorial waters, to request call to request who they are, to stop them, including risking their lives, to send so many people and in manual mode the whole day trying to stop

Putin and trump did not greet each other at the G20

Putin and trump did not greet each other at the G20 Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian leader warmly greeted the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, who was his roommate at the plenary session of the summit. Upstairs Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald trump before the photographing of G20 leaders in Buenos Aires did not greet each other. The ceremony photography from the press centre watched dozens of journalists. Putin was on the podium for photographs before American colleagues, trump passed him by. #G20 leaders including @realDonaldTrump and @JustinTrudeau pose for the traditional “class photo” group shot MORE: — (@globalnews) November 30, 2018. Then the heads of States of the “twenty” proceeded to the hall for the first plenary session. Putin was one of the first, away from him — the President of the United States. In the hall “plenary” Putin warmly greeted the

Argentine media called the limo Putin “bin on wheels”

Argentine media called the limo Putin “bin on wheels” BUENOS AIRES, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti. Argentine media discuss the four “beasts” — the limousines of presidents of Russia and the USA, which arrived together with their owners in Buenos Aires for the G20 summit. Upstairs Both machines, the local media called “Bestia”, which translated from Spanish means “beast”. Limousine Putin TV channel TN is considered to be “a real bunker on wheels” — it can withstand bullets of large caliber and even the impact of the explosives, all the parts of the machine are top secret. In Argentina, Putin brought the car Aurus. All your take: how presidents travel How did the fateful negotiations of the leaders of the two powers The distinguishing characteristics of armored car trump the newspaper Clarin said her weight is 7 tons and the ability to withstand chemical and biological attack. See also: Premier