France will distribute half a billion euros to the poor at Christmas

France will distribute half a billion euros to the poor at Christmas France traditionally will pay about 500 million euros Christmas bonus most needy citizens. About it reports The Local. Annual payments for the poor of the French will be distributed this week. The money received more than 2.3 million people. The goal is to give the poor an opportunity to prepare a festive table and gifts for the children. First of all, it will send out to the unemployed. The amount of money depends on the marital status of the recipient. Single childless people will get a little over 150 euros, childless couples — 228 euros. Lone parents the French government sent 228, 274, 335, or 396 Euro, depending on, one, two, three or four children in their family. Couples with one child will receive 274 euros, with four children — 442 euros. To do this, none of them

“The United States have already decided everything”

“The United States have already decided everything” Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov about the us ultimatum on missiles of intermediate and shorter-range missiles. It has been over two weeks since the US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo put forward Russia 60-day ultimatum on the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (the INF Treaty). If Moscow will not destroy a cruise missile ground-based 9М729, which, in Washington’s opinion, violates the agreement, the US will come out of this bilateral agreement, which is one of the pillars of the system of arms control. About whether there is a chance to save the Treaty, Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Ryabkov told the correspondent of “Kommersant” Elena Chernenko. — Moscow is ready to accept the ultimatum of Washington and to destroy or modify a “rocket-intruder” 9М729? — I don’t want to talk about this and other steps of Washington in

Gorbachev said Putin

Gorbachev said Putin Former President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev in an interview with RIA Novosti, denied the statement of Russian leader Vladimir Putin that the Soviet Union under the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) went for unilateral disarmament. Gorbachev expressed the opinion that the President could incorrectly inform. “No unilateral disarmament was not. According to the INF Treaty were destroyed hundreds of missiles — both Soviet and American,” he recalled. The statement by Putin that the agreement does not provide for the elimination of missiles, sea-and air-based, Gorbachev replied that such weapons were covered under the contract on reduction of strategic offensive arms (start I Treaty was signed in July 1991, now its functions are performed by start-III). The politician also stressed that all decisions on disarmament were carefully studied senior military leadership of the USSR. December 18 Vladimir Putin, speaking at a

Working in Russia, the German business called for the lifting of sanctions

Working in Russia, the German business called for the lifting of sanctions The majority of German companies doing business in Russia, advocate a phase-out antirossiysky of EU sanctions, according to a survey of the Russian-German chamber of Commerce and the Eastern Committee of German economy. “52% of surveyed companies are in favour of the phased abolition of EU economic sanctions against Russia, and another 43% for their immediate repeal. These figures remained relatively unchanged over the past few years”, — quotes “Interfax” in Moscow presented the results of the survey. Newsthese conditions the arrival of Russian oligarchs in Davos According to the study, the willingness of German companies to invest in Russia persists. The amount of corporate investments planned for the next 12 months, is more than 628 million euros, significantly higher than last year’s level. More than half of the respondents reported direct or indirect impact of US sanctions,

Ukrainian civil servants began to check for the presence of relatives in Russia and the Donbass

Ukrainian civil servants began to check for the presence of relatives in Russia and the Donbass Moscow. 18 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the security Service of Ukraine, by order of the President, checks of Ukrainian civil servants “in the presence of their relatives”, which can cooperate with the secret services of the Russian Federation and the LNR and the DNR, reported “Interfax” the speaker of the SBU Elena Gitlyanskaya. “The SBU on a regular basis conducts a review of civil servants concerning their relations with the occupied Crimea, LNR, DND, Russia,” she said. While Gitlyanskaya said that, “if there are established facts of relations of civil servants with the enemy’s intelligence services, the presence of family members who cooperate with Russia, the LPR and DPR”, then decisions will be made in the framework of current legislation. Gitlyanskaya also said that specific decisions concerning the first Deputy head of the foreign intelligence

The state Duma decided not to return the ban on beer ads

The state Duma decided not to return the ban on beer ads Moscow. 18 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma adopted in the first reading a bill lifting the ban on beer advertising, which was filmed at the time of the world Cup. The ban on advertising of beer after the end of the world Cup was again to be established by 31 December 2018. The bill was introduced in the state Duma on December 12 and during the week introduced on first reading. He proposes to keep the possibility of distribution of advertising of beer and beverages, manufactured on the basis of beer, after January 1, 2019, in the cases provided by the law “On advertising”: in television and radio broadcasts from 23 to 7 PM local time, in periodicals, in television during the broadcast of live or recorded sporting events, it is told in accompanying documents. The document

Usmerava “yellow vests” French police threatened to revolt

Usmerava “yellow vests” French police threatened to revolt French unions members of the police authorities threatened to start a protest in that case, if you do not get a raise and mitigate working conditions. On it informs Agency Associated Press. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий To such measures of police brought several weeks of continuous operation on suppression of protests by “yellow jackets”, which often degenerate into clashes. Union representatives reported that on Tuesday, December 18, will work in a relaxed mode, and from December 19 to begin their own protest, “blue vests” colour of protective clothing. During the download an error has occurred. The unions urged the police under protest to answer only emergency calls to affect the decision of the government budget: expenditure on the police is to reduce by 62 million euros. On December 20, the scheduled meeting of the French National Assembly, which will discuss the budget in 2019. As

Putin has allowed to block offensive sites

Putin has allowed to block offensive sites The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the law on immediate blocking of websites with information encouraging children to commit life-threatening illegal actions. The document published on the official portal of legal information. In the unified register of banned sites will be subject to resources, disseminate information aimed at “inducing or otherwise involve minors in committing illegal acts that pose a threat to their life and health or to the life and health of other persons.” Amendments were made to two laws — “On information, information technologies and protection of information” and “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”. Currently, the law forbids to distribute child pornography, information about methods of committing suicide and the use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs.

Putin said the INF Treaty, the unilateral disarmament of the USSR

Putin said the INF Treaty, the unilateral disarmament of the USSR Moscow. 18 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) for the USSR became a de facto unilateral disarmament, said Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that he did not understand the reasons for signing the document. Speaking at the Collegium of the defense Ministry of Russia, Putin decided to stay on the topic of possible U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty, noting that it is a relevant question, “attracting the attention of the public in our country and in the world.” The Russian President reminded that the agreement was signed in 1987 and provided for the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range from 500 to 5 thousand km. Eliminated land-based missiles. But the Soviet Union had no other. The United States has been — and marine, and airborne. And we didn’t have. Therefore, from the point

The state Duma adopted the law on the termination of a number of criminal cases after reparation

The state Duma adopted the law on the termination of a number of criminal cases after reparation The law on the termination of a number of criminal cases after the damages received on Tuesday, December 18, in the state Duma. We are talking about minor crimes, such as fraud, intentional breach of contract in the field of business, as well as patent infringement, plagiarism, breach of trust or refusal to hire or the dismissal of people of retirement age. The law also refers to giving money or embezzlement, unpaid wages, pensions or benefits, but only if this is the first time, and if the culprit has returned all the funds in full, adding to them the compensation, said the TV channel “Star”. The objective of the changes are to protect the entrepreneurs from unnecessary harassment and improve the business climate. Earlier, on 24 November, Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted to