The foreign Minister said the refusal of Kiev from new truce

The foreign Minister said the refusal of Kiev from new truce The delegation of Ukraine in the subgroup on safety in Minsk, left the meeting room to discuss the introduction of the Christmas truce in the Donbass, said the foreign Ministry of the breakaway Donetsk national Republic (DND). “At the meeting, representatives of Kyiv demonstratively left the hall of negotiations, thus confirming its unwillingness to agree truce”, — quotes “Interfax” the statement of the Ministry. The foreign Minister added, special coordinator of the OSCE monitoring mission Ertugrul Apakan is taking all possible measures to continue meeting. Representative of Kiev in sub-Irina Gerashchenko later reported that the introduction of the new truce will discuss during the Skype conference on December 27. “This was agreed today in the trilateral contact group in Minsk,” — wrote Mrs. Gerashchenko in Facebook. DNR and the self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic (LNR) proposed to declare a new

Putin approved the list of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of governors

Putin approved the list of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of governors MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin approved the list of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of governors on the implementation of the may decree and instructed to execute this decision. This is stated in the published on the Kremlin website the list of instructions following meeting of State Council Presidium. “To approve the indicators for evaluating the performance of senior officials of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for achieving the objectives set by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from may 7, 2018 No. 204 “On the national goals and strategic objectives development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024, prepared by the working group of the State Council of the Russian Federation”, — stated in the instructions. The administration of the President of the Russian Federation

The media has reported on trump’s orders to withdraw troops from Syria

The media has reported on trump’s orders to withdraw troops from Syria MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump gave the us military the order for complete withdrawal of American troops from Syria, reports Bloomberg, citing a source. Previously, the newspaper the Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar with the situation, reported that US forces prepare to fully withdraw the military from the North-Eastern part of Syria. According to the newspaper, American officials have begun to inform their partners in the North-East of Syria’s intention to begin an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from the region. As reported by CNN, citing a source in the defense Ministry, the decision was made by US President Donald trump. According to the channel, now in Syria there are about 2 thousand troops. As noted by the Washington Post, the administration’s plans, they will be withdrawn from

Trump said that the US won the IG in Syria

Trump said that the US won the IG in Syria WASHINGTON, 19 Dec. /TASS/. The United States claim to have achieved victory over the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in Syria, which was the sole purpose of being there American troops during the presidency of Donald trump. About this American leader said Wednesday on his Twitter page. “We defeated ISIS in Syria, which during my presidency was the only reason we are there,” he said. Previously, the newspaper The Washington Post, citing an anonymous military source said that the American administration intends to promptly begin the withdrawal of troops from Syria, which currently consists of about 2 thousand people. It was noted that the decision was made Tuesday, about the reasons for this step have not yet been reported. HelpWhat is known about the military operations of US, UK and France in Siriopoulos to strike at Arab

100 days before the “breccia”. Britain’s way out of the difficult political crisis

100 days before the “breccia”. Britain’s way out of the difficult political crisis In just over three months before the proposed time of exit from the EU, Britain was in a political crisis of this country in peacetime was not for several decades, and even a couple of centuries. Good for the British politicians way out of this crisis in sight. Went two-and-a-half years ago to exit the EU, Britain stopped a step away from the door, unable to decide which foot to cross the threshold and to cross it at all. The Parliament refuses to approve the agreement for withdrawal which was made by the European Union and the British government, but neither in Parliament nor outside of him there is no force able to offer a mutually acceptable alternative solution. The newsIn Britain turned against migrants from Europe British politicians in recent weeks and days are increasingly talking

The Pentagon is going to completely withdraw troops from the North-East of Syria

The Pentagon is going to completely withdraw troops from the North-East of Syria Moscow. 19 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — US commanders preparing to withdraw their troops from the North-Eastern Syria, reported on Wednesday the newspaper the Wall Street Journal, citing informed sources. According to them, American military officials started to inform partners in North-Eastern Syria about its plans to immediately begin the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the region where they are trying to complete the campaign against the “Islamic state” (banned in Russia as a terrorist organization). As notes the edition, this step followed a telephone conversation between U.S. President Donald trump and the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has threatened to launch an attack on Kurdish partners of the United States in Syria. HelpWhat is known about the military operations of US, UK and France in Siriopoulos to strike at Arab Republic was the incident on 7

Ukraine has announced a new campaign of its warships through the Strait of Kerch

Ukraine has announced a new campaign of its warships through the Strait of Kerch Ukraine is preparing a new passage of its warships through the Strait of Kerch. About it in interview “Bi-bi-si Ukraine”, said Secretary of Council of national security and defence (NSDC) country Oleksandr Turchynov. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “It is fundamentally for us. If we stop and turn away, then Russia will actually perform its task of capturing the Azov sea,” he said. According to him, Russia, in the case of “derogation” of Ukraine, presenting the world a new Maritime border in the Black sea, it is certain that, in turn, de-facto “legalize the occupation of the Crimea”. Turchynov pointed out that with the implementation of the new Ukrainian ships pass through the Strait you can’t hesitate. “We invite our partners to participate in this aisle of the Ukrainian black sea ports to Ukrainian ports on the Azov coast,” he

The deputies adopted the law about responsible treatment of animals

The deputies adopted the law about responsible treatment of animals The main innovations — is not going to keep wild animals, dog lovers when walking Pets to clean up after them in common areas, and contact the zoos in shopping centers will have to close. The lower house of Parliament has returned to consideration of amendments seven years after the first reading. All this time, there were disputes. But animal rights activists in anticipation of the law held pickets, including near the state Duma. The activists even went on hunger strike to press for the adoption of this law. MPs wasn’t ignoring them, because the need for regulation in the problem area have understood all. In the version of the amendments agreed to the second reading, is completely prohibited killing of animals, under whatever pretext, called the main idea the head of the Duma Committee on ecology and environmental protection

Medvedev: the Official should not “to bronze over”

Medvedev: the Official should not “to bronze over” The government is sympathetic to the criticism from the parliamentarians assured their Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev thanked for constructive interaction. To congratulate the deputies with the end of the autumn session and to thank for their joint work on Okhotny Ryad on Wednesday personally visited Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He had to wait until the MPs will complete its consideration of all bills on the agenda, and the discussions and presentations in the courtroom was delayed. The Prime Minister considered it quite normal, especially because in a dispute born truth. Any criticism from parliamentarians in the Executive branch also accepts: No one needs to bronze over. Every head of the Agency when the legislator points out to him on certain issues, owe to yourself to make conclusions. Back in the spring as a candidate for the post of head of the Cabinet

Hackers several years to read the correspondence of European diplomats about the US, Russia and China

Hackers several years to read the correspondence of European diplomats about the US, Russia and China Moscow. 19 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Unidentified hackers for several years had access to the diplomatic correspondence in the EU and have downloaded thousands of emails, reports the New York Times, citing data from Area 1 dealing with issues of cybersecurity. The company has shared with the newspaper with information from 1.1 million of letters of EU diplomats. According to the newspaper, the hackers gained access to the correspondence via a European communications network COREU. Among the correspondence was foreign policy, taxes and trade, terrorism, migration, description of the various meetings. Among the compromised data were weekly reports from the EU delegations in Russia, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, China, USA and Ukraine, the newspaper writes. In one of the internal correspondences, according to the newspaper, European diplomats called last summer in Helsinki a meeting of the