The Kurds asked for help from France in connection with the withdrawal of US troops from Syria

The Kurds asked for help from France in connection with the withdrawal of US troops from Syria Syrian Kurds consider premature withdrawal of American troops from Syria, according to them, the victory over the banned terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG) to speak while early. This was stated by “RIA Novosti” the representative of the Kurds in Moscow. In addition, the Kurds fear that Turkey might occupy their lands in Syria. In this regard, the Kurdish “Syrian democratic Council” has asked France to establish a no-fly zone in Northern Syria, reported the leadership of the Kurdish organizations. Earlier, the AFP news Agency reported that the Syrian Kurds asked for French assistance in connection with the decision of the President of the United States Donald trump to withdraw its troops from Syria. Friday, 21 December, the French presidency Emmanuel macron has received a delegation of the Kurds in the Elysee Palace. American

Putin instructed Medvedev to personally supervise the implementation of national projects

Putin instructed Medvedev to personally supervise the implementation of national projects The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev discussed the main directions of work of the government. Speaking about the control over execution of national projects, the President said, “Many indicators, they should be in the computer, but it’s important to see what happens in real life in the territories what is behind these indicators.” NewsHousing failed the project “I very much hope that colleagues in the government — Ministers, Deputy Prime Ministers — will give this component the attention. Please, Mr President, and you personally, too, to take in this work”, — said Mr. Putin. We will remind, in the Federal cost for all 12 projects and infrastructure program is around 10% of total expenditure instead of the expected 15%, the provision for 2019 mainly less than expected. Therefore, further adjustment of national projects even

A rabies shot. Why trump is looking for a replacement Secretary of defense

A rabies shot. Why trump is looking for a replacement Secretary of defense General James “Mad Dog” Mattis will retire at the end of February. In September the newspaper the New York Times (NYT), citing sources in the White house, Congress and the U.S. Department of defense reported that James Mattis finally fell out of favor with President Donald Trump. On 20 December the head of the Pentagon resigned, noting in his address to the President that he “is entitled to have the defense Minister, whose views largely coincide with it.” Mattis announced his retirement the next day after trump has ordered the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. TASS explains how the General was in the White house and why he is leaving. The portrait of the Minister Shortly after winning the presidential election of 2016, trump said Mattis, whose candidacy, he was considered “a real General of generals.”

The head of the Pentagon at parting warned trump about the Russian threat

The head of the Pentagon at parting warned trump about the Russian threat Pentagon chief James Mattis in his resignation letter warned the American leader Donald trump about growing Russian and Chinese threats. Full text of the letter published by the newspaper The Guardian. “I believe that we need to act with determination in relations with countries whose strategic interests are increasingly inconsistent with our. It is obvious that China and Russia want to rebuild the world in its authoritarian patterns, reinforcing (…) the impact on other countries in order to benefit at the expense of their neighbors, the United States and our allies,” he wrote. Just read Gen. Mattis resignation letter. It makes it abundantly clear that we are headed towards a series of grave policy errors which will endanger our nation,damage our alliances & empower our adversaries. 1/2 — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) 20 December 2018. Mattis also

The city Duma of Ekaterinburg has secretly added money in your content

The city Duma of Ekaterinburg has secretly added money in your content Estimates of the City Duma of Ekaterinburg, contrary to the regulations, for the first time was not discussed and not brought to a vote at any meetings or hearings in the structural units of the municipality. This was reported resource Moreover, the Chairman of the Duma Igor Volodin, acting head of the Department of Finance of administration of Ekaterinburg Anna touruntseva tried to hide from the press information about the increase of maintenance costs of the municipal Parliament in 2019 13.5 percent compared to the current year. On a direct question of the correspondent reported increased estimates for 19 million 146 thousand rubles, head of the city Duma at first denied everything, and after the submission of the relevant documents just withdrew, citing the fact that he is in a hurry to the event. City Treasurer

CNBC: Russia has successfully tested a “Zircon”

CNBC: Russia has successfully tested a “Zircon” Russia conducted another successful test of the supersonic anti-ship missiles “Zircon”, against which the United States currently have no protection, says CNBC, citing two sources familiar with U.S. intelligence report. Indicates that this missile will go to Arsenal by 2022. According to sources, in 2015, Russia conducted five trials. The last one was held on 10 December, says CNBC. During the test, were able to develop the speed to a maximum speed of Mach 8, almost eight times the speed of sound, according to the material. The source explained the vision USA purpose of this weapon. According to him, “Zircon” was created for a dual purpose, as for attacks on targets on land or on a ship at sea. The American source said that Russia was able to achieve “sustained flight”, the move “is crucial in the development of hypersonic weapons”. The us

The Federation Council approved the law on decriminalization repost

The Federation Council approved the law on decriminalization repost The Federation Council approved a law abolishing criminal penalties for first offences committed under article 282 of the Criminal code (incitement of hatred or enmity). The bill was submitted to the Duma by President Vladimir Putin, he aims to reduce the number of cases for the comments, likes and reposts in social networks. Amendments article 282 soften, and Supplement the administrative code article “inciting hatred or hostility, and humiliation of human dignity”, according to which the first violation will face administrative fines from 10 000 to 20 000 rubles, or obligatory works for the term up to 100 hours or administrative arrest up to 15 days for legal entities the fine will be from 250 000 to 500 000 rubles. Newsof Extremists chase through Cao Actions aimed at inciting hatred, humiliation of a person or group of persons on grounds of

Zakharova said the test of Roskomnadzor BBC World News

Zakharova said the test of Roskomnadzor BBC World News MOSCOW, 21 Dec — RIA Novosti. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the decision of Roskomnadzor on the audit of BBC World News in Russia a long overdue response to the intervention of the British authorities in the activities of Russian media. Roskomnadzor in response to the imposition of British Ofcom decisions on violation of rules RT broadcast announced the beginning of the inspection channel BBC World News, as well as the resources of the Internet channel for compliance of the produced materials with the Russian legislation. “It’s time”, — Zakharov wrote on his page in Facebook. “I am sincerely sorry for correspondents of the air force, many of whom are true professionals and conscientiously perform their duties. But gross interference of the British government in the activities of Russian media (constant propaganda against RT, attempts

Europe threatened Moscow criminal trial over Kadyrov

Europe threatened Moscow criminal trial over Kadyrov The permanent Council of the OSCE presented the report on human rights violations in Chechnya, prepared in the framework of the initiated against Russia, “Moscow mechanism”, writes “Novaya Gazeta”. Moscow proposed to seriously investigate the actions of the administration and law enforcement agencies of the Republic. Otherwise it will be engaged international experts who will bring the matter to the International criminal court in the Hague. The report refers to illegal detentions and torture of members of the LGBTI community, the author of the document — Professor of international law at the Austrian University of Graz Wolfgang Benedek — points to such facts as clear, compelling, systematic and massive. Persecuted people, according to Benedek, kept in secret prisons, deprived of any legal protection. In some cases, as noted in the report, the Chechen security forces carried out the detention and torture for seeking

The government did not support the introduction of the concept of “criminal misconduct”

The government did not support the introduction of the concept of “criminal misconduct” The Russian government gave a negative opinion on the Supreme court developed a draft law in Russian law introduced the concept of “criminal misconduct”. According to the White house innovation “will entail an additional burden on employees of criminally-Executive system” and may require additional expenditures from the budget. “It should be noted that the proposed changes in part of the exoneration of the perpetrator of a criminal offense are not in conformity with article 52 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, because it does not take into account the interests of victims who, as a result of Commission of the criminal offense caused damage”, — stated in the document (.pdf), signed by Vice-Prime Minister, the head of the government of Konstantin Chuichenko. NewsCrime becomes a misdemeanor Attention to the negative feedback drew the newspaper “Vedomosti”. A